CSI: New York Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Just made this... :)

athens said:
Elsie ,I'm using one of your icons..I will credit you of course

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. Flack is so adorable. :D

Great icons everyone, I still particularly love all the Flack hotness! His pretty face makes for great icons. :lol:
First of all: beautiful icons in here! Macayla, LivingEnd, Clytia, lmH, Kat, althea - oi, too many: everyone did an awesome job. :)

Second: welcome aboard grissematt, I see you're completely fresh to this board, so a hint for the future: please add a bit more content to your posts. Otherwise it could be seen as spamming, what's not allowed. I know, this is the Art Forum and most of the threads exist of short comments about s/o's artwork, but perhaps just add what you liked best, whose work you liked best etc. ;) Thanks! :)
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