CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own Risk!

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Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

They have it over at SpoilerTV but I don't think I can post the spoilers.
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

anybody know where i can see next weeks promo?
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

flubber said:
*Edited to remove link*
flubber, I have sent you a PM. :)
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

Raven, more than likely it's on the Miami part of cbs.com otherwise it might be on youtube. Otherwise just Google it, something is bound to pop up. :)
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

I think there's a bit of a problem with cbs.com. They've had the preview for last year's finale up for a long time now and when they link to the current episodes, it's always the same finale preview. I'd recommend as well to look around--even watch CBS if you have the channel. They usually show it during the week.
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

ha so that scene they showed at the beginning of the seasonwhen it looked like cal and jake making out its not .
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

I bet you CBS isn't putting the promos up on purpose...they hyped the season premiere sooo much from the promo and half of the stuff didn't happen and it was a let down to many people.

And it does look like the flshback of the couple is probably the couple from thie ep and not Jake and Calleigh as everyone first thought. Just goes to show how the people who make the promos can sooo easily mislead their viewers.
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

delkolover said
Just goes to show how the people who make the promos can sooo easily mislead their viewers.


I don't really understand why they feel the need to do that. Common sense says that if you simply put in the pictures that explain the general plot, it shouldn't need to be hyped up. Whether it pulls in an audience is up to that audience, lurkers and regulars alike. Things were far less misleading in the earlier seasons.

I personally find it distasteful to hype the episodes up and not deliver. I understand they feel the need to make it cool, fast, appealing and so forth but in the long run all people are going to remember is how much they were mislead, in turn making the season look like a general disappointment. Unless of course some don't feel as passionately about the promos as others. :lol:

Maybe the rest of the episodes this season would be far better if there weren't promos. :p

Look at all the hype next week's episode recieved. :rolleyes: If I understood correctly from Rory's interview, he's barely in the episode and it's definitely not what the promo implies. (Then again having a former cast member show up is normally a big deal anyhow)
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

^^Yeah but of course they are going to mislead all of us, especially the die hard Speed fans into believing he is in the majority of the episode and plays a huge role in it.

Even the episode description is misleading..."leads the team to believe Timothy Speedle might still be alive" WTF?? If you have read the spoilers, and most people have, we already know that is it a lie.

And I too understand that they need to make the promos exciting inorder to draw an audience...but most of the time they go way overboard!
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

mjszud said:
sandersidle said:
Bah. I'm behind in spoilers and I heard there's going to be a Halloween episode. Is that true? If so, what episode?

Thanks. :rolleyes:

The Halloween epi is episode 6 titled "sunblock". Whoever made the original post for that epi spoiler said there were strange things happening in the epi & something to do with werewolfes!!! It should be good....
...interesting I guess. :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

i think its just luck . they take ryan off the csi team and speed comes back. man i can't wait for next week's ep its going to be awesome. i also can't wait to see what happens with kyle in dealing with the news that H told him. I loved that episode. I think this is the season going to be better than S5 .. thats just my opion.
ps. VAlerA is so HOT !!!! finally they showed her lol
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

Even though, as Geni pointed out Rory will only has a little bit of screen time and has minimal dialogue, the episode kind of still will be about Tim. iIs he alive or isn't he? He gets talked about, thought of, investigated.

This is something which hasn't occured since probably Whacked from Season 3. Even without a guest appearance from Rory I think this episode would have whipped all the Speed fans and alike into a bit of a frenzy.

The fact that the man himself is goin to be on the show is an amazing added bonus. :D :D
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

Here are a couple of people in episode Bang, Bang, Your Debt.

Johnny Whitworth as Jake Berkeley
Luis Moncada as Julio Ramirez
John Forester as Brandon Fox

Well correct me if you've heard something different. :p
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