CSI:NY Spoiler Discussion - Bring on Season 6!

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Here is the article from Ausiello and a photo of her:

Shark actress Sarah Carter has snagged the coveted new series regular role on CSI: NY, sources confirm.

Carter will play a new clean-up tech who aspires to someday work in the crime lab. We'll find out later in the season that she's hiding a secret. My guess: She's... eh, I lost interest.

Definitely not who I thought, nor wanted to play the role.

So the character description not only mirrors what Lindsay was supposed to be she now has a "secret?" :brickwall:

As for the actress, I used to watch "Shark" and she was fine. Nothing that totally stood out as awesome, but nothing that made me want to puke either.
It's interesting, too, because Lindsay wound up with a secret as well.

Katee Sackoff, one of the actresses we wanted to have potentially for this role, who is also casted on 24 this season, also holds a secret.
I'm really underwhelmed by this. And to top it off we find out that she isn't even a CSI. She obviously isn't going to be helping with the load left by Danny being injured if she isn't even an effing CSI. They should have never gotten rid of Emmanuelle Vaugier if this is what they're giving us in return. The least they could have done was cast an actress of color and not some cutesy blonde, white chick. :rolleyes: :wtf:
She's not what I was expecting either. She is a lab clean up person??? Not a CSI. That seems different than the original casting call. Oh yea... she has a secret. Really? Didn't see that coming.

Who knows though, she could end up being a great addition. Here's to wishful thinking!!!
I'm really underwhelmed by this. And to top it off we find out that she isn't even a CSI. She obviously isn't going to be helping with the load left by Danny being injured if she isn't even an effing CSI. They should have never gotten rid of Emmanuelle Vaugier if this is what they're giving us in return. The least they could have done was cast an actress of color and not some cutesy blonde, white chick. :rolleyes: :wtf:

I hear you!!! Which brings me back to what Nat and I were discussing : that gives space for Lindsay's whining about taking care of the baby, workload, her injured husband, not having her nights... Gosh.:shifty:

Can't believe they traded Vaugier for this either.
Dangit, I just get finished posting a big article about spoilers - and then I come on here and see that they've revealed the new person for NY. *le sigh* :p

I'm not surprised that they didn't cast a woman of color for the role, but I was hoping they would - ah well. I guess we'll see what her Big Sekrit is, but I'm guessing she's somehow involved in something nefarious...or she's Mac's long-lost daughter or something. :lol:
if sarah's character is a lab tech, hopefully we'll see adam out of the lab and in the field more. kinda expected that they were gonna cast a blondie though. i was hoping they would cast an asian. kelly hu and ron yuan gave NY abit of flavor back in season 2.
I've never seen her in anything that I know of, but just from looking at her she looks like the cute/perky/friendly type that Lindsay was supposed to be... but wasn't. I'm underwhelmed with the secret bit--why must every woman on the show have a secret to be deemed interesting? :rolleyes:

Unless she's an axe murderer. That could be kind of cool. ;)

As I did with Lindsay--and any other new character on the show--I'll wait until I see her in action before making any judgments.

I agree with those who think it would have been nice to see a minority in the role. I don't usually watch my shows with that in mind, but you look at the cast of Grey's Anatomy and then you look at the cast of CSI: NY, and gah. A little more diversity in New York City of all places would be nice.
Hahaha, yeah, Nat and I were saying that Lindsay would most probably complain about her situation or something will trigger her ranting. That's our bet! I can see her playing the victim "poor me, my husband got injured and I have to take care of the baby, I don't have help, I can't sleep at night" blablabla. You can count on Lindsay to turn a situation on her...:rolleyes:

Although to be fair, the situation will also be about her and the added pressure of having a husband who's injured alongside a (relatively) newborn baby - not easy. I just hope as Top said that she does step up to the plate, but that it's also done realistically. I think there's an opportunity here for Lindsay to develop a greater connection with some of the other characters because surely she will need support in this as much as Danny, albeit in a different way. :)

As for the new girl, we'll see.
JellyBelly said:
Although to be fair, the situation will also be about her and the added pressure of having a husband who's injured alongside a (relatively) newborn baby - not easy. I just hope as Top said that she does step up to the plate, but that it's also done realistically. I think there's an opportunity here for Lindsay to develop a greater connection with some of the other characters because surely she will need support in this as much as Danny, albeit in a different way. :)

Not easy indeed, but it's in the way that she does it that takes away sympathy. It's always childish and she tends to victimize herself a lot (as seen in previous episodes). I don't have much tolerance for that. If she talks about it in a way that she's struggling with everything but trying to do good for her family, I won't mind it at all... like "Dang this situation but I gotta be strong for Danny and Lucy right now" blabla.. see what I'm trying to say? :confused: I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself clearly lol

And it's true what you said, it is a great opportunity for Lindsay to develop greater connection with the others! We can expect Flack to be around Danny a lot so it would be nice to see Lindsay and Flack bond more -- and it would make sense since he's Danny best friend. I can see Flack offering to babysit and stuff like that. Anything to keep his mind off his grief. Also, even though they never appeared as best girl friends in the world, it would be nice to have Stella supporting Lindsay through the situation, you know, women's solidarity? :lol:
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So it's Danny injured. I guess I was hoping for something different. It's not that I predicted it so much as vaguely suspected it. It really just feels somehow anticlimactic that he's the one hurt.

Great for all who love Danny drama. Can't say I'm terribly enthused. Guess I was hoping others might get some early season focus but it's perfectly in keeping with TPTB to try and hook the viewers in for numbers and early interest by using DL, and it will be DL and not just Danny, with the shiny rings on their fingers.

I guess above all I dread the worst for Lindsay's part in it, angsting, and dealing with her hubby and father of her child yada being injured for a certain period of time, additionally complicating that whole 'balancing work and family' protodrama. On paper, fine, yes, default, to be expected yada. On screen? Not optimistic. That could be a stone around any good teevee moments that might result for the storyline. Bleh. She'll get the weekly clean slate to prove me wrong, but four years has long burnt away any true interest I had, and sadly, Danny started to wane for me too. Mebbe this will bring him back. I just don't want to find myself as I was at certain points last season bemoaning the screentime spent. Maybe they'll knock it out of the park. I'm willing to be surprised. Will wait and see.

Wonder how long the show will milk all that for... :lol: Not long I hope. Can't you also just see Danny home with Lucy recuperating for Obligatory happy shiny moments too, possibly those that PV spoke of a ways back. If Flack can recover from a gut-spilling injury, and Sid can recover from radiation poisoning and all be none the worse for wear, they'll hopefully have Messer up and about relatively quickly. I'm really not sure how much I'll be willing to sit thru. I hope a cranky cooped up poodle gets as much screentime as any other related melodrama. That could be interesting. Any of the team babysitting Messer as much as Lucy could be fun :p

And Flack--he just lost his girlfriend, and now his best friend gets shot. I want to see angry as hell Flack, because angry as hell Flack is hot. :devil:
If Flack gets some focus and good material from all this I will be far, far more ammenable to seeing poor Messer so suffer as part of it :lol: Imma bastard, I know. But yeah, if Flack's still reeling from losing Jess, is mulling the fact that he killed the guy in retribution, and then when they're all shot at Danny's the one injured, he could (and should) get some really good stuff to do and deal with. They all should to some degree, but it would be criminal to skim over Flack given how they ended last season.

Here is the article from Ausiello and a photo of her:
Shark actress Sarah Carter has snagged the coveted new series regular role on CSI: NY, sources confirm.

Carter will play a new clean-up tech who aspires to someday work in the crime lab. We'll find out later in the season that she's hiding a secret. My guess: She's... eh, I lost interest.

Definitely not who I thought, nor wanted to play the role.

Oo. Um. Huh. Well. Uh. Kinda terribly unexcited by this. ...dammit. :p So far nothing is stirring any interest for me. Damn you spoilers! :lol: Crap. Just. ...*sigh* :lol:

The casting I'm ambivalent to. I don't really remember her from Shark, though I didn't watch it much. Sure, a new character could have been an opportunity to add some diversity and/or New York flavor, etc. Ultimately, I guess we'll see who she's supposed to be.

For me, the news of the casting is kinda secondary to the other new tidbit of info there. What's really sinking my stomach here is the whole "Not CSI but Clean Up Tech Someday Aspiring Wif A Sekrit." Of course every character hasta have baggage of some sort. :p I really hope she isn't just a plot purpose but a person.

I really hope they don't pull devil from the inside type crap. An internal mole or suchlike as Miami did, and even NCIS did with the laywer/agent Lee and also had Abby's lab asst. Chip. Hope Kaye's story's not one of erosion from within in pursuit of a personal agenda, or someone else's external one. If she's gonna be a regular part of me doubts they'd pull something like that. Part of me completely believes they would and call it a brilliant idea. If she's above board and her sekrit isn't directly informing her drive, well, bleh again for formula but hope the material is good. Someone working their way into being a CSI could be interesting instead of just arriving as a newly hired one I suppose. But there are forensics techs who work the mass off assaults and break and enters and non-homicides etc. who would be shortlisted before a clean up technician, wouldn't there? TV. Evs. Just what she's cleaning up, metaphorically, I guess we'll see there too.

Nuthin personal to Sarah Carter, but I also hope Kaye is not Sheldon's love interest. Mostly, the last thing we need is another relationship with sekrits, or a pairing between (potential) regulars. Just. NO. :lol:

Still trying to keep an open mind, even as "Clean Up Tech wot Aspires Formerly known as New CSI" informs and modifies things in the mean time.

About the only things I'm warm and fuzzy about are the Emmy noms the Franchise got. Asner, congrats. And to Vegas for theirs. :bolian:
i've just got up it's 8am here in the UK so just sat and ran over the spoilers.
i'm gonna like this i think (i know its sad) but we might get some real action not just love moments bewteen danny and lindsay.
Nice lindsay moments stepping up for danny but him pushing her away and her having to prove to him i can see he will think it's "pity".
I'd like flack and stella to have more lindsay time helping and been around for her i can really see danny pushing her away!

new girl never heard of her? anyone have? what she like?
JellyBelly said:
Although to be fair, the situation will also be about her and the added pressure of having a husband who's injured alongside a (relatively) newborn baby - not easy. I just hope as Top said that she does step up to the plate, but that it's also done realistically. I think there's an opportunity here for Lindsay to develop a greater connection with some of the other characters because surely she will need support in this as much as Danny, albeit in a different way. :)

Not easy indeed, but it's in the way that she does it that takes away sympathy. It's always childish and she tends to victimize herself a lot (as seen in previous episodes). I don't have much tolerance for that. If she talks about it in a way that she's struggling with everything but trying to do good for her family, I won't mind it at all... like "Dang this situation but I gotta be strong for Danny and Lucy right now" blabla.. see what I'm trying to say? :confused: I'm not sure if I'm explaining myself clearly lol

And it's true what you said, it is a great opportunity for Lindsay to develop greater connection with the others! We can expect Flack to be around Danny a lot so it would be nice to see Lindsay and Flack bond more -- and it would make sense since he's Danny best friend. I can see Flack offering to babysit and stuff like that. Anything to keep his mind off his grief. Also, even though they never appeared as best girl friends in the world, it would be nice to have Stella supporting Lindsay through the situation, you know, women's solidarity? :lol:

You explained yourself perfectly clearly. I totally understand how difficult the past few seasons have been for people who struggle to sympathise with Lindsay. But, because I DO sympathise with her I can see how awful this situation will be for her too. Danny will not be easy to live with and I can so see her 'losing it with him' as her patience is tried. But, as long as that's balanced with her supporting him it will be fine.

It certainly seems as though the wheelchair situation is going to be somewhat ongoing. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I love that tptb aren't going to just brush his injuries under the carpet but I'm concerned about it being a possible permanent thing because I'm not sure how they'll maintain it. Also, I don't just want to see Danny in the lab, I love him wrapped up in the action and would miss that if it went on too long. Having him confined to a wheelchair is great in the short term but tricky to manage in the long term given his job.
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