CSI:NY Spoiler Discussion - Bring on Season 6!

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I can see Danny being in the lab for the duration of this storyline, which will be a source of frustration to him, I think, because he's such an active person and a lot of the CSI field work is very physical. If he is in the lab for most of the season, I wonder if they will make changes to accomodate that. The lab doesn't appear to be very accessible to someone with a disability/wheelchair. The chairs/tables in the breakroom are all tall in height, the counters and tables they work at in the layout area appear to be mostly countertop height, and the locker room is down a flight of steps from the elavator. None of the doors appear to have easy access capabilities.

As for the new girl, I really hope that she isn't friction between D/L. Dear me, I don't know if I could handle that.
I can see Danny being in the lab for the duration of this storyline, which will be a source of frustration to him, I think, because he's such an active person and a lot of the CSI field work is very physical. If he is in the lab for most of the season, I wonder if they will make changes to accomodate that. The lab doesn't appear to be very accessible to someone with a disability/wheelchair. The chairs/tables in the breakroom are all tall in height, the counters and tables they work at in the layout area appear to be mostly countertop height, and the locker room is down a flight of steps from the elavator. None of the doors appear to have easy access capabilities.

Oh, good point! I hadn't thought of that, but you're right... there's nothing wheelchair-friendly about that fancy new lab.

Maybe Flack will just offer to carry Danny everywhere. I sure wouldn't mind that (nor would Flack ;) ). :devil: ;)
I saw that Sarah Carter in Dirty Sexy Money - she got run over by the matriach of the darling family, I remember thinking she had a nice voice, she did some emotional scenes well. Apparently also been in Smallville. That pic is not at all flattering, she looks older than she is in it.

I also think it would be interesting to have a recovery for Danny story arc.
A wheelchair? AHAHAHA!! Oh, Lord. Unless they hired a limper as a consultant, it will be comedy gold, I tell you!! Gold! I can't wait to see how Danny, a wheelchair novice, effortlessly navigates the subway platform and isn't at all hampered by broken elevators.

And if Lindsay wangsts about how hard Danny's injuries are for her while ignoring Danny's issues, I'm going to laugh and cry, and then, I'm gonna choke a bitch or three.
A wheelchair? AHAHAHA!! Oh, Lord. Unless they hired a limper as a consultant, it will be comedy gold, I tell you!! Gold! I can't wait to see how Danny, a wheelchair novice, effortlessly navigates the subway platform and isn't at all hampered by broken elevators.

Maybe they can do a "thinking about life" montage but instead of Danny on his Harley they can show him cruising the sidewalks in his power chair with the wind blowing through his hair. :guffaw:

And if Lindsay wangsts about how hard Danny's injuries are for her while ignoring Danny's issues, I'm going to laugh and cry, and then, I'm gonna choke a bitch or three.

I think a lot of people are gonna have that same reaction if that's what happens. :shifty:
A wheelchair? AHAHAHA!! Oh, Lord. Unless they hired a limper as a consultant, it will be comedy gold, I tell you!! Gold! I can't wait to see how Danny, a wheelchair novice, effortlessly navigates the subway platform and isn't at all hampered by broken elevators.

Maybe they can do a "thinking about life" montage but instead of Danny on his Harley they can show him cruising the sidewalks in his power chair with the wind blowing through his hair. :guffaw:

And if Lindsay wangsts about how hard Danny's injuries are for her while ignoring Danny's issues, I'm going to laugh and cry, and then, I'm gonna choke a bitch or three.

I think a lot of people are gonna have that same reaction if that's what happens. :shifty:
Okay wow, leave for a day and that's when the spoilers start piling in? *races to catch up*

On Danny-in-a-wheelchair -- darn, I was completely off; I figured it'd be Mac or Stella who got injured. And I have to say I'm a little wary of the storyline.Because I don't know how great the CSI franchise is with handling storylines like this (when Eric was shot in the head on CSI: Miami, wasn't he back to work the very next day? :wtf:). If Danny's up and walking around again in 6.02, I'm just going to :scream:. But if they do it right, this could be interesting.

On whether Lindsay can handle it; I think she can. Even in the Ruben storyline she was able to give Danny behind-the-scenes support...and how much behind-the-scenes support can a guy really get when he's stuck in the lab, in a wheelchair? (As opposed to running around New York on a suicide mission)

On Kaye the non-CSI...now I'm just lost. How is a crime-scene-cleanup tech supposed to contribute to the show at all? It's not even like she can help solve the cases, can she, if that's not what she's trained to do? And ooh, peppy but with a dark secret. *coughcough*Lindsay v.02*cough*
Spoilers for the premiere! There's not much, but here is what I can tell you at the moment (it's possible that they'll release more later, but this is it for now):

6.01 "Epilogue"

Danny is the one that was injured in the shooting - he's in a wheelchair.

:eek: Oh My God. I am some kind of freakin' sorceress. My mum always said I was psychic...or was it psycho? :p I posted last Sunday about a dream I had last Saturday night!

I think I need to get a life, I dreamed about Danny last night and he was in a wheelchair. :shifty:Which is now making me wonder if it is Danny that's the injured one, then maybe this could be the DL obstacle??

I'm spending way too much time worrying about who is or isn't injured. :rolleyes:

Well...from now on you can all call me Gypsy Rose Duke. ;)
Spoilers for the premiere! There's not much, but here is what I can tell you at the moment (it's possible that they'll release more later, but this is it for now):

6.01 "Epilogue"

Danny is the one that was injured in the shooting - he's in a wheelchair.

:eek: Oh My God. I am some kind of freakin' sorceress. My mum always said I was psychic...or was it psycho? :p I posted last Sunday about a dream I had last Saturday night!

I think I need to get a life, I dreamed about Danny last night and he was in a wheelchair. :shifty:Which is now making me wonder if it is Danny that's the injured one, then maybe this could be the DL obstacle??

I'm spending way too much time worrying about who is or isn't injured. :rolleyes:

Well...from now on you can all call me Gypsy Rose Duke. ;)

LoL you nerd!
I've done that before too... just not that specific!
So i dont know about the rest of the gang, but i was totally stoked for the new season premier, but now... meh I dont know what i was expecting maybe i'm just thinking about it to much, but Danny in a wheelchair... seriously, i guess it will make sense.. i guess i'm just ranting on lol

I guess i just hope that they still manage to put some Flack things in there, because if they sweep that under the rug... oh snap i'm going to have to fight some people.. my fingers are crossed though i really REALLY hope its good!!!!!
Great how sickening. Another season of Danny and Lindsey because you dont get one without the other now. As much as I like Danny I really had hoped they would let another character have a shot at a storyline. Since we had almost all of last season devoted to D/L I guess they are picking up where they left off:rolleyes:
Maybe they can do a "thinking about life" montage but instead of Danny on his Harley they can show him cruising the sidewalks in his power chair with the wind blowing through his hair. :guffaw:

too funny :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

so (blonde moment) am i right in thinking that the new season open's a few months/weeks down the line??
I was really like really looking forward to the first few seconds where everyone lifts up and see's the damage?
i'd like someone to at least remember it then like a flash back if it is a few months on and maybe like when the doctor tell's danny he needs the chair....it would be rather crap if it comes back a month on and we see danny in the chair and thats it, no how he felt in the first few weeks.
If this is done right and lindsay is played out how we think she should act (really step up for danny) then i think a few more people might grow to like her.

i've never seen the new girl but she does look more like a fit then the other girl (i can't remember her name sorry) as in she is pretty but not over sexed up right? i mean after all she is meant to be a csi on some level where stella get's the time to look good also bugged me lol.
15 hours working, an odd hour for sex and hour for eating a bit of shopping then sleep?
On Kaye the non-CSI...now I'm just lost. How is a crime-scene-cleanup tech supposed to contribute to the show at all? It's not even like she can help solve the cases, can she, if that's not what she's trained to do? And ooh, peppy but with a dark secret. *coughcough*Lindsay v.02*cough*

I just hope that her dark secret isn't that she's secretly addicted to any type of drug...Miami's been there. *coughsTaracoughs* Absolutely no need for deja vu.

Yeah, I personally hate peppy people. They're just so annoying with all that...pep.:rolleyes:

And I've searched what's-her-name on imdb.com; she's not that pretty, let alone sexy. Why am I not surprised...:rolleyes:

D/L will just be fascinating this season.:shifty: :)scream::scream::scream:) I'm getting a vibe that's telling me they'll be even worse in S6 than they were in S5.:eek: Which is humanly impossible. *Sighs*

We need more personal stories for the other characters!~ Stop focusing on the damn ship, TPTB.:scream: Focus on the crime and the characters!
On Kaye the non-CSI...now I'm just lost. How is a crime-scene-cleanup tech supposed to contribute to the show at all? It's not even like she can help solve the cases, can she, if that's not what she's trained to do? And ooh, peppy but with a dark secret. *coughcough*Lindsay v.02*cough*

I just hope that her dark secret isn't that she's secretly addicted to any type of drug...Miami's been there. *coughsTaracoughs* Absolutely no need for deja vu.

Yeah, I personally hate peppy people. They're just so annoying with all that...pep.:rolleyes:

And I've searched what's-her-name on imdb.com; she's not that pretty, let alone sexy. Why am I not surprised...:rolleyes:

D/L will just be fascinating this season.:shifty: :)scream::scream::scream:) I'm getting a vibe that's telling me they'll be even worse in S6 than they were in S5.:eek: Which is humanly impossible. *Sighs*

We need more personal stories for the other characters!~ Stop focusing on the damn ship, TPTB.:scream: Focus on the crime and the characters!

:guffaw::guffaw: Well, hopefully there will be so much D/L because it involves it being OVER. Maybe Danny will come to his senses and stop letting himself get treated so badly.

But yeah, I also agree with you, I hope her dark 'secret' isn't so typical like drugs or alcohol, (although it probably will be).

I would hope for some kind of darker past involving a crime of some sort, maybe a tie in to one of the current team? Something that isn't JUST about her. And, not Mac or Danny. :p Because past stories seem to always be about them. -cough- Tanglewood, 333, Mac's son, etc. -endcough-
If Danny's in a wheelchair permanently, that pretty much puts paid to his career as a CSI. Granted he can probably still do all the lab work, but I don't think crime scenes are required to be wheelchair accessible.

And I can't see TPTB keeping him as just a lab tech and not in the field. So i'm guessing that by ep 2, or 3 tops he'll be back to normal.
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