Danny/Aiden #4 - DnA - Getting All Freaky On Me

:lol: :lol:

I'd love to read The Adventures of Dirty Cop and Kinky Teacher.

Now that you mention it, I can sooooo see Danny visting Aiden on the university, showing her his badge only for the sake of it. It'd definitely bring teh grin to her lips. The ole times. Maybe go to her house with an warrant to search through her bedroom.

They're too sweet hotdamn.
a warrant to search through her bedroom.

that is way the most clever thing i've heard. ALL DAY. HELLO? someone needs to write a fanfic about this. its official. im just too lazy to do it...haha
Hi all, long time no.. er... something..
Anyway, hello new thread, sorry I missed the whole first page, and aparently some talk about dirty cops and kinky teachers. I always miss the good stuff.
Thanks, everyone for the great comments about the icons, so glad you liked them. Here are some more for ya. Second batch and half way through.
Jack, you are my icon. *sniggers at her own lameass joke*
i love 24, 26, 31, 49, and 50.

DnA are like family...husband and wife LOL. haha im such a dork. We need more DnA fanfics btw. im having withdrawl, im inn the middle of finishing the editing on my fic. ill post when im through.
Noo, not what mean. Course he's talking about her duh, cuz who else could it be? So that's what I'm asking. What's the scene? Why did he say that? Er... ok I'm not making any sense anymore, not even to me.
It was him and Hawkes walking up to the crimescene..He was just complaining about it taking up 2 hours of his Saturday to go to some kid's barmitzvah hehe.
He was so talkin' about Aiden...


& he had this whole thing about kids too... It was cute... 1st he's like 'private schools are a good investment for the future'... then later he's all 'I'm never gonna have kids, no thank you, not for me'... But Hawkes calls him on it "What about future investments?"... then I forget what happened cos I watched it @ like 2am...


can look now!!!!! BOOO :eek:!!! So I had this 'Tanglewood' Redux theory... They can BRING BURN BACK on that eppy... like somehow in her new job she gets like, all involved & then Danny gets like, all worried and then like, like, like... ok somebody help me out cos I'm running on like 4 hours of sleep & caffeennnnnniiiiiiieeeee...

oh, nice icons Jacky

makes a helluva more sense now!!

Awwwww how sweet is that. Obviously it's Aiden. Who else could it be? Awwwww.

Aw damnit, I'm all teary and warm inside now :lol:
wait... what?? how the hell did i miss that? whose bar mitzvah? whaaaaa?? he was at... the what... how was he related to this kid?

Jack, i TOTALLY love number 50... THE GARBAGE SCENE!! yesss, trash duty is BACK! muahaha :lol:
wait... what?? how the hell did i miss that? whose bar mitzvah? whaaaaa?? he was at... the what... how was he related to this kid?


He was complaining to Hawkes that he had to give up 2 hours on Saturday to go to this girl's bosses son's bar mitzvah party... soooo we were saying he's talkin' bout Aiden... so he's NOT related to the kid... & through out the eppy he was makin' comments about kids & stuff