CSI:New York - Who's Your OTP??

Me too, whereas I ship Mac/Stella... I really liked the chemistry Jane had with Mac. Did she or did she not leave the show anyway?

I'm not really sure... but I think I see her in the lab...
between them two I think I'll go for Peyton...
My OTP is Hawkes/Angell, because I love the chemistry between them, it's fun, it's relaxed. It's just perfect.

I also ship:
Mac/Stella, Mac/Lindsay, Danny/Stella, Danny/Maka, Danny/Angell, Flack/Stella, Flack/Aiden, Flack/Lindsay, Hawkes/Stella, Hawkes/Lindsay, Hammerback/Stella, and I also ship Hawkes/Peyton, Hammerback/Peyton, Hawkes/Maka, and Adam/Lindsay
OTP: Danny/Flack

These two have chemistry! :D And yes, I know we'll never see it on the show, but damn, the subtext is a beautiful thing. :D

I like some of the other pairings as well: Mac/Peyton (they're fun, and have helped Sinise lighten up a bit), Mac/Lindsay, Danny/Maka, Danny/Stella (I like the idea of their intensity being combined), and Flack/Stella (mostly I see a deep friendship, but I think they're great together). Hawkes/Angell intrigues too, and Hammerback/Stella could be cute in a comical type way.
OTP: Flack/Aiden. I think it's quite obvious by now that I love this pairing. The chemistry and all the hotness these two have will make one hell of a pairing.

I also ship Danny/Maka, Flack/Stella, Danny/Flack and Danny/Flack/Aiden. They all have amazing chemistry together. I also chose Danny/Aiden but I can only see them being best friends; nothing more than that.
Stella and Danny, Flack and Aiden. :D They are my main ships who I loved to become paired on the show ever since.
Stella and Danny exude heat, intensity and steam on the screen when they mesh together and their charm and sassy delivery with each other is right on cue. Flack and Aiden had definite vibes and their sarcastic humor and flair colors into it.

I like these ships too: Danny and Maka, Danny/Hawkes, Flack/Stella, Hawkes/Stella, Danny/Angel, Mac/Lindsay, Danny/Flack, Mac and Peyton.
My OTP has to be Mac/lindsey. I just think they are so alike and the chemistry between them is natural and unforced. I also quite like Stella/Flack and I just find the idea of Stella/Hammerback cute!

Can't really see any other ships although I think the friendship between Danny and Hawkes is brilliant
my OTP is Danny and lindsay o'course

i also ship
stella and flack
stella and mac
stella and hawkes
wow..stella is feeling the love huh?
i ship them..i just dont..hard core ship them..ya know?!
Danny and Lindsay are really the only people I ship on NY.
But I've only seen, like, 5 episodes. But they have great chemistry.