Re: CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Solving Crime in the Empire
Kinda ambivalently meh at this point on Grounds. (Just don't make me watch it again and stir something up... I like it being pleasantly out of sight out of mind). It ranks among my least favoured eps, but believe me, it's not at all lacking for company down among the lower echelons
(I think I'd actually be equally or even more interested in opinions on what episodes people have loved most over the past five and a half seasons, what they thought worked well, story-wise and character-wise, what they think exemplifies the best of the NY branch of the franchise. What would be pointed at, for example, to writers and producers to say, see dat, dat was good, please to have mo'. It would take me some serious mulling and who knows how much time just to be able to come up with (or whittle down to), say a top half a dozen over the span of the series to answer my own proposal though :lol
I don't care who writes what, so long as we get a bit of a revival this season; some good, solid, interesting episodes. (Seems to be a common theme for me for NY over the past few seasons). I'm looking forward to Sanguine not so much because Carmine wrote it, though kudos for the undertaking, but because it'll be the weekly shot to be surprised by a good story with characters I like. Well. Good beyond a certain personal oversaturation with the whole of Vampiredom.
The stuttered airing of eps has made it difficult to feel a flow thru the season, so for me, each one feels rather stand alone, and I've been waiting for one to finally stand out. If it proves to be Carmine's, more power to him, and the show.

Both those tidbits sound very familiar, to the point I wonder when the Q&A actually occurred, or when the statement was made that they're referring to, but I'm glad to hear something's still on the books for both before the season's over.
Kinda ambivalently meh at this point on Grounds. (Just don't make me watch it again and stir something up... I like it being pleasantly out of sight out of mind). It ranks among my least favoured eps, but believe me, it's not at all lacking for company down among the lower echelons
(I think I'd actually be equally or even more interested in opinions on what episodes people have loved most over the past five and a half seasons, what they thought worked well, story-wise and character-wise, what they think exemplifies the best of the NY branch of the franchise. What would be pointed at, for example, to writers and producers to say, see dat, dat was good, please to have mo'. It would take me some serious mulling and who knows how much time just to be able to come up with (or whittle down to), say a top half a dozen over the span of the series to answer my own proposal though :lol
I don't care who writes what, so long as we get a bit of a revival this season; some good, solid, interesting episodes. (Seems to be a common theme for me for NY over the past few seasons). I'm looking forward to Sanguine not so much because Carmine wrote it, though kudos for the undertaking, but because it'll be the weekly shot to be surprised by a good story with characters I like. Well. Good beyond a certain personal oversaturation with the whole of Vampiredom.
The stuttered airing of eps has made it difficult to feel a flow thru the season, so for me, each one feels rather stand alone, and I've been waiting for one to finally stand out. If it proves to be Carmine's, more power to him, and the show.
...seems that will be the case, the latter half of Feb is apparently devoid of NY. Buggers.So, they're not airing new ones while the olympics are on? I thought the olypmics were gonna be on during the day? Are they gonna be on from morning until late at night or something?
Does it feel to anyone else that the show seems to be making a more concerted effort to link episodes into a larger chronology, what with a nod to Remembrance Day, Sheldon attending people in the park in what I'd guess was autumn, the usual xmas stuff, a football ep during the playoffs, yada, and now a few episodes with snow in Criminal Justice and Sanguine, and possibly an upcoming St. Patrick's day reference (can't recall relevant spoilers, I'll take yer word for it). Mebbe they've always done this and I'm just noticing it more this season. Mebbe the Remembrance Day reference seemed a tad outside the usual nods. Apparently time does exist in NY's universe. ...It just seems a little plastic between larger cultural sign postsOh and the St. Paddy's ep should be fun. Here's something random I was wondering: If they have green beer, do they have green rootbeer for the kiddies? :lol: Flack speaking Irish... I wonder if that just means the accent (oh la la) or if he'll be speaking Gaelic (that would be neat).
...Wot??? Wot's dis? A request for scoopage *not* relating to DL? How ever did that make it thru?? My word, how curious :lol: Tidbits must be slow these days. That, or perhaps nothin' is immediately forthcoming for DL. Mini w00t. (Retracted w00ts if they're saving "dlrama" for the finale though).Two little spoilers from Fancast:
I need some ‘CSI: NY‘ scoop! What’s in store for my favorite CSI, Stella Bonasera? – Christina
What’s in store is something pretty cool. “A very special episode for Stella is planned,” exec producer Pam Veasey tells me. “She will connect with a mother in search of her son’s killer.”
When is Hawkes’ next romance on ‘CSI: NY’? – Victoria
“Soon,” Veasey promises.
Both those tidbits sound very familiar, to the point I wonder when the Q&A actually occurred, or when the statement was made that they're referring to, but I'm glad to hear something's still on the books for both before the season's over.
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