CSI:NY Spoiler Discussion - Bring on Season 6!

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Yes, I can see Flack becoming very overprotective...wow, I can't even imagine how the first diner scene of 6.01 is going to play out, what with all the hysterics (they'd better let us see it, though!)

Yeah, I want to see that bar scene. I will feel really robbed if we don't get to see the immediate aftermath at all. Totally want to see Flack freaking out when Danny is shot--it's going to be like immediate deja vu for him. Bonus points if we see him carrying Danny out of the bar like we did with Angell. ;)

Don't know if this has been discussed yet, but I'm starting to get the feeling that Danny is going to be at work a lot sooner than I had hoped.

Going off of Hill's Twitter, he has a Tweet that says:

Great day shooting scenes with Mac, Stella, Danny and Adam. All in the Audio/Visual Lab. Great script! Can't wait 4 u guys to see season 6!!
This gives me the impression that they're doing the time jump, or at least sending him right back to work. Due to the spoilers (that I've read) I believe this is for episode one, because two was filmed first (to my knowledge) and there are no spoilers for ep three. Now, I'm not all up-to-date on spoilers like I have been in the past, but judging on this, it doesn't leave me all too happy.

Now, on the other hand, Hill says it is a great script. So I'm trusting his word and taking it for what it is.

I *think* this is possible still episode two... and I have a feeling Danny will be at work in the lab even if he's in a wheelchair because they're not going to keep him at home since he's not being written out of the show. If he's confronting someone in episode one with Mac, that suggests to me he is back at work... which does suggest a time cut of some kind. That's a bit of a bummer, but maybe necessary to get him back at work realistically. I have no idea how long someone would be out of work after a gunshot wound... but I'd guess at least a month or so, maybe more, suggesting that they have to do a time cut.

I just really hope we get to see what happened in that bar. :eek:
Miyukiseta, I am now following you on Twitter :D

I'm following you too!;)

Cool :D Let the tweets of CSI:NY addicts take over the Intarwebz!

I would if I was part of the cast a global hit show.
Oh, I would too! And probably way too much :lol:

Hill (and Eddie...and AJ...and Robert...) deserve a lot more screentime. They are just amazing actors, but they don't get all the screentime they deserve just because TPTB loves Danny and Lindsay to pieces.:rolleyes:
And it's funny because they thought DL would bring them the 18-25 demographic... BUT NOT according to this interview. :lol: Maybe if their relationship would have been better written.

And they do have other talented actors and it's a shame we don't get to see them more often :(.

I don't know why I have this feeling, but I think that TPTB will somehow regain some sense and try and fix up the DL mess. Maybe from reading threads on sites like Talk. I really hope that they can fix it while they can. Maybe it's just the crystal ball in my imagination:confused:...
Hahaha, well, we might share the same imagination :lol: I really hope they could fix it but it wouldn't change their past. Though a couple has to go forward to stay together so maybe they'll work their communication and other problems. IF Lindsay and Danny are going toward the same direction, that is... Oh, teh dramaz!

And if Lindsay plays the victim card again...AHHGAIN! I think I will set my TV on fire.
Can I help?:lol:[/quote]

Oh, please, bring the gasolina when S6 starts! And with the fire we could pop some pop-corn :lol: or roast some marshmallows!

Faylinn said:

Natalie Bassingthwaighte has suffered the ultimate Hollywood snub, when she pitched up to audition for CSI:NY - the producers didn't even turn on the camera.
From here.

I guess they knew she wasn't what they were looking for - but that's kind of harsh. :wtf:

Woh. Totally harsh. I hope it wasn't due to her previous works. And that happens after her depression?! Yikes!!! I hope she didn't took it too hard. Though, judging from her looks, she fits the Mary-Sue description they had for Kaye.
Yes! They all share something in common and it would do good to Flack that they support him in their own ways.
They showed the beginning of that in the finale. When Flack left the hospital and Mac and Danny found the humvee Flack showed up with blood on his shirt and said "I have to be here" and Mac said "Sure Don" And also in the end in the bar scene when they were "toasting" Ange,l Stella went over and put her arm on Flack in support. Maybe there only leaking out D/L is because they dont want to give any of the "Good story" away. wishful thinking:rolleyes:
For my part, I also hope that one shall be entitled to Flashbacks showing us the reactions of each notament of Don!
After Angell's loss, I dare not to imagine what he is going to feel when he will see him hurting !
But I think that that will be hard to see Danny nailing on a wheelchair, knowing the character danny!
I guess they could be leaking the D/L stuff because it doesn't give away the plot line of the story yet gives us something to chew on before S6 starts in Sept.

I'm thinking we may see the rest of the diner shootout scene in retrospect so they can move the timeline forward quickly toward current day in NYC. Now if the new girl had been cast as a CSI right out of the box, I could see them prolonging Danny's injury through many episodes. If they had brought her in to take up the slack while he recovered then the wheelchair would make sense long term. But I don't see it happening. My thought is that he will probably progress from wheelchair to cane and be back to walking around pretty quickly. Also the time jump would be more realistic and acceptable if done early on in the season. I hope that makes sense.
I think they will pass the first weeks quickly (coma, hospital release and home recovering) but for the rest Hill Harper said in the interview that we are going to see the aftermath this season I suppose Danny will have hard time to get on his legs again because it's a drama.....
Maybe there only leaking out D/L is because they dont want to give any of the "Good story" away. wishful thinking:rolleyes:

Ahhh! I don't want to get my hopes too high lol I'd love it was true what you said. Though I'm thinking they're leaking out D/L to make sure the fandom tunes in for the season premiere, ratings, blablaboringstuff :rolleyes:
I'm thinking we may see the rest of the diner shootout scene in retrospect so they can move the timeline forward quickly toward current day in NYC. Now if the new girl had been cast as a CSI right out of the box, I could see them prolonging Danny's injury through many episodes. If they had brought her in to take up the slack while he recovered then the wheelchair would make sense long term. But I don't see it happening. My thought is that he will probably progress from wheelchair to cane and be back to walking around pretty quickly. Also the time jump would be more realistic and acceptable if done early on in the season. I hope that makes sense.

I'm agree,I shall indeed love, that we can see a real evolution in Danny's state, as you evoked him!
But I don't worry more than it, we have excellent authors and a subject which has of what to hold several episodes!
Lori, thanks for your reassurance! You have a point there, maybe TPTB don't want to give too much away *crosses fingers*

Ahhh! I don't want to get my hopes too high lol I'd love it was true what you said. Though I'm thinking they're leaking out D/L to make sure the fandom tunes in for the season premiere, ratings, blablaboringstuff :rolleyes:
Oh, yeah. Definitely. I'll only watch 6.01 to see Mrs. Danny Messer bawling about how she'll have to carry all the weight upon her shoulders now her husband can't walk. I hope Danny is the one in the spotlight. He's the one getting hurt, he should be. But then again, if you watch "Charge of This Post", you see this random character, who happens to be named Don Flack, getting his guts blown up so that SuperMac! can take revenge and show he's a total macho Marine.
Someone posted somewhere on the web (can't remember where) that they'd seen a twitter tweet (or whatever!) from the actor who played the barman in the finale. Apparently it said he'd been recalled for a re-shoot. I assume that means they're going to be showing us more detail in terms of who gets hurt and the fallout from that. I'm assuming it'll be in the form of a flashback but it'll be good to see what actually happens and reactions etc.
Is anyone else wondering of TPTB are going to go down the route of pain medication addiction with Danny?? I think it would fit with the whole Danny/Lindsay drama but also allow Danny to be back at work... I know its been done on a few drama's before (ER springs to mind) but if written well, is something I can see Carmine really knocking out the park so to speak.... I guess time will tell... Is it September yet?! ;)
Someone posted somewhere on the web (can't remember where) that they'd seen a twitter tweet (or whatever!) from the actor who played the barman in the finale. Apparently it said he'd been recalled for a re-shoot. I assume that means they're going to be showing us more detail in terms of who gets hurt and the fallout from that. I'm assuming it'll be in the form of a flashback but it'll be good to see what actually happens and reactions etc.

Wow, some people are awesome at ferreting out these spoilers! That's impressive. And GOOD--I want to see it all unfold in the bar, even if it is just in flashback. I hope it's in real time but no matter what, I want to see it happen.

Is anyone else wondering of TPTB are going to go down the route of pain medication addiction with Danny?? I think it would fit with the whole Danny/Lindsay drama but also allow Danny to be back at work... I know its been done on a few drama's before (ER springs to mind) but if written well, is something I can see Carmine really knocking out the park so to speak.... I guess time will tell... Is it September yet?! ;)

I hope they don't go down the pain medication addiction route with Danny--that's one thing I really don't want to see. And I think it would be somewhat OOC, too... it's just not a road I see Danny going down. The opposite, even--I could see him refusing to take pain meds so as to avoid just that... and of course, then being able to complain more (understandably).
I hope they don't go down the pain medication addiction route with Danny--that's one thing I really don't want to see. And I think it would be somewhat OOC, too... it's just not a road I see Danny going down. The opposite, even--I could see him refusing to take pain meds so as to avoid just that... and of course, then being able to complain more (understandably).[/QUOTE]

For me it is a big possibility -- although I don't like it-- but I can't help myself picturing in my head Danny with med addiction Lindsey to be in a verge of breakdown, tough cases ahead, Danny makes a mistake all hell breaks loose and then Mac's saving him :) I really replay this scenario in my head. But, really I hope not...
I can't wait the next season. I think is a lot emotion and the darkness for this one.
I hope to see some teaser soon
For me it is a big possibility -- although I don't like it-- but I can't help myself picturing in my head Danny with med addiction Lindsey to be in a verge of breakdown, tough cases ahead, Danny makes a mistake all hell breaks loose and then Mac's saving him :) I really replay this scenario in my head. But, really I hope not...

I want to see Danny get himself into danger and have to be rescued (I'd prefer Flack, but hey--Danny's the resident damsel-in-distress... it's not a proper season if someone isn't rescuing him! :lol: ). I just hope it has nothing to do with pain meds. I could totally see him putting himself in danger, or getting himself into some situation he can't handle.

I hope we don't see too much "It's All About MEEEEE!" behavior from Lindsay. I feel like this is a chance to redeem her character in a lot of people's eyes, to see her really step up to the plate and show she can be there for someone else, especially this guy she claims to love. But it could go the other way, too--she could play the "poor me" card some more and act like a martyr because Danny's not pulling his weight in the childcare department. Or at work, whatever. Or if he's difficult emotionally. She needs to step up to the plate. So... we'll see I guess.
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