Thanks for the FB you guys. I'll trying my best to update this afternoon. Glad you're liking the banter between them. I wasn't sure if it would work into the fic or not. Nice to know it does.
When Danny and Sheldon arrived at the Institute they parked the car and got out. tossing Danny one of his shirts, he put it on.
"Thanks man. I was getting a little sticky."
Laughing they grabbed their kits and headed to the parking area. When they approched the back door of the Institute Sheldon noticed the tire treads.
"Hey Danny!! Look at this."
" treads. If I'm not mistaki'n which I'm not those were made by a Harley Davidson."
Looking further around the treads Danny noticed blood drops.
"Sheldon I've got blood. Grab me the kit."
Taking a sample he tested it.
"It's positive for blood. So this is our get away scene. I'm going to get pictures of these treads and send them through to Adam. Hopefully he can confirm what I already know."
"Sounds good. I'm going to check the area and see if we can't find any evidence."
As they seperated Sheldon noticed all the trash cans had been dumped. Heading into the back of the Institute he seen the janitor.
"Excuse me. Can you tell me where all the bags went that were in the trash cans?"
"I dumped them into that big blue bin there. Here comes the City Garbage truck to pick them up."
Running towards the truck Sheldon flagged the guys inside.
"What the hell you doing? We're on a schedule here."
"Sorry. NYPD. I need to check this dumpster."
"Augh, for Christ sakes. This is putting us off schedule."
"I'm sorry. If you have that big of a problem with it. Tell your boss to call the NYPD."
"Damn it man. We have other stops to make."
"Sheldon!! What's going on?"
"Hey Mac. I'm just getting ready to check the trash. But these two seem to not want to cooperate."
"My name is Det.Mac Taylor. We had a murder here yesterday. We think the suspect may have dropped the murder weapon into one of the trash bags. It's important that we hve your cooperation in this matter."
"Fine just make it quick."
"We will. Danny get over and help Hawkes with this trash."
While Danny and Sheldon searched the bags. Mac headed into the school with Don.
"Good morning Detective. I trust you brought the warrant?"
"I did. If you can have all your students form two lines we will get this done as quickly as possible. Can you tell me if this is all your students?"
"No. Seven are absent today. I've written their names on the list for you. You will have to have them brought in to the Station. For I will not have my school disrupted again."
"That's fine. We'll be quick."
Once they had everyone printed they headed back outside. Where Mac overheard Danny.
"Always the God damn stinky jobs. Why don't we get Mac in here, and we do the prints."
"Why don't you tell him Danny. I dare ya too."
"Fine. I will."
"Shh!!! Here he comes."
"Think he heard us?"
"Nah...I think you're safe Danny."
"Did you two find anything?"
"Nothing yet Mac. We still have three bags to go."
"Okay. I'm going to head back with these prints for Adam. When you are finished head back in."
"Yeah sure Mac. See ya."
"Damn Danny. That's telling him."
Augh!! shut the hell up and let's get this done. I'm starting to stink."