CSI: The Ultimate Quiz for shippers and fans

Hi. I'm going to move this thread over to Shipper Central as that forum would be more appropriate for this type of material.


Mostly B's
Your Greg Sanders. Funny, immature at times and loveable.
You can take on new roles with ease, but sometimes regret things you can't change.
Cath in second.
Wow I'm completely Sara. Although that doesn't come as an absolute shock, I thought I'd at least have a point or two as someone else...
i'm a lot of things: greg, nick and grissom (even though i'm a girl o_O) and even though i didn't get that result on the quiz, i know i'm a bit of sara too...
There's a shock - I'm Sara (I'm always Sara) Wootwoot! :D (I was very nearly Grissom though -4 a's, 3 e's) -Does that make me an uber-geek? :lol:

LOL, forensicsgirl, I got 3 a's and 3 e's too, with the last question being... e! :lol:

So I'm Grissom! :D

Mind you, EVERY quiz I ever took I'm ALWAYS Grissom...