CSI:NY Not coming back??

I don't think that they cancel it, too. I hope so..
Just because we would have heard it when it would be true I'm sure. I think even in tv it would be a news worth it when the show would be cancel. I know that the quotes are not as good as the other CSI's shows but there's so many storylines that worth to tell and the show is just now on the 3rd Season.

Yeah, right. And I am going to type Melina Kanakaredes writes me an e-mail and so go on.. :lol:
No idea where these rumors are coming from (other than some posters at TV.com), but as far as I know, all the CSI shows are coming back next season.
I doubt they would cancel CSI:NY because it is turning out to be the best season yet (according to the ratings). I think it is probably just some weird person with nothing better to do with their time than make up rumors about CSI:NY being cancelled. If they do cancel it, I will make it my personal mission to go down to CBS and protest. Who's with me! :lol:

...and if they cancel NY before Miami, I will be uber mad because NY pwns Miami. Besides, Horatio Caine is kinda weird with the whole sunglasses thing. It creeps me out.
From the looks of things so far I agree it would be comin back. As for the cliff hanger part there have been shows I have been really into that ended in a cliff hanger and then didn't came back...
Top41 said:
No idea where these rumors are coming from (other than some posters at TV.com), but as far as I know, all the CSI shows are coming back next season.

They better come back or I'm gonna whack em.. Or send Fay to do it..
Depending on the season finale's I might not care if any of them come back... The only one I am really happy with right now is NY. They are startin' to make me mad... Goes to show I get to involved with the show
I just read on some site all the shows that were being renewed for next year or were likely to be renewed next year, and all three CSI's were on there. I don't think that anyone has anything to worry about.
Until it's been confimed or denied by CBS or TPTB I wouldn't worry guys! CSI:NY is having it's best season yet and they'd be stupid to ancel it!
I doubt they would cancel CSI:NY because it is turning out to be the best season yet (according to the ratings). I think it is probably just some weird person with nothing better to do with their time than make up rumors about CSI:NY being cancelled. If they do cancel it, I will make it my personal mission to go down to CBS and protest. Who's with me!

...and if they cancel NY before Miami, I will be uber mad because NY pwns Miami. Besides, Horatio Caine is kinda weird with the whole sunglasses thing. It creeps me out.

Hey, I'm with you! When they cancel NY we protest together against CBS. That'll be the hell for them when we protest there. I promise. :rolleyes:

And yeah, you mentioned Horatio and the sunglasses thing. And here I'm with you, too. I think in the same way as you do. He is weird, you're right..
I don't really think there is any reason to think they're cancelling CSI NY. If there is any chance, CBS will be the first tellin it so they can get the best of the final season, rentabilize it to the maximum. Everything started in a blog, where everybody can say what they want, even if they have any sources to confirm it. There aren't any resons to cancel this show.
I agree with everyone in that CBS, not a blog, would tell us if they were cancelling one of their CSI shows. Why would they cancel something that is obviously so popular? It makes no sense.
A question posted in someone's blog means literally zero to me. I have no doubt all three CSIs will return next season. They're huge moneymakers for CBS.
I don't think there's any truth to this. I love CSI NY and I think it gets a substantial amount of viewers both in the USA and UK. Also, critics seem to like it, or at least not hate it. Alison Jones from Radio Times in the UK seems very fond of it.