CSI:NY Picture Thread #3- Bring on the Pictures!

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i like him with the grey hair. It makes him more... interesting. ;)
I don't thing they need to dye his hair. It's just perfect.
About the earings, i realised he has three holes, maybe something he did when he was young, maybe anything to do whis his career as an actor.
Is Gary Sinise related to Edward Furlong?

Am I the only one who sees this? Click the links below and take a look at the pics, I can't believe two men (who seem to do ALOT of work together) look this much alike and aren't related. Does anyone know the story? Sinise was born in '55 and Furlong in '77, an early love child perhaps? :confused: :confused:


Re: Is Gary Sinise related to Edward Furlong?

Hey, what cool pictures of Melina! :) I love them!!

@midnight_tiptoes: Really good observation midnight. That could be a possible Explanation for this.
I don't remember the name of the eppi but I think in Season two does Stel the same thing with her arm. No pic to prove it but it's kinda the same what she's doing with her hands especially when Mac is near.

New CSI: NY 321 "Past Imperfect" HQ episode stills courtes of my Modern Day Gallery

(Fay will like these cuz they're Adam photos. :p)

And I realize why maybe there was a dot on Stella's arm like Carol pointed out last time, Adam is taking blood. :eek:

Enjoy and please credit when you use. :D
Oh, Shane, you know me so well. :lol: *pets Adam*

Thanks for these, they're great as always! :D

ETA: Question--is that a bag of takeout by Adam's foot in the picture where he's at the desk? :lol:
Faylinn said:
ETA: Question--is that a bag of takeout by Adam's foot in the picture where he's at the desk? :lol:

Looks like Chinese food. Me thinks he's trying to hide the fact he's eating (and drinking) in the lab :p
Thanks Shane !Nice pictures..I really can't wait to see about those last two pictures & what will come from them...
Awesome pics, thanks for sharing!

Yeah, I guess poor Adam wanted to eat lunch/dinner and they interrupted him... :lol:
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