The writers made him trip over a frickin' bag - I totally blame them for taking that route. :lol: If he can't chase and tackle, they could find a better way to deal with it.Also, just as an aside, I also miss Danny being the take down guy but the reason is because Carmine herniated a disc or something so he can't really tackle people anymore. He said so in the video game extra thing where they interviewed him. So don't get mad at the writers!
I'm going to be a dork for a few minutes. Forgive me.We've actually seen her since her rookie days with Mac in season three, and she didn't hook up with Flack until this season (5). She certainly had a lot more time to develop than Lindsay, who was pretty cleared paired with Danny from her first episode and, despite being in the main credits, has never developed beyond a love interest role.
She was in eight episodes before she even had a scene with Flack (seven during season 3 and one during season 4). She worked with (and flirted with) Flack in "Commuted Sentences", and in the next two episodes she appeared in, she didn't work with him or interact with him. They had two scenes (if I recall) in "All in the Family", nothing in the next episode she appeared in, and they had scenes in the next two she was in (admittedly about five episodes apart). When she first appeared in season 5, I don't think she had a scene with him (in "Enough"), although the next episode had The Kiss. (I don't think she was in "The Box" despite being credited for it.) Then she was in "Forbidden Fruit" without a flirtatious scene (or any scene) with Flack, I believe, and they've done the past two episodes together.
So that's:
7 episodes in season 3: 0 with Flack, 7 without Flack
8 episodes in season 4: 4 with Flack, 4 without Flack
5 episodes in season 5: 3 with Flack, 2 without Flack (and this season isn't over)
Out of a combined total of 20 episodes over three seasons, she's had 7 which included working with and/or flirting with Flack. That's less than half overall. Even just looking at seasons 4 and 5, it's almost an even split so far. As a recurring character and a love interest, I think that's pretty good.
The problem IMO is if they get to the point that she never works cases without interacting with him or they are unable to work professionally despite their relationship. (Aside from the scene in this episode, it hasn't been a problem so far.)
[/dork moment over]
It's okay, I forgive you.Once. Hardly compares to the number of times Flack has had Danny's back (sorry, Fay!).
I missed that. I am a failure. *woe*It was a snow boarder who landed in the garbage next to the foot.
Ah, cool--thank you! Will correct that.
As for the Flack/Angell scene - I haven't rewatched the episode, so this is going from my memory of the scene (which may not be entirely accurate, but there you go).
When the IAB officer brought up her relationship with Flack, it's natural for her to wonder when it became public knowledge. Hell, I'd want to know how it became public knowledge if it was me. (And if I didn't tell anybody, the first thought I'd have about who did tell would obviously be the other person supposedly keeping the secret.) Based on Angell's reaction (and the fact that we know she's only been a detective for a few years), I'd say it's safe to assume dating a colleague you work with closely isn't normal for her. She was uncomfortable with everybody knowing about the relationship (and apparently thought keeping it 'secret' would prevent anybody from finding out - haha, yeah right), and she seemed uncomfortable about being the subject of office gossip. (This is conjecture, of course, but it makes sense to me.
When she asks Flack about it, she isn't just thinking about herself - she does point out that the relationship not being secret means that her testimony about Flack's conduct isn't worth crap to IAB.
Was it the right time to bring it up? No, it wasn't. I'm sure if she'd thought about it, she would have known that - but that wouldn't stop her from wanting to ask about it. And when she brought it up and Flack flat-out told her he had other things to deal with, she let it go. I didn't take her response as offended so much as a bit hurt - even though he's right, that doesn't mean it didn't sound a bit harsh to hear it come out the way he said it. But she knew he was right and she left it alone and got back to work.
Time will tell if she's nursing some butthurt and plans to stomp around before blowing her top on an unsuspecting Flack, but there's nothing at this point to indicate that she'll behave that way - and I hope she doesn't. If she does, I may very well grow to hate their relationship, but as it stands right now, despite my misgivings about another pair of coworkers being together, I like it - and I'm choosing to be optimistic and not assume it'll all be wretched before it even happens. I have confidence in Eddie and Emmanuelle to act their butts off in any case.