CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own Risk!

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Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

Right on! Shes gotta be kinda a bee-yutch if shes gonna get pregnant & not even tell Horatio. Thats just wrong. I kinda hope she stays on then...Id love to see H get all pissy w/ her over all this!!
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

I doubt the scene with the custody papers will get cut, maybe rearranged but not cut, in episode 612. From what I have read it is a pretty big part of her role in that ep.

I definately got the impression she is a real bitch and con artist...sort of have to be to just disappear on your son and not tell the kid's father he even exists. At least contact the father if you can't take care of the kid, ya know?
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

You're probably right about the scene staying intact - I hope so, I really wanna see Cal go into protective mode for H, she hasn't done that in awhile.

As for Julia, there's a lot of explainin' TPTB have to do :

1. How and why did Horatio fall for her? If she's such a "bitch" why did he get involved w/her and say it was serious? Was she different

2. Why did Julia leave H? I thought originally that it was b/c she found out she was pregnant and was scared to tell him, but that's not what it's sounding like now...

3. Why did Julia dump Kyle? I was under the impression that she was either dead or in grave danger, but now I have no clue.

As for why she didn't tell H about the kid - I thought it was b/c he was under cover and he wasn't using his real name - how could she track him down later if she had the wrong name? She did put his name on the birth certificate (the name she knew, anyway...)

The tension between H and Julia will be great, but I really want to understand what he saw in her all those years ago - I know flashbacks are not likely, but it would be nice to get some background...
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

Episode 613 "Miami Confidential"

The FBI agent we saw in last night's ep returns when one of his C.I.'s, Rachel Hemming is murdered. Also his past with Natalia is revealed.

Agent Farallon is not the boy scout FBI everyone seems to think...between infidelity and Rachel's murder, the agent's whole career is put in the spotlight, leaving the team to determine what is true, who murerdered the C.I. and what exactly the agent is trying to cover up concerning the Rachel herself.

No mention of Yelina or Kyle as far as I can tell. I honestly didn't think we would get spoilers considering the writers strike
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

The bad part about the strike is even though these shows are ordered and currently scheduled for production, if any re-writes are necessary, they can't be done. Some shows have already ceased production because of that. We may have to look forward to these episodes after the strike ends.
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

delkolover said:
Episode 613 "Miami Confidential"

The FBI agent we saw in last night's ep returns when one of his C.I.'s, Rachel Hemming is murdered. Also his past with Natalia is revealed.

Agent Farallon is not the boy scout FBI everyone seems to think...between infidelity and Rachel's murder, the agent's whole career is put in the spotlight, leaving the team to determine what is true, who murerdered the C.I. and what exactly the agent is trying to cover up concerning the Rachel herself.

No mention of Yelina or Kyle as far as I can tell. I honestly didn't think we would get spoilers considering the writers strike
How do you find out all of these things?
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

delkolover said:
Episode 613 "Miami Confidential"

The FBI agent we saw in last night's ep returns when one of his C.I.'s, Rachel Hemming is murdered. Also his past with Natalia is revealed.

Agent Farallon is not the boy scout FBI everyone seems to think...between infidelity and Rachel's murder, the agent's whole career is put in the spotlight, leaving the team to determine what is true, who murerdered the C.I. and what exactly the agent is trying to cover up concerning the Rachel herself.

No mention of Yelina or Kyle as far as I can tell. I honestly didn't think we would get spoilers considering the writers strike
I know that spoiler's out there about Miami Confidential, but will that episode be finished? The spoiler was just from last Friday, I believe.
Are we even sure Episode 12, "Raising Caine" was finished before strike time?
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

inthewind said:
delkolover said:
Episode 613 "Miami Confidential"

The FBI agent we saw in last night's ep returns when one of his C.I.'s, Rachel Hemming is murdered. Also his past with Natalia is revealed.

Agent Farallon is not the boy scout FBI everyone seems to think...between infidelity and Rachel's murder, the agent's whole career is put in the spotlight, leaving the team to determine what is true, who murerdered the C.I. and what exactly the agent is trying to cover up concerning the Rachel herself.

No mention of Yelina or Kyle as far as I can tell. I honestly didn't think we would get spoilers considering the writers strike
I know that spoiler's out there about Miami Confidential, but will that episode be finished? The spoiler was just from last Friday, I believe.
Are we even sure Episode 12, "Raising Caine" was finished before strike time?

According to Entertainment Tonight earlier tonight...CSI: Miami has 13 episodes done. On ET they were telling how many episodes different shows had done before the strike. CSI: Miami has 13 out of the usual 24. So it's after Miami Confidential you have to worry about whether or not there will still be a strike. :(
Hope this helps.

I'm watching The Insider right now. A few minutes ago they said that CSI: Miami has 13 of 24 episodes completed. Fox's 24 doesn't even have 10 episodes completed. They just have 8-9 episodes completed. If "completed" means what I think it does...then the 13 episodes are written, filmed and ready for airing.
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

The owners of the CSI franchise shouldn't be preocupied about the strike, they should turn to Talk Csi fanfic writers which I think we have better ones than the profesional ones. I think that our writers can develope much more better stories than than for example, last season.
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

Next weeks ep looks awesome...i just hope the writers haven't decided to go the cliched route and have Calleigh abusing alcohol...that would be totally stupid.

I love Sweeps :D :lol:
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

Oh yeah I agree. :eek: I just saw the promo and I hope they play it again so I can run and upload it to you tube for everyone! :devil:

I couldn't believe Calleigh was yelling like that... and I bet she is yelling at Stetler too! :eek: :eek: :eek: Ohhhhh, I so can't wait!!! I hope TPTB don't change it because we all know Calleigh would never drink! :rolleyes: Especially after everything with her father. :mad:

I second that delkolover... I love the sweeps too! :lol:

HCrazy :cool:
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

I know, HCrazy! - Calleigh was yelling, holy crap!! And yea, it's probably at Stetler - LOVE IT!

How about H's line: "Can you live with that?" Wonder wwhat the context of that statement is, hmmm....

OK, so I get that this might have something to do w/her having alcohol in her system, but that aside, H kills someone every week and no one questions it. Yet, when Cal has a gun to her head, she 's not allowed to defend herself?

As for the alcohol thing, I personally would like to see some flaws in ALL the characters, including H. It would be nice if we could see more than 2 people in a scene together and get some interaction of them as TEAM and not this disjointed group of individuals who pair up at every crime scene. I hate that format, I really do...ugh.

Anyway, here's to hopin' next week will rock the house!1
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

I have one question.

What colour shirt was Horatio wearing in the preview?

If it's dark and stripey I won't be happy! hehe
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

OMG!!!!! :eek: I need the promo HCrazy ;)
I can't wait till next week...POOR CALLEIGH :(
I want her yelling to Stetler...Never mess with Calleigh Duquesne :devil:
Re: CSI:Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #4 - Proceed At Own R

wow next weeks episode actually looks really good :)... i can't believe calleigh would yell like that but it shows how tough she really is.... and yes that would be great if she was yelling at Stetler :lol:.... i just can't wait! I think it will be one of the better episodes this season
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