CSI: NY Season Two DVD Party! *DVD Spoilers*


Premium Member
So, who got the Season Two DVD set? Have you rewatched any eps? Watched any featurettes or commentaries? If so, spill! What's interesting, what's skippable, and what's a must see? :cool:
I went out to wal-Mart to buy it. They didn't have it. I was soooo mad. When I get it I'll update you guys on it.. until then, I envy all those who have it...
I got mine yesterday I even did a little dance in the store which got me a smack over the head by my mom who said I was embarrassing her. I've been watching Cool Hunter 3 times already, and Cooperate Warriors. I haven't watched it with the commentaries yet, but I need too soon. The behind the scenes of Heroes is a must the interview Vanessa :). I haven't watched all the special features yet, but I want to see the Rolling with’Jamalot. But so far the best DVD I’ve bought all year :D
Oh, cool! They got an interview with Vanessa? Did she have anything to say about Aiden's exit? I'm glad they included her on that, I was worried they wouldn't.
Oh, I think I'll wait untill I have money...
The episodes with commentaries are more than one?
Always by Zuiker, or our men sit in a room with popcorns and talk about their acting? :D
Five episodes with commentary, but no actor commentary. They're all done by the writers and directors.
Five??? Wow! I'd love to hear their commentaries, because "Tanglewood" one was very interesting :)

Uh, another important question: subtitles?
I have two different versions of DVDs for S1: part two (bought in UK) has subtitles, part one (bought in Italy)doesn't.
If the US version doesn't, I'm gonna buy it in UK :lol:
My S1 boxset (that I bought in the US) doesn't have any subtitles either, and I found it weird. Hopefully S2 does. I should get my copy in a few days, I can't wait! :)
Rad I know, I went to WalMart today because I got paid and yeap no CSINY anywhere. That sucks! Now I'm gonna have to go to FYE or Best Buy or something like that.
ItDBMe said:
Rad I know, I went to WalMart today because I got paid and yeap no CSINY anywhere. That sucks! Now I'm gonna have to go to FYE or Best Buy or something like that.

Did you ask them to check the back to make sure they weren't hiding them there? :lol: I know how walmart is. At least here. :D I ordered mine from walmart.com. It's usally cheaper than the store.
I just bought mine at WalFart. I would have been so mad if they wouldn't have had it. First Players, then that. I would have went apeshit. I'm gonna go pop one in after I go throw up my lunch. Ugh. Taco Bell was the worst idea I've had in days. :lol:

Ok. After hearing what I just heard, I'm going to start lobbying for the shower scene again, right here and now. :lol: I was just watching Bad Beat with the commentary on between Zachary Reiter and Duane Clark. It was to the part where Danny was yelling at that guy and saying he was going to take him to a place where they have sex for no profit. One of them piped up with, "I love what Carmine did with this scene. It was interesting reading some of the online commentary. Some of them really liked seeing the volitility come back into this character."

They're listening. :lol:
No subtitles on this one, and on the interview with Vanessa she doesn’t say much on her leaving or how she felt on her character getting killed off. She just talks about how she’s happy to be back and missed the set.
My WalFart didn't have it, so I drove tpo Kmart. Nope. Then I drove the opposite direction passed Kmart to Target. They had it. I jumped and skipped. Bought it came home watched all he special features. They're pretty good. Gosh I love this show...
I have to ask my mom to buy it for me. I sent her an e-mail at school with a link to Amazon saying "If you love me..." and I was surprised by how cheap it was online. I figured it would be like $75, since that's how much it cost me when I got CSI:LV season 2 on DVD.