CSI:NY Picture Thread #3- Bring on the Pictures!

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Ok, I'm slightly pissed--how hard is it going to be to chop Adam out of the promo without getting bits of Lindsay along the edge? *pout*


And ditto on the Danny conversation. Let's just hope it's only the promo and not the show itself--remember, we've seen those promos of the first episode and he had glasses (and the twin to the white shirt from the finale ;)), so...

ETA: Ooh, interesting, Shane. Thanks! I see the 333, and Mac with the bat-phone. :lol: What's on the computer? Is it tracing the call, maybe?

And I guess that's what Zuiker was talking about with the comment about 3's.
I love those promo pics! Txs so much for posting them.

It's great when they put all kinds of little hints and funny stuff in it for us to analyze...so I really hope there will be a high res version of the team pic out pretty soon; I really like to know what everyone is holding.

The 333 thing is quite intriguing and I think it is linked to Peyton or at least Mac's stay in London, because I'm pretty sure that it's 'Big Ben' in the distance.
Damn I was still pinning my hopes on Peyton not coming back...sigh. Maybe she's the stalker....I can hope.... :D. Still very nice pic. Which date of Entertainment Weekly?
Interesting shot, with the Big Ben on the background. It's going to be a great season :D Lots of exciting episodes :) And the shot from 'Lunch on a Skylar' is awesome, it was a great idea :D
I agree its going to be an amazing season.... Big Ben mad me laugh in the background or that just because i'm a Brit?!?!

In my opinion this 'thing' (3:33) is going to haunt mac this season and Stell will sped a lot of time worrying about him like in s1!
Great pic. Now we cn see whats going on, okay what has Mac got in his right hand. It looks like dynamite...???
Thanks, Elsie!

Hmmm . . . I think Mac is holding a portable coffee mug. That would make sense with his "old school" approach vs. Stella's "modern" approach with the iPhone and mocha/latte/whatever drink from a coffee shop.

It looks like Flack has the gun lying on a napkin or some type of cloth and I have no idea what the hell Hawkes is holding in either hand, but neither really looks like a flashlight to me. They do both seem to be looking at the same thing, however. I'm kinda liking the theory people have posed of something internal - investigation? cover-up? going on with these two.

I don't see anything too telling about Adam and Sid, other than the obvious - that Adam is the tech guy and Sid is the coroner.

I find it interesting that while Danny and Lindsay are sharing a sandwich and doing their stupid heart thing that Danny isn't looking at Lindsay, but Lindsay is looking at Danny in a seemingly seductive way. I also noticed that Lindsay is the only CSI not wearing a badge - unless I over looked it. She had one in S2, not sure about S3; and has been called "detective" in both S2 & S3, I think.

It'll be nice when they release larger images of the color picture.
Is it me or Danny has a cigarette in his ear, like Louie used to do? I'm praying this a hint Louie is definitely coming back...
owlki said:
Is it me or Danny has a cigarette in his ear, like Louie used to do? I'm praying this a hint Louie is definitely coming back...

I think you're right!! Good catch!! It's gotta be a reference to Louie, well hopefully.
OMG! I can't wait to get this one in HQ. This MUST be hanging in my kitchen! You guys have to promise me to put it up in here, cause I am DYING to get this. :D :D :D

Besides... Carmine is doing the ciggy thing quite often, as you can see here...

... though I also hope this is also a hidden clue for us! It would be just great to see some lose ends finally being tight up in its third season.

Can't wait for the new season finally hitting the screen!! :D :D :D :D
Thanks Elsie! :D

No idea what Hawkes has...

Am I the only one who fails to see the 'perfect heart' shape that Danny and Lindsay are supposedly forming? :confused: And why does Lindsay look nothing like herself?

Lindsay's lunchbox is going to f*ck with my ability to crop out just-Adam. *pout*

But I'm loving the eyebrow thing. *loves AJ* :lol:
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