CSI Pyramid

Yay *dances round the room*

Can someone else please do one for me. My head hurts to much at the minute to try and think of one.

Amy (Grissom, Sara and Greg lover forever) :) :)
I've got several I've come up with, but I'll just drop one:

"I hate getting stuck in peoples' mouths or other orifaces" "Swipe, snip, anaylze and trash for me" "Yuck! I have to absorb WHAT bodily fluid?"
Lindsey Willows, Rodger Stokes, Ray Caine Sr, Ray Caine Jr, Louie Messer, Kenwall 'Duke' Duquesne.
:D cool. Thanks Dynamo. I'll have a new one soon... I just have to come up with one.

Okay, got one.

Jenna Williams, Tyler Jenson, Kaile Maka