CSI Miami Therapy


OK, I've never done anything like this, but the idea came to me and I thought I'd give it a go. I'm going to follow:

Horatio Caine
Eric Delko
Calleigh Duquesne
Tim Speedle
Alexx Woods
Ryan Wolfe

Through a therapy class to bring them closer together. It'll all make sense once I pull it together (the Speed and Ryan coexisting thing)

Summary of Recent Events

CSI Crime Lab, in Miami Florida. The team, comprised of Horatio, Eric, Calleigh, Alexx, and Speed had became close, and knit together as a team. But then Speed was killed in the line of duty, and the team fell apart. They tried to hold it together, but they knew they couldn't, with Speed gone. The team was signed up for all expense paid therapy by an anonymous friend, in order to mend their team. Now joined by CSI Ryan Wolfe, they begin their individual sessions.

Dr. Jennings sits in on their first session. She has her tape recorder, pad of paper and pen, and begins to record the session. She wears a plain black suit and sits in a swivel chair facing the patient with a small table in between the two of them. The patient sits on the couch, looking uncomfortable, with a dark suit and sunglasses. Dr. Jennings notes he looks "withdrawn"

Dr. Jennings: So, Horatio, would you like to tell me why you decided to come to therapy?

Horatio: *takes sunglasses off, shifts position* Well, Doctor, my team is falling apart, and I’ve accepted this generous offer to help pull them back together. *puts sunglasses back on*

Dr. J: Well, you've come to the right place! We're going to take you, sitting here, with whatever unconfident feelings you might have, and turn you into a happy, healthy, successful man, with a successful, happy team!

H: *shifts again* Ok, if you think that might work.

Dr. J: *looks over filed paperwork* It says here your brother died, and then your partner. I think-

H (angry): This has nothing to do with Ray. This is supposed to be about my team.

Dr. J: Sometimes when someone we care about is lost, we try to cover it up with barriers, pretend that we don't care, or that it doesn't affect us. But I think that your brother's death might be part of the problem you're having with your team.

H: *shifts again" Can I, um, stand? I don't usually sit down for long periods of time.

Dr. J: Um, well, whatever makes you comfortable. But I think that over time we should try to ease you into the uncomfortable zone, so that that becomes your new comfort zone!

H: *stands up* I'm already way outside my comfort zone.

Dr. J: See! You're already making progress! At one point you won't even think anything of coming in here! You'll sit down, and we'll have a relaxing chat, and you'll leave feeling less heavy with all of the emotional weight you're carrying!

H (angry): *rips sunnies off* Are you implying I'm fat? *breathes heavily, and angrily*

Dr. J: *makes notes, doesn't flinch" Horatio, I think we need to conquer whatever's hurting you, because even though you think you're doing a great job covering it up, people can see it, sweetheart. You're angry, I can tell.

H (pouting): I'm not angry.

Dr. J: You're pouting, which is a form of anger.

H (pouting): I don't pout! I'm a CSI, we don't pout. *replaces sunnies, sits down, perched at the end of the couch* Now I'm sitting. Happy?

Dr. J: Only if you are sweetheart. *checks clock* Horatio, our time's up. I'm thinking your problems and feelings go so deep down, with so many big barriers that we need to knock down! I know you've spent so long trying to build them, but we need to find the source of your anger so we can fix it. I'll see you next week, at 10:00, OK?

H (grumpily): OK, even though this has nothing to do with my team. *takes deep breath* Do you think you can help me and my team?

Dr. J: Oh, yes! But the first step is admitting you have a problem, so we can fix it! And I can't do it, you need to do it with my guidance! I know you can! Then we’ll focus on your team as a whole.

H: Thank you doctor. *takes off sunnies, replaces them.*

Horatio exits, Dr. Jennings makes notes on paper, and gathers her belongings. She exits shortly after.

Next Session: Eric.

What do you think? Be critical! Thanks everyone. Hope it was decent.
I liked it...serious but funny at the same time. Can't wait for more :) *briefly ponders what LV version would be like*
hehe.........Horatio in therapy :p He should be ina anger management though......with me :devil:

Great work, keep it up!

Thanks guys. Hope later on more people will read this... just tryin out my writing skills. Please, again, give feedback, good and bad.
So here ya go all. Enjoy.

Dr. Jennings sits in on the second CSI Therapy session, this one with the next patient (she will see one each day for a week and then rotate again). She wears a gray suit and red blouse, and is taking notes on her pad of paper again, and a pen. She turns the recorder on, and faces the patient, who wears dark jeans, a white collared shirt and a black jacket. He appears angry, and anxious to leave.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Eric. Would you like to tell me why you decided to come to therapy?

Eric: Everyone else was going. Thought I'd try it.

Dr. J: Great! Therapy will be a place where we can talk about what you feel, and help you become a happier person! I won't judge you, so you can tell me anything!

E (annoyed): I thought this was about the team. Why are there individual sessions?

Dr. J: Well, Eric, sometimes a group problem can be a big, bundled group of problems that are affecting the individual, and can contribute to the group problem. I'm sure we can solve your problems, and improve you as a person, then that will help the team!


Dr. J: *looks through file* You've had a rough year. Your friend has died, and you've been under a microscope at work. Maybe-

E: This isn't about the Feds. It's about Speedle.

Dr. J: People can think they're not affected by something, but it can hurt them! I think we can help you by talking about everything, so that you feel more comfortable about being open with your team, and your family.

E: My team doesn't need to know about my whole life.

Dr. J: It helps to talk to the people who care about you about your feelings and problems. Not only will they help you solve these problems, but it can bring you closer together. I want to get to a point where you feel that you can come to people with problems and trust them to help you out. Being secretive can be bad for any relationship.


Dr. J: It seems you don't want to talk to me. That's OK, Eric. Lets start with something easier. If we attack your problems and build up from small, tiny problems to ginormous problems, then we might make better progress because you'll be more comfortbale and less angry.

E (angry): I'm not angry.

Dr. J: You seem angry. Things are hurting you, and when you hurt that bad, anger feels minor. I know it hurts, Eric, and that's why we need to help you fix it.

E (murmering): Still don't see what this has to do with the team...

Dr. J: It'll help with your work life as well as personal life and emotional health. I promise.

E (sarcastic): Sure.

Dr. J: When you carry around these burdens, it makes you irratable, even when you don't feel irratable, and can turn other people off. We want you to be open and healthy and happy!

E: So what do we do then?

Dr. J: That's up to you! We can talk, you can draw pictures if you like, or we can play a game.

E (annoyed): I'm not a kid, OK?

Dr. J: But a game can relax you, and help you talk about what you're feeling without feeling on the spot.

E: *rolls eyes* What games you got?

Dr. J: *gets up, goes to game shelf, opens, takes out games* Well, we have checkers, chess-

E (interupting): Doesn't chess increase stress?

Dr. J: Not at all. Just plain old fun chess doesn't. Besides, I'm not all that good, you'd probably beat me.


Dr. J: *continues to take out games* What did you do today?

E: Well, at the lab we all get the day we have to go to therapy off, so I just watched reruns of TV shows. Hung out. came here.

Dr. J *finishes, closes shelf* OK. *resumes seat, games spread across table* What game do you want to play, Eric?

E: *scans games* Haven't played Scrabble in a while. Why not.

Dr. J: Great! *puts away other games, sets up Scrabble* Words are a good thing. Sometimes, subconsciously, we can spell out our feelings through our words!

E: Yeah. K. *picks seven letters*

Dr. J: *picks seven letters* You can go first, Eric.

E: That's OK. Go ahead.

Dr. J: OK! *puts down STOP* That's 6 points for me. Your turn!

E: *shuffles around, puts down PLANE* That's...*adds up points* 7 points.

Dr. J: Okay! *shuffles around, puts down CAT* Not that great. Only 5.

E: K. *puts down EAR* OK. That's 3.

Dr. J: Great! *puts down POTS* 6 points here!

E: *shuffles letters* We're almost done.

Dr. J: Okay! You get last trun!

E: *puts down HURT*

Dr. J: *looks up at Eric* OK. Next time we'll talk some more, OK?

E (withdrawn): Yeah... *gets up*

Dr. J: It was nice to meet you, Eric. We're going to get through this, all of the muck and gross stuff, and trun you into an open, honest, healthy and happy young man! I'll see you next week at 10:00.

E: Thanks for your time.

Eric leaves, Dr. Jennings gathers her things and leaves too.

Next session: Calleigh.

What do you think? Please tell me! I really want feedback from you guys. I'll be back tomorrow. :)
I can't wait to see Calleighs part.....I might end up making a banner or something :lol: 'Anger management' in a funky text with Calleigh looking pissed as thr pic lol

I love it so far, just curious, but is Alexx going to be in it too? :p
Yeah, Alexx is going to be in it too. I might (as in will) borrow from a certain theory and have her and one other CSI involved in it..:D
Glad you like it. Not sure what to do with Calleigh. It could be amazing or it could bomb. Thanks again. :D

Also- this supposed to be a funny/serious thing. Like so serious it's funny. It probably ends up looking a bit discabobalated, but I hope not. I must ponder what bullet girl will be like angry, over dinner *sneaks off*
I can definately see the mix, a little humour and a little seriousness. I feel like I'm getting a free therapy session myself, which is cool since I can't afford a real shrink. Keep going, I'd love to see what you do with Calliegh.
Thanks everyone. Glad people like this. I really had to think about this one, because Calleigh’s not so troubled. Hope I didn’t bomb. Tell me how it was after. *sigh* Here we go- just introducing her- she’ll play a huge part later.

Dr. Jennings wears a brown suit and white blouse, as she sits in her swivel chair. She has begun the third session in the world of the troubled CSIs (these people protect Miami?). Dr. Jennings starts the recorder. The patient appears more cheerful, and is wearing dark pants and a white blouse. She smiles.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Calleigh! I’m so glad to see you here!

Calleigh: Thanks, Dr. Jennings.

Dr. J: *makes notes* Why have you decided to come to therapy?

C (cheerfully): Well, I don’t know. Everyone else decided to go, and I bet you can help our team.

Dr. J: Well, I hope so! But I will need your help. It’s all about you and your willingness to accept your problems.

C: *grin disappears* We’ve established I have problems?

Dr. J: Everyone has some problems! Even if they’re buried down, and even if they’re itsy bitsy small, they’re problems! We can get through them though!

C: I just have never thought I had problems.

Dr. J: Well, think back. Have you ever been sad, mad, frustrated, stressed out, worried, anxious, regretful- any other emotions like those?

C (laughs): Probably all at once at some point!

Dr. J: And do you still feel regretful about things? Or sad sometimes? Or stressed out about work? Or-

C (interrupting): Well, yeah. I guess I see your point.

Dr. J: I know you’ve been through a lot lately, and I bet you still think about your past experiences. Those are the kinds of things we can discuss, come to terms with, accept, resolve- and move on, fresh and nearly worry-free! Through talking, accepting, and resoving- we can solve almost anything! I want to help you with work, family, social life-

C (interrupting): What social life?

Dr. J: Don’t you do things with friends?

C: Yeah. Solve crimes.

Dr. J: I mean outside of work?

C: *thinks hard* Nope.

Dr. J: So you have no social life?

C: Not that I can think of.

Dr. J: Well maybe you need one! Maybe you need to talk to friends, hang out with them, go places with them, participate in activities…

C: Yeah. Horatio, Eric, Ryan, Alexx and I talk about our cases. We ‘hang out’ in the lab. We go to crime scenes. We participate in activities, such as DNA analysis, fingerprint lifting, interrogation…

Dr. J: Sounds like you need a break!

C: A what?

Dr. J: A day off! To do things on your own time!

C: What? Like what?

Dr. J: Well, what do people do nowadays? Party, go to movies, drink coffee-

C (interrupting): I like coffee. There’s good coffee in the break room at the lab.

Dr. J: You need to get away from work!


Dr. J: Maybe you should ask for a day off?

C: Whenever someone gets a day off they end up getting called in anyways. Not worth the effort.

Dr. J: Do you have any friends outside of work?

C: *thinks* My dad. Oh, and Dana at the bar I always drag him away from.

Dr. J: Your dad. Do you have a good relationship with him?

C: Sure. I get to drive him home from bars constantly.

Dr. J: Sounds like he needs to shape up.

C: Yeah. But that gives me a few hours off a week. Time to drive him home. Oh! I did get to talk to some people in the bar once. Two older men. About football.

Dr. J: Calleigh, I think I found some issues to work on! We need to discuss your dad, and what you can do to help get him on the right track, we need to discuss your time off and how you spend it, your social life- getting a healthy life outside of work, and we need to discuss the obvious- your dealing with Tim Speedle’s death, your part as a leader around work, and how you can help pull the team back together.

C (annoyed): Makes sense.

Dr. J: Our time is almost up, but is there anything you’d like to talk about?

C: *gives blank stare, and seems to be resisting the urge to yell out to the world her problems- wants to reveal what she’s feeling*

Dr. J: Anything?

C: …no.

Dr. J: *sighs* OK Then. See you next week, 10:00?

C: Yeah…

Dr. J: *gets up to leave*

C: Wait. *stares at the wall- almost past Dr. Jennings, as if she’s not looking at anything*

Dr. J*sits back down* Yes, Calleigh?

C: I wasn’t there when Speedle died. I arrived after he was…gone. *continues to stare*

Dr. J: Does that make you feel like you weren’t there for him?

C: …yeah. *looks down*

Dr. J: Do you want to talk about it?

C: …no. I’ll, um *stands up, gathers things, puts on cheerful face* …see you next week. 10:00.

Dr. J: Ok Calleigh. If you need anything…

C: Yeah. We all have your number.

Calleigh leaves. Dr. Jennings turns off the recorder and notes down how Calleigh is bottling up her deep, buried, aching feelings, unwilling to share them, and putting on a brave, happy face for everyone else. Then, she too leaves.

Next session: Alexx.

OK, I might have really ruined this one. Calleigh is however going to play a bigger part. Tell me how it was, please, and I’ll be back tomorrow. (I’ve been cranking these out fast because I’m off from school- when I go back it’ll be very slow.) :D
Hey I know I haven't commmented so far....but I just want to let you know I'm loving it!!!

Calleigh at the end
C: *gives blank stare, and seems to be resisting the urge to yell out to the world her problems- wants to reveal what she’s feeling*

Dr. J: Anything?

C: …no.

Dr. J: *sighs* OK Then. See you next week, 10:00?

C: Yeah…

Dr. J: *gets up to leave*

C: Wait. *stares at the wall- almost past Dr. Jennings, as if she’s not looking at anything*

Dr. J*sits back down* Yes, Calleigh?

C: I wasn’t there when Speedle died. I arrived after he was…gone. *continues to stare*

Dr. J: Does that make you feel like you weren’t there for him?

C: …yeah. *looks down*

That was brillant....just showing alittle edge of deep down stuff-handled it really well Update soon please
Thanks everyone. I'll get to writing Alexx's part, because I have nothing else to do, lol. Be back with it soon. Glad people like this, I didn't think it would be such a success. :D
Sorry for the double post. :D
You people rock, thanks for all the great feedback. I know I seem obsessed with writing this...I have so much time on my hands I can't believe it...with no school, wow. OK, here's Alexx.

Dr. Jennings sits in her swivel chair, with dark pants, a white shirt and jacket. She faces the fourth CSI patient, who wears a brown suit and green blouse. Dr. Jennings begins her next set of notes, and turns on the tape recorder. The patient seems to be one of the happier ones, as Calleigh was. She smiles.

Dr. Jennings: Hi Alexx! It's nice to meet a fellow doctor!

Alexx: Thank you Dr. Jennings. Same to you.

Dr. J: Why have you decided to come to therapy sessions?

A: Well, being M.E., I get to observe the team, because I'm really in a seperate world. And I have observed that our team is falling apart. It's hard to watch.

Dr. J: I know you must have been very close to Tim Speedle.

A: Um, yeah. Should we talk about something else?

Dr. J: If you like. It's probably a sore subject. But we're going to start by conquering small problems, and build up to the big ones. We want to end up, having talked about everything, being open, honest, and cleansed, with almost no worries.

A: So, what do we do now?

Dr. J: What do you want to do? We could talk about things that are bothering you, I know that working with deceased you must feel down, depressed sometimes. I know I would!

A: Yeah. I guess so. I try to put on a tough face for Horatio and the team, but...it's not easy.

Dr. J: I would bet so. If you want we can talk about that, or something easier.


Dr. J: What did you do today?

A: Well, it was my day off, but I got called in to a murder scene early this morning. A young girl had been stabbed.

Dr. J: How did that make you feel.

A: Horatio was there, so I was acting normaly. It's so hard to show your true feelings when he's so strong in all that's happened to him...his brother's death, his rough childhood, being head of the department, the Feds involvement, Tim- uh, so anyway you feel guilty when you feel bad, because it's like, you can't be strong and hold up when this little thing has happened, I mean, look at Horatio.

Dr. J: *makes notes* So it's hard to hold up to his standards?

A: In a way. Yeah. But when I see people I know end up on my table...baby, it's just not easy to cut into them!

Dr. J: I know you're hurting Alexx. And since the difference with you is that you not only have issues from your past haunting you, you have daily issues to deal with, unlike everyone else, we need to teach you ways not to hurt so much. It's OK to hurt, Alexx.

A: *wipes tears* I know. What can I do?

Dr. J: Well, I can teach you some ways to releive stress. Close your eyes.

A: *closes eyes*

Dr. J: Imagine you are on a boat.

A: I hate boats. I get seasick.

Dr. J: OK. Imagine you are on a cloud, up in a mostly clear blue sky. You are the only cloud in the sky.

A: I thought I was on the cloud. I didn't know I was the cloud.

Dr. J: Ok. You're on the only cloud in the sky.

A: Uh huh. Ok.

Dr. J: You're slowly drifting in the widn, gracefully gliding down close to the ground.


Dr. J: You stop, and look down at the world below you.


Dr. J: You see green grass, beautiful, colorful flowers, big, outstretching trees.


Dr J:...children playing, laughing, maybe some dogs and cats. Birds chirping, wind blowing...you soar over them, to a new place...

A: *opens eyes* Where?

Dr. J: Close your eyes! And where, you ask? Where do you want to be?

A: Mhm...at home. With my children.

Dr. J: Ok. You drift on home, to where your children are. You watch them play games, do homework...laughing, and happy. You smile, and realize...

A:...that there's nothing better.

Dr. J: *smiles* Open your eyes.

A: *opens eyes* Wow. I feel so relaxed.

Dr. J: See! Such simple things, as thinking about the things you love, can make you happy and relaxed. You'll feel so much better if you try to think like that!

A: I didn't...think it would be so nice. Wow.

Dr. J: Alexx...now that you're relaxed, do you want to talk about anything else...maybe Tim. You seem to be avoiding the subject. And I know you're hurting-

A (interupting): No. I don't want to talk about Tim. Just forget about him, Ok?

Dr. J: Alexx, we can not want to talk about someone without forgetting them. And it helps to talk about someone who we miss. We can remember all the good things about them...

A: Tim was good! He just wanted to help people...he didn't mean to hurt the people who caed about him. *sniffles*

Dr. J: He didn't mean to. Alexx, it wasn't his fault. It wasn't your fault either.

A: You don't understand. He...*glances at clock* I should...go...

Dr. J: You don't have to talk about him now. It's Ok. *glances at clock* We have a few minutes left. is there anything else you want to talk about?


Dr. J: You'll remember your relaxing thoughts?

A: Yeah.

Dr. J: Use them, Alexx! You can feel good anytime you want! Just think of something happy, put yourself there, and imagine all your worries lifted.

A: Thank you doctor.

Dr. J: And we'll get through this! One day, maybe soon, you and the team will get together and talk about Speedle and feel happy! You'll remember the good memories, and it'll bring him back in a sense, and bring your team clsoer together!

A: No. We shouldn't talk about him.

Dr. J: It's Ok now, Alexx. You don't have to talk about Speedle.

A (detatched): Next week, at 10:00.

Dr. J: You can call me.

A: Ok. *leaves*

Dr. Jennings notes Alexx seems not only to hurt because of Tim's death, but to completely want to cover it up, and seems to be hiding something. Work on stress-relieving excercises. Dr. Jennings switches the tape recorder off, and leaves, thinking about how she'll be able to pull this team together, with so many individual problems.

Next session: Ryan.

Well, what did you think? Alexx does have a secret. This, is remember, different from the show. A completely different scenerio. Hope you enjoyed it, and hope I'm not going too fast. Please give feedback, and I'll bring back more tonight or tomorrow. :D