Not much of a review, more a train of thought from tonight’s episode! Feel free to skip my ramblings!
Quick side note, I’m sure I didn’t see Marg on the opening credits; will someone tell me if I’m seeing things please?
What an opener! I loved the lighting at the start of the show; it’s been awhile (to my knowledge) that they’ve opened on shots of Vegas in the daytime. Sometimes they get lost on the seedy nights there in Vegas, rarely pausing to show what it’s like in the day (I know they work the graveyard shift) – shakes things up, makes it interesting.
Tina? Another mans baby? Warrick! What have you been hiding?
The tension at the start of the episode was already mounting before we even knew Warrick was running late. We also know from previous episodes, Grissom has a soft spot for Warrick. So it was no surprise he let him off with a soft warning at the start.
Episode nine and CSI is back on track, about twenty minutes in and so far, I’m hooked!
Looking to be a very Warrick shaped episode! About time!
Oh hi Nick! Wondered where you’d been. Oh and he’s clocked the pills… I love the relationship these two have together and the fact Nick’s not afraid to back down – when that boy believes in something, he really goes for it!
Warrick’s really on stride to hang himself here, going toe to toe with the sheriff! Good thing Grissom was there to tow him back in, but how far is Grissom likely go in helping him?
Grissom in a strip club? Hmm… not a sight I thought I’d ever see, even if it wasn’t there for the same reason everyone else was!
Warrick’s setting himself up for a awfully big fall, and a pretty big trip too!
YOU CAN’T JUST END IT THERE!!! NOOOOOO!!! I need to know what happens!!! The sickening thing is I have the episode downloaded on my laptop, but I can bring myself to click on it, I can’t break tradition! I’m going to be biting my nails in anticipation for the next seven days!!
I’ve got to say, that was a fantastic episode! In my opinion, this season has been a slow start but it’s shaping up to be a very interesting turn of events. I’m looking forward to finding out what the damage control is going to be from Warrick’s actions, and how the aftermath plays out.
I thought it’d be skewif after Sara’s absence, but sadly I didn't find myself missing her