I've been reading these reviews for months, and finally signed up to give my two cents. I agree that the DL scripting has been horrible, it's been much more about looks and gestures than meaningful dialogue. However, I'm hoping that the whole story line is redeemed when the actually hook up - I guess in the next few episodes - and they can be back to their normal selves. They were great together when Anna first joined the show, with all the "montana" jokes, but when romance started to bloom they lost all that. I'm hoping that once they're comfortable with their new relationship that all the emotional strain is gone, and the writers feel that they can go back to being open and candid with each other. I think the storyline is good, but execution has been poor. And I do think that Anna is a good actress, given the right lines to work with. She was a breath of fresh air when she first joined the show.