CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire City

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Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

Yea, this episode looks good. Similar to Vegas's Fahrenheit 932
Shane Casey was a good villain and a good threat. He has reason to hate the NYPD. I love that it's also Hawkes on the case in stead of either Mac or Flack even.

So, I guess Peyton is coming back then. :shifty:

The Team Peyton vs Team Aubrey has me cracking up. I stopped by earlier today but had to sign out, I almost spit out my coffee onto the monitor. :guffaw:
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

Team Peyton or Team Aubrey?

Oh, yes, Because who Mac might end up jellyrolling is the question that keeps me up at night and the remote in my sweaty fist.

For fuck's sake. It's like Grey's CSI.:brickwall::brickwall:
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

Great. The big debate over who Bella Taylor belongs with is going to last until the fall? That...is not what I want to spend the summer discussing. :wtf:

Team Aubrey vs Team Peyton? Will there be t-shirts and buttons and fangirls ripping each other's hair out? Which 'team' is Team Stella analogous to? Why do I care? :lol:
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Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

I thought there was supposed to be a cliffhanger involving Shane Casey. I thought that was what we would discuss all summer. Looks like now we'll rather discuss Team Peyton vs. Team Aubrey? Oh well...
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Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

Team Aubry or team Payton, :guffaw:Is Pam freakin nuts. :confused: Did she really say that they will moniter the boards and then deside. :devil: What about those of us who want Adella or how about those who don't give a rats ass and think the show should focus on crime instead of Mac's sex life. If that nut job Pam and the other writers are waiting for the fans to write the show for them, will they being paying us for doing their job.:guffaw:This might explain why the show has sucked this season.:angryrazz: Too many writers looking at to many opinons on to many boards, no wonder the show seems to be all over the place this season. The sad part is I have really begun losing interest this season and think after six years its time to move on to a new show.
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

Great. The big debate over who Bella Taylor belongs with is going to last until the fall? That...is not what I want to spend the summer discussing. :wtf:

Team Aubrey vs Team Peyton? Will there be t-shirts and buttons and fangirls ripping each other's hair out? Which 'team' is Team Stella analogous to? Why do I care? :lol:

At least we now know that CSI: NY is no longer an adult show and is catering to the teen girl market. That'll make my decision of watching or not watching pretty easy.

ETA: Maybe they saw all of the negative response to a cliff hanger surrounding "The Messer Family" and decided to change course? If that's the case they should've changed to a better course and not an equally bad one.
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

Don't we already know who Mac is going to pick? Madchen Amick has a new show, which would leave her with a (most likely) full time job on that show. We wouldn't necessarily have to see Aubrey on the show (just hear about the relationship every now and then)... but I can really see them swinging towards Peyton.
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

I first started watching this show because I ran across a couple of you tube fan videos of Mac and Stella, and although I still enjoy there "relationship/friendship" or what ever they want to call it I have to say, I thought this was first and foremost a crime show:wtf:. I think I am a little to old for this nonsense:lol:
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

Team Aubrey vs Team Peyton? Will there be t-shirts and buttons and fangirls ripping each other's hair out?

That is NOT the reason why I'll rip SOMEONES *coughPamVeaseycough* hair out. It will be out of soapiness and anger! I'd rather take the Messer Family Drama 'cause to be honest, I don't give a damn about Mac, and much less about his SEXLIFE! I mean, this is a CRIME SHOW for God's sake! Don't listen to the fans all the time and WRITE A CRIME SHOW! That's the reason I started watching! :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

At least we now know that CSI: NY is no longer an adult show and is catering to the teen girl market. That'll make my decision of watching or not watching pretty easy.

I'm a teen girl, and I don't like the way CSI: NY is "catering to the teen girl market". As stated above: It IS A CRIME SHOW! :scream::scream::scream::scream:

Hey Pam Veasey, have you ever heard of crime? You know, like guns, knives, blood, murder, gouging out eyes and such? If not, I'd be glad to come and help you write crime (and I'm sure there are more people than me who would love to help you), 'cause I'm pretty sure we'd manage to show you what crime really means! So, umm, yeah. Want some help? You know where to find me.

"Hi I'm Pam Veasey and I'm gonna tell you about the future plans for CSI: NY. In season 7 we're gonna introduce VAMPIRES! And Stella will fall for the smokin' (not) hot vampire. But when she's finally happy, there will come another creature. A WEREWOLF! :eek::eek: And he's smokin' hot too! And there will be this BIG drama, but in the end she'll end up with the vampire anyways because we all know he's the good guy whatever he does! <3<3<3<3<3 And in book 3, Stella is knocked up!!!! Ooops, guess that was Twilight, but anyways, in... Let us say season 10? Then she get's knocked up and it turns out that Stella is really a 16 year old girl <3<3<3 And then it turns out that MAC is the vampire! OMG OMG OMG! And Flack is the werewolf! Exciting, righhhht? *purrs* And then we're gonna bring in Miley Cyrus as Hawkes' new love interest (SQUEEE!!! MILEY!!! Love her!!!) and Flack is gonna get together with Mac and Stella's daughter who's born in season 10 and by season 11 she's 10 but she looks like she's 17, and that makes it okay, right? RIGHT?!?!?! :evil::evil::evil: I mean, right? :)

And Adam will get no development whatsoever NO MATTER WHAT, 'cause he's not Mac, Stella, Danny or Lindsay. Lindsay will remain Danny's sidekick until the end of time and she won't get any development either! *giggle* Danny will continue being irresponsible and Hawkes will live happily ever after with Miley Cyrus! And Flack will be a pedophile (But he's not really because when she LOOKS like she's 17, it's okay :)). And they all will live happily ever after! Oh, and BTW, Adam will get a russian bride ordered over the internet because no one can be alone in Pam Veasey universe which is consistent of candy, unicorns and all the sweet stuff in the whole world! <3"
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

Hi Lori K, Good to see you back. I haven't seen any post from you the last few days. :) ITA with you about this being a crime show. Based on Pam statement maybe thay should chang the name to CSI Dawson's creek. :lol: Or how about CSI idol, were the fan's can call in for favorite couple.:p
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

"Hi I'm Pam Veasey and I'm gonna tell you about the future plans for CSI: NY. In season 7 we're gonna introduce VAMPIRES! And Stella will fall for the smokin' (not) hot vampire. But when she's finally happy, there will come another creature. A WEREWOLF! :eek::eek: And he's smokin' hot too! And there will be this BIG drama, but in the end she'll end up with the vampire anyways because we all know he's the good guy whatever he does! <3<3<3<3<3 And in book 3, Stella is knocked up!!!! Ooops, guess that was Twilight, but anyways, in... Let us say season 10? Then she get's knocked up and it turns out that Stella is really a 16 year old girl <3<3<3 And then it turns out that MAC is the vampire! OMG OMG OMG! And Flack is the werewolf! Exciting, righhhht? *purrs* And then we're gonna bring in Miley Cyrus as Hawkes' new love interest (SQUEEE!!! MILEY!!! Love her!!!) and Flack is gonna get together with Mac and Stella's daughter who's born in season 10 and by season 11 she's 10 but she looks like she's 17, and that makes it okay, right? RIGHT?!?!?! :evil::evil::evil: I mean, right? :)

And Adam will get no development whatsoever NO MATTER WHAT, 'cause he's not Mac, Stella, Danny or Lindsay. Lindsay will remain Danny's sidekick until the end of time and she won't get any development either! *giggle* Danny will continue being irresponsible and Hawkes will live happily ever after with Miley Cyrus! And Flack will be a pedophile (But he's not really because when she LOOKS like she's 17, it's okay :)). And they all will live happily ever after! Oh, and BTW, Adam will get a russian bride ordered over the internet because no one can be alone in Pam Veasey universe which is consistent of candy, unicorns and all the sweet stuff in the whole world! <3"
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

i haven't laughed so hard all week!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: that was ace!!!! :guffaw:

given the complete absurdity to comparing CSI: NY with the Twilight love triangle with 'Teams' on top of it, i really do have to wonder if we're not just being yanked around for april 1.... sad thing is, if she hadn't mentioned said 'twilight' and 'teams', i actually would believe that she would do something like this......... :shifty:
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

Team Aubry or team Payton, :guffaw:Is Pam freakin nuts. :confused: Did she really say that they will moniter the boards and then deside. :devil: What about those of us who want Adella or how about those who don't give a rats ass and think the show should focus on crime instead of Mac's sex life. If that nut job Pam and the other writers are waiting for the fans to write the show for them, will they being paying us for doing their job.:guffaw:This might explain why the show has sucked this season.:angryrazz: Too many writers looking at to many opinons on to many boards, no wonder the show seems to be all over the place this season. The sad part is I have really begun losing interest this season and think after six years its time to move on to a new show.

Just a last minute thought, What boards are they watching? Sounds like the ones on nickalodien or cartoon network.
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

I really hope they're doing more than just reading internet boards because I suspect there're a large number of NY viewers that never bother to post their views on a discussion forum. They just switch the channel when they get fed up....

I thought there was supposed to be a cliffhanger involving Shane Casey. I thought that was what we would discuss all summer. Looks like now we'll rather discuss Team Peyton vs. Team Aubrey? Oh well...
Despite all the triangle stuff, I still have the impression from previous articles that the Shane Casey storyline is supposed to be the focus of the finale and cliffhanger. And the obvious omission of D/L/L from the recent finale spoilers makes me think the cliffhanger will still involve the Messer family in some way. It could be that the clues Mac and Stella are following also will ultimately lead them to danger so we could be left with two “CSIs in peril” situations at the end. Anyway, I still think (or maybe hope is a better word) that there will be something other than a love triangle to discuss over the summer.

Re: PV’s comments about Peyton’s return and the triangle, this just reinforces what I suspected when the “cannot confirm or deny” comments were made – that the producers/writers don’t know (or haven’t decided) how this storyline will develop or how it will end. Just as they apparently did with other storylines this season, it seems they are planning to just set the triangle scenario up and decide how to proceed later based on ratings and audience reaction. (I suspect the question of whether Gary Sinise plans to return after season 7 also might be a factor.)

"It's actually like he doesn't have to make the choice; it may be that these two women are trying to make the choice for him," Veasey says.
Hmm…what does this mean? Mac won’t actually have to make a choice? I could actually see that happening. I still don't think any character who can't contribute routinely to the crime solving aspect of this series will be around long, so I still tend to think Aubrey will leave. As for Peyton, they have some flexibility in that they could send her back to London or perhaps have her take a position at Chelsea University so she is essentially like Reed – a character who parachutes in occasionally if they can figure out a storyline for her. In any case, they have some “outs” to work with if they need to eject this storyline.

"Peyton's really happy to see [Mac], and it's a fond memory for him," Veasey says. "It's a surprise for him when she returns. ... I think they both know that they're fond of each other still, that there's something that makes each other smile. It was a great relationship, and anything can happen when those feelings are sort of stirred again."
They’re fond of each other and make each other smile? It sounds so superficial…. How much of a dilemma can this be? A woman who he’s been dating a few months vs. one with whom he couldn’t be bothered to even try a long distance relationship?

"We like both Peyton and Claire, but at this point, all we know is that Mac is in a great place to have a relationship with someone."
I hope she means Peyton and Aubrey….

And what about those fans who are still pulling for Mac to choose Stella (Melina Kanakaredes) instead? "There are always surprises on our show, so we can't say that it will never happen," Veasey says. "They have a really close relationship, and there's always moments where they dip into a fondness and a closeness.
There's a variation of that word "fond" again.

He's not a man without choices, but no one could ever say what he's going to do. He's an unpredictable soul."
Is unpredictable a euphemism for inconsistent?

So, where do you stand: Team Peyton, Team Aubrey or Team Stella?
If Team Stella means Team Neither, I’ll go with that one. Or how about he chooses Team CSI and he can get back to worrying about the integrity of the lab and solving crimes.

Sorry, my disappointment and cynicism is showing. I was hoping for something more intriguing.
Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire

Based on Pam statement maybe thay should chang the name to CSI Dawson's creek. :lol:

Or maybe CSI: The Dawson's Twilight Gossip Creek Girl 90210 O.C. or CSI: General Peyton Sunset Guiding Monarch Place Beach Days Of Hollyoaks Home Cove Our Lives One Life Light Port And Away Eastenders :shifty: :lol: At least there is plenty of soapseries to copy!
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