I'm glad you guy's are loving this, :lol: because I've never laughed so hard in my life either, :lol: Every time I re read it I howl. :lol: I'll post more later. It will aslo be about four skits with M/NY, before the LV gang join in.
As everyone piled into "H"s Hummer, they recieved a call for a crime scene.
"Looks like you Idiot's are coming with us, said "H". :lol:
As they arrived at the scene, Tripp was already there.
"Oh for Christ sake's "H", what the hell are they doing here"? said Tripp.
"Why don't you shut your mouth Trippzilla", said Calleigh. :lol:
"Listen you God damn Country Bumpkin, lay off", said Tripp.
"What the hell is up his ass", asked Flack.
"He's just pissy, because he ripped his new pants at the last crime scene", said Calleigh. :lol:
Flack couldn't help but laugh. :lol: :lol:
"Listen you little piece of NY garbage, no one asked you to laugh", said Tripp.
Calleigh whispered to Flack,
"Just call him Trippzilla, he hates it", said Calleigh.
"What have we got Tripp"? asked "H".
"What the hell have I told you about that, you dumb son of bitch, "You already know", said Tripp.
"Listen Tripp, said "H" as he put on his sunnies, "Why don't you disappear", before I put my foot down your throat", said "H".
"Suck it "H", just Suck it". "You and your little NY wimp wanna be's just Suck it".
"Whatever Tripp, now get lost".
"What the hell do you think your doing Whacky Mac", said "H".
"Just checking the body, HussyHo, so relax", said Mac.
"Listen you dumb **** get your lard ass out of our crime scene", said "H".
"That's it, I've had enough of your crap", said Mac as he knocked "H"s sunnies off his eyes".
"You Idiot, those things are like $350 bucks a pair", now you can buy me new ones cried "H".
"In your dreams", said Mac.
"What the hell Mac, that wasn't nice to do", said Eric.
"Whatever you Cuban Banana", just process your crime scene", said Mac. :lol: :lol:
Calleigh and Stella were wandering around looking for evidence.
"Holy Shit", said Stella, "Is that what I think it is".
"Crap, it is, "H", "H" called Calleigh, come here quick".
They all started running towards Calleigh and Stella when Mac fell in a rabbit hole. :lol:
"Auh!!! help me you Idiots I fell in a hole, "Hey, get back here now", "Come on you bags of shit, I'm stuck", cried Mac.
"SUCK IT BACK MAC, yelled Danny, we'll be right there as soon as we finish here".
As they were all looking at the hand Calleigh and Stella had found, some one was coming towards "H"s Betsy Hummer.
"H", "HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", yelled Mac, your Hummer, your Hummer "H". :devil: