CSI: The Movie?!

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CSI Level Two
I don't know if theres ever been a thread discussing this so here goes.

Do you think CSI The Movie would be a good idea? Or a realistic one? Could it ever happen? X Files did it (and I sit everyday and pray for the second one lol) do you think it would be a good move for CSI to follow in thier footsteps?
I think about it all the time. 24 is even coming out with a movie. I think it would be a great idea, but the storyline would have to be something like Grave Danger. I don't see it happening, but i wouldn't rule it out.
I don't remember who but someone on the crew said "we want to wait until the 30th season to make a movie" on the season 1 disk features
yeah that would be awesome. Grave Danger, if it didn't have the break in the middle could have been a film sort of ep. But I bet Quintin would do it. i loved the extra things he put in the ep, like the hallucinating part, that was awesome. So definetely. Man, a 10ft Grissom plastered in front of me, god how could i not love it! :lol:
i would think so if they made an CSI movie for 2 hours i would most definately watch it. i love CSI and the forensics they use. if they did make it i would watch...
I mean you gotta think, some 25 million consistant CSI viewers each week, even if they don't all go see the movie, your still going to have non-watchers see the movie, and people like me that will see if more then once. I think the movie could gross a hell of a lot of money. I mean if 24 is doing it, why not CSI. CSI has more then twice the viewers 24 does.
If CSI was made into a movie, I could see some comedic moments thrown in. :D. Like especially in the previews; something to do with Greg.

I would love if there was a crossover between all 3 movie, but for the nonviewers it might be too many people/names to keep track of...

Until there is an actual movie, I'll be making fake trailers :D
I'd like CSI The Movie but I can't see it anytime soon. It'd be sooooo damn cool though. Just like an episode but longer lol.

There doing 24 the movie?! Awesome, Keither rawks.
mrb105 said:
and people like me that will see if more then once. I think the movie could gross a hell of a lot of money.

Yeah. I guess it'd be one of the greatest money-making movie, and I'm one of them who'll watch more than once. May be four or five time plus if 3 CSIs are combined in this movie. :lol: Great idea!!
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