Top has a point. You can't call her out for expressing her opinion in a personal review of an episode.
D/L is one of the biggest controversies on CSI:NY. Parts of the fandom love it. Parts don't see the chemistry and hate it. Others could honestly care less. Of course Top is "biased". Honestly, ErinElizabeth, you are too. You're biased towards D/L and against F/A. So truthfully, there's no reason to pull the bias card when it comes to this conversation.
Maybe it wasn't my place to speak up, but it's true.
I think ultimately that's all it comes down to--ultimately we're all bringing our own opinions to the table on these things. And that's what makes a discussion board so interesting.
Bias - a particular tendency or inclination, esp. one that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question; prejudice.
I think you might be confusing my liking of something to having bias. You can like something and still not have bias. There are some DL shippers that I find irrational just as much as I find some DL haters irrational. There are some things that have happened with the DL relationship that I haven't cared for. Things that Lindsay did that I didn't care for. I actually found Sleight Out of Hand a little cheesy. And while I am good now with the way the pregnancy storyline is going if I had the choice I'd rather not have it.
As for FA, I'd love to see Flack in a relationship so I'm honestly upset that I don't care for Angell or see the chemistry. But there it is. I suppose I could have bias there but I can't help that I don't see the chemistry. I'm at an impass there.
Top, I know there are times where you've given credit where credit is due but that's quite scarce. And while I can understand some of your criticisms I also find some quite outlandish. The reason I talk about your bias is because I feel like it taints Lindsay for you and you haven't been able to take all the good with the bad. That's the impression I get from reading your reviews. Also, I feel that comparing Lindsay to Angell or DL to FA is unfair. They're all totally different characters with different stories.
So let me get this straight--you see Lindsay and the relationship with Danny in a mostly positive light with a few criticisms here and there, but that doesn't make you biased, but I see the mirror opposite and I am biased? Do you really not see how weak your argument is? I don't really have anything more to say. If you want to talk the points, great, but if you just want to whine about bias, take it elsewhere. It's old, it's tired and it's a non sequitur.
And you say that no one ever gives you a good arguement but I don't know how anyone can? Most of the things you state are just your opinion. How do you disput someone's opinion?
Why are you on a message board if you feel that way?
Honestly, I don't even know why I care or why I'm trying to explain my side. It really doesn't matter. This has no impact on my life. I'm sorry I said anything at all (just because I don't need the extra headache) but I guess my argumentative side took over. But I'm a bit tired of beating this dead horse.
I just have to laugh at how pointless this all is.
And yet you're still here, beating. And I haven't seen a single argument about why you like Lindsay or defense on the points I made in my review. Just cries of 'bias.' So is rather pointless.