CSI:NY Spoiler Discussion - Bring on Season 6!

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^ maybe CBS is leading the way in how to beat recession!!

Maybe that's not so far from the truth. This little snippet http://www.mediaweek.com/mw/content_display/news/local-broadcast/e3ida6dda5bd97c11671002e43b260451a2 talks of project L.E.N.O and how CBS are enhancing marketing for their 10 pm shows. It would make sense that if they're trying to increase viewers at these times that they will also want to enhance the shows themselves. A shake up is a risk but in this case it may just pay off. :)

It can only be a good thing and we get the bonus of increased advertising for our favourite show, with more behind the scenes, interviews etc etc.
^ interesting article, thanks - sometimes it's definitely better to shake things up a bit (as long as they don't do too much shaking up of mac!)
Thanks for the link, JellyBelly! :thumbsup: Interesting and their project L.E.N.O makes sense indeed; I hope the "shock and aw" will work as planned! And if it means more behind-the-scenes, interviews... I'm all for it! :D Actually, I crave that kind of stuff about my favourite TV shows! Speaking of which... anyone grabbed the new issue of CSI:NY mag? They don't sell it here :(

Anyways, Kaye Sullivan was a shocker and most fans reacted to the news when it came out -- we were still grieving Angell lol So, they know for sure we will tune in to know who she is! I'm just crossing my CSI:NY fan fingers that she won't be a disappointement! Still no word on the actress that will play her?
The new cast member for CSI: Miami:


Budget cuts must just be the excuse they gave Emmanuelle becuase Delko isn't leaving and they are adding a new regular as well.

So it will probably be the same with NY. Hopefully we will find out who the new girl is, now that we know about Miami.

Yeah, I think it will be NY's turn to reveal their addition soon, too. But I'm very reluctant. Like I almost know in advance that I will not be content with their choice lol

Oh and *chuckle*---a new Eddie.
Isn't it ironic? lol
Originally Posted by Cyn-B-Demented:
Originally Posted by CdfSjaI
The new cast member for CSI: Miami:


Budget cuts must just be the excuse they gave Emmanuelle becuase Delko isn't leaving and they are adding a new regular as well.

So it will probably be the same with NY. Hopefully we will find out who the new girl is, now that we know about Miami.

Yeah, I think it will be NY's turn to reveal their addition soon, too. But I'm very reluctant. Like I almost know in advance that I will not be content with their choice lol

Hahaha, no kidding. I'm glad CBS is getting over the budget crisis well enough, but I really can't see myself liking the new NY girl. And maybe not the Miami guy either, though I don't really watch Miami enough to be bothered by new, hastily-and-badly-constructed characters there...he kind of sounds like a Gary Stu. (Cop from Hollywood - did they at least give him a personality yet?)
I am very open to wait this new girl. She will be a fresh air and besides she will be a CSI so there is not space to think she will be Angell's replacement. Besides if she does a good team with Stella, Mac and the boys i believe she will be a positive addition as long as she has a strong personality.
Hopefully we will have spoilers soon. The waiting is killing me, i want to know what good and new stuff we will have in S6. But the filming starts in July (i think, i am not sure)

Debbie :D
I'm glad CBS is getting over the budget crisis well enough, but I really can't see myself liking the new NY girl. And maybe not the Miami guy either, though I don't really watch Miami enough to be bothered by new, hastily-and-badly-constructed characters there...he kind of sounds like a Gary Stu. (Cop from Hollywood - did they at least give him a personality yet?)

I'm glad too! I wanted my favourite shows to come back and be the least affected possible by the budget crisis and so far we can see they've been trying to do just that with the project L.E.N.O and some budget-cuts characters (cough) in several shows. Overall, we can pat them on the shoulder lol We appreciate the effort, guys :D


I can't see myself liking the new NY girl either. I mean, so far the women that has joined the show were weak characters IMO (Lindsay and Peyton really didn't seal the deal for me :shifty:). Angell was the only one that I really liked because she offered a great NY personality and attitude kinda like Aiden, though they were both completly different and that was great. But all good things come to an end lol Like I've said previously, I'm only liking this new CSI if she's a strong and fierce woman like Catherine Willows on CSI. That would be the awesomeness for CSI:NY! It would also be nice if she have the same dry wit Flack has, no? We need a woman like that! lol Who agrees with me? Women with a dry sense of humour are da shit, y'allz.

And is it me or besides Stella, it's like they were having problems finding another woman that could fit in as much as Stella does? I mean, ever since Aiden died...

And I really don't care about CSI:Miami anymore lol There's something that really bothers me about the show now and I can't really put my finger on it. Either I got tired of their vibe or Immortal Horacio got on my nerves for good lol You just can't be -that- near of an explosion and NOT have one scratch lol Never heard of blast wave?! At least on CSI:NY they respected that in Green Piece.

Ghawazee said:
I am very open to wait this new girl. She will be a fresh air and besides she will be a CSI so there is not space to think she will be Angell's replacement. Besides if she does a good team with Stella, Mac and the boys i believe she will be a positive addition as long as she has a strong personality.

I don't think she comes as a replacement of Angell either but so far I've been deceived with the female additions on CSI:NY lol But like you said IF she has a strong personality and does a good team with the rest of the guys, it will definitively be a breathe of fresh air for NY. Because I agree with you on that : the show needs it. They need to keep things fresh because the past seasons have been a little bit stagnant much.
^ I hope that "strong personality" doesn't mean "stubborn b!tch who'll start kicking anybody's butt if she doesn't get her way". I'm not that eager to meet the show's new character. I'll give her a chance before I decide I utterly dislike her, that's all I can offer after so much disappointment during season 5.
^ Hahahaha! I agree with you, Plenilunio, I don't want an unleashed bitch on the show neither.

By the way, your signature make me "LOL!" every time I see it :guffaw:
I can't see myself liking the new NY girl either. I mean, so far the women that has joined the show were weak characters IMO (Lindsay and Peyton really didn't seal the deal for me :shifty:). Angell was the only one that I really liked because she offered a great NY personality and attitude kinda like Aiden, though they were both completly different and that was great. But all good things come to an end lol Like I've said previously, I'm only liking this new CSI if she's a strong and fierce woman like Catherine Willows on CSI. That would be the awesomeness for CSI:NY! It would also be nice if she have the same dry wit Flack has, no? We need a woman like that! lol Who agrees with me? Women with a dry sense of humour are da shit, y'allz.

And is it me or besides Stella, it's like they were having problems finding another woman that could fit in as much as Stella does? I mean, ever since Aiden died...

I miss Aiden! But I so don't think it's a coincidence that the show has had trouble since then finding another well-rounded female character that seamlessly matches with Stella. They spent so much more time rounding out Stella's character, and Aiden's too (IMO) than they've spent with any of the newer characters. I love Lindsay as she is, personally, but I doubt that the character she is now was what the writers had in mind when they hastily threw her together - much like they seem to have thrown Kaye Sullivan together. In both cases, they seem(ed) to have a Mary-Sue in mind.

Same thing with Peyton and Angell - they were Mary-Sue-ish characters hastily thrown together...and didn't get much time in the show to actually change from that.

NY badly, badly needs a character like Catherine Willows on the show. But my hopes for Kaye Sullivan being that character are less than zero. Bubbly CSI fresh out of school...it doesn't exactly match with Catherine's dry fierceness (most of which, IMO, was born out of Catherine's life experiences).

And I really don't care about CSI:Miami anymore lol There's something that really bothers me about the show now and I can't really put my finger on it. Either I got tired of their vibe or Immortal Horacio got on my nerves for good lol You just can't be -that- near of an explosion and NOT have one scratch lol Never heard of blast wave?! At least on CSI:NY they respected that in Green Piece.

LOL, I've been trying to watch a little of it online lately. It's not so bad if I fast-forward through all the Horatio parts. I'm so sick of him doing nothing but standing and posing, and the random one-liners that take forever to say.
Maybe they had it long planned to add a new CSI without removing anybody, but then came the crisis and instead of cancelling Kaye Sullivan, they decided to kick a recurring character with the option of also kicking one of the main cast, if necessary.
In a German series mag I just read a small article about Jerry Bruckheimer. It says that after sacrificing "Without a Trace" for economic reasons and cutting the budget of "Cold Case", finances have improved. So maybe they should have waited how budget things develop before they killed Angell.
It would also be nice if she have the same dry wit Flack has, no? We need a woman like that! lol Who agrees with me? Women with a dry sense of humour are da shit, y'allz.

And is it me or besides Stella, it's like they were having problems finding another woman that could fit in as much as Stella does? I mean, ever since Aiden died...

If the new girl is either wet or a bitch, I can't see her lasting on the show. She needs to be ballsy and tough [like Aiden, Jess] but with a heart. I'd love for her to have the same sense of humour as Flack, imagine the 2 of them at crime scenes. That would be fun to watch. I don't want someone like Lindsay [bleh!!] and I don't want someone who's that tough that she's hardened with it. A bitch who later turns good. Meh! I swear to God if she turns out to be either of those things, then I'm going to be forced to start watching Miami and that's a Fate worse than death.

As for another woman fitting in, I completely agree. I just don't think there's any real friendship between Stel and Lindsay, I just don't feel it. Stel and Aiden were close and it showed, but Lindsay IMO just doesn't fit in with the show, period. Jess, however, worked great with Stel - the epi when they locked the Greek guy into the storage container was just so fun to watch. Can you imagine Stel doing something like that with Lindsay??
Yeah, I think it will be NY's turn to reveal their addition soon, too. But I'm very reluctant. Like I almost know in advance that I will not be content with their choice lol

Im looking forward to seeing how the new girl plays out and why if nobody is leaving are we getting a new csi?
I can't see anyone asking to leave when its been voiced by all the cast that the group is happy and all get along.... i liked angel and how it was playing out.
Bringing someone new into a 6th season must be very hard on the new girl the cast is close and have been together 5 years - anna since season 2 and even tho aj and Robert only become regulars last season both have been around awhile.

Maybe they had it long planned to add a new CSI without removing anybody, but then came the crisis and instead of cancelling Kaye Sullivan, they decided to kick a recurring character

Maybe the new girl is part of a big story in season 6 like she's bent (very uk of me):thumbsup: or something happens to her and one of the team is to blame for not looking after her.

Anyway i'm gonna wait and see, take my gloves off for now but i'll keep them handy i have a feeling if she isn't cast right i'll be needing them :)
I think that I'm way too wrapped up in the supposed "killing off Vaugier because of budget cuts" and then they turn around and hire a regular. Makes no sense. So unless they get some awesome actress that does a really good job, i really don't see myself liking this girl. I will give her a chance, but i'm just saying that until TPTB explain why they fired EV; i'm going to be biased in the liking of this character....
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