CSI:NY bloopers

I pre-ordered season 3 from Amazon for $45 and it was shipped to my door the day is was released. I only paid $24 for Season 1 but I bought it used. The DVDs were in perfect shape.
The full S3 is available for 64euro online but I'm holding off on ordering it until my credit card has recovered from Christmas <g>
yeah in europe it's not that expensive... the only thing that sucks is that europe and north america have different codes so you can't play an american dvd in europe and the other way around... but I'd love to see some bloopers... especially the sarcastic lines from eddie (flack) =)
I'd love me some bloopers but then again I'd love me some extra anything! When I bought season 1 there was commentary and the behind the scenes stuff, I buy season 2 and whatcha got ziltch! I was so dissapointed still am I'm paying a small fortune just for episodes. I have no idea why it is like that here TPTB be probably think no one is intrested in extras :mad:
Your Season 2 DVDs didn't have commentary or extras? Both my Season 2 and Season 3 did.

I would love to see outtakes and bloopers included with the DVDs. My SCRUBS DVDs have bloopers and they are hilarious.

Come on, PTB. Give us some outtakes and bloopers. :)
On the Bones DVD's they have David Boreanez and Emily Deschanel do some of the commentaries and it's actually really funny.

I think if they incorporated the actors into the commentaries I'd enjoy them more. Lord knows I've tried watching the show with it on with someone from the technical side of the show and it's not as entertaining.

I'd definitely be more excited about buying the DVD if I knew the special features were actually going to be good. What's the point of the DVD if you're not getting all the bonuses?
^^ Yep the DVD's had zip on it :( I have the scrubs bloopers and I agree its really funny. I got the movie Hot Fuzz recently and you know what I enjoyed the outtakes and the bloopers more than the movie :lol:
I think if they incorporated the actors into the commentaries I'd enjoy them more.
In the Season 3 DVDs, Eddie does commentary with Pam Veasey for the episode Consequences. That in itself is worth the price of the set. :D I still haven't checked out the rest of the episodes with commentaries so I'm not sure who does them. :p

I enjoyed the outtakes and the bloopers more than the movie :lol:
:lol: There's a few movies that I liked the bloopers/outtakes more than the movie. It's either some really, really good bloopers/outtakes or a crappy movie.
^^ I haven't purchased season 3 yet but you just made me want to go run out and get it just for Eddie's commentary! But I have to be really careful where I buy it from and making damn sure those extra's on the dvd's because I won't fork out so much cash again for nothing *fool me once...* :lol: Do you know who else gives commentary on which episodes?
I wish the DVD had bloopers, I don't get why most 1 hr. drama dont normally put bloopers on their DVDs, but comedies always do.

I do love though that S3 of NY had a commentary with Eddie, I like when the cast do commentary not just the prouducer/writers. I hope that keep that up, maybe have Carmine do a commentary for S4 maybe for "Child's Play"
Do you know who else gives commentary on which episodes?
Not without looking. :p *runs and checks*

Episode 3.02 - Not What it Looks Like - Pam Veasey, Peter Lenkov, and Duane Clark

Episode 3.05 - Oedipus Hex - Anthony Zuiker and Missy Suicide

Episode 3.08 - Pam Veasey and Eddie Cahill

Episode 3.12 - Silent Night - Peter Lenkov and Sam Humphrey

I guess Eddie's it. It's worth it just for his commentary alone.

There are some special features too: Breaking the Killer Code (I'm guessing it has to do with Hung Out to Dry), The Suicide Girls Rock CSI:NY, The Making of Silent Night, and Hill Harper Explores the Body Farm.

I watched the Suicide Girls one..it wasn't bad. Still though, nothing beats Eddie's commentary. :D
Eddie's commentary is great. I'd seriously pay good money to hear him and Carmine do a commentary together--it would probably be brilliant. Eddie himself said something along the lines of, "Put Carmine and I in a room together and it could get a little nuts!" :lol:

Eddie's commentary with Pam Veasey on "Consequences" is really good--he's hilarious and also really into the show, and that comes across in the commentary.

The featurettes are okay. I liked the "Breaking the Killer Code" one a lot; the others are pretty good too. I confess I've only listened to Eddie and Pam's commentary, but I do want to get around to the other ones someday.
A wee bit off topic here but can someone tell me why R1 CSI DVDs dont have subtitles?
I prefer to buy R1 CSI's as you tend to get the boxsets a hell of a lot cheaper than the UK without the peskyness of spliting the series!
Not without looking. *runs and checks*

Thanks for checking for me 1CSIMfan now I know what I'm supposed to be getting when I eventually buy it. I always buy online and some sites don't give you much information on the extra's. ;) I wish there were some bloopers I'm sure the actors can't wrap their tongues around those crazy long words all of the time so that should be really funny.

Top41 I would LOVE to hear Carmine and Eddie doing commentary together but knowing those two they would probably end up talking about anything but the episode not that I would mind of course. :lol:
I wish there were some bloopers I'm sure the actors can't wrap their tongues around those crazy long words all of the time so that should be really funny.
There absolutely has to be bloopers for at least some of those. I'd pay double for a DVD set full of bloopers/outtakes. :p

Eddie's commentary is great. I'd seriously pay good money to hear him and Carmine do a commentary together--it would probably be brilliant. Eddie himself said something along the lines of, "Put Carmine and I in a room together and it could get a little nuts!" :lol:
See previous answer. :p I would love to hear them do commentary on an episode. Better yet, a special DVD release with commentary from them for all the episodes. :lol: Yes, that's asking a bit much but it would be great.

I always buy online and some sites don't give you much information on the extra's.
I always buy them online too either from amazon.com or ebay. :)