CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

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Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Thanks for reassuring me guys!

A Horatio fetish? Ohhhh.... Perhaps Anna will come back and Horatio will lose another girl in a finale.
(it's not as though they haven't done things over before in this series!) ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Firing Sofia Milos just because is still one of the show's biggest WTFs.
Exactly - and Ann has never had the decency to publicly explain her reasoning behind it. Some of the H/Y fans wrote to her and one did get a reply. Ann said that she could understand the disappointment the fans felt (thanks for that :rolleyes:), but they wanted to see what Horatio was like without Yelina.

Ann did emphasize that it was a temporary move, but we all felt it was handled appallingly - from the perspective of Sofia's fans, Yelina's character and Sofia herself. She didn't even know she was being written off until Season 3 had finished apparently. She was very dignified about the whole thing, which is more than I can say for Ann.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

i agree that somehow it would be interesting to see H on 'new light' - re Ann D. comment they wanted to see what Horatio was like without Yelina. but why ohhh why when they (who must be ashamed) don`t do anything after S4 become more and more horrible with evry epi?! why they wait till the S5 premiere to try fix this mess ?! a lot fans become so so disappointed and now tptb have to work harder to win us like true given fans again. on first place for me would be enough if Ann D. at last admit her big mistake (re Aerosol stuff), but no such luck so far now. for me TPTB have to be grateful that Sofia Milos still want to work with them - after this so quick ride of her character in the end of S3. i admire Sofia Milos as actor and person, coz she respected her fans so much and again give chance to this monster to bring ours Real H back. (or i hope to be this way re H character). not in last place i hope that SM don`t come back in Miami for any price - Yelina charatcer need justice !!! and i have a little hope that tptb can handle this two last spoilers (E/C relationshi and Yelina as PI) well..... *cross finger* for me have little light in the tunnel, coz i still can`t believe that a lot guys in Miami forum from very long time now are really excite for this last epis from S5 :)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

There's an article on miamiherald.com - about them visiting the set in Miami!
And apparently David couldn't keep his mouth shut *lol*

Last year when CSI: Miami was shooting end-of-season episodes in Miami, the big hush-hush plot twist was that Caruso's on-screen wife was about to get killed by a sniper. Caruso didn't give away any secrets quite as grand as that, but he did reveal that a surprising love triangle is about to erupt on CSI: Miami.

''It doesn't involve me,'' he says. ``It's two of the principal characters and somebody who's a regular. It's -- hey, am I supposed to be telling you this?''

Evidently not, since the show's publicists began shrieking and tearing their hair when asked about the triangle. But Adam Rodriguez, who plays forensic technician Eric Delko, offered another clue when he was asked if there's anything he's always wanted to do on the show. ''I never get to kiss enough beautiful girls,'' he said, then smiled contentedly in a way that suggested his complaint should have been phrased in the past tense.

Emily Procter, who plays CSI: Miami's slinky blonde ballistics expert Calleigh Duquesne, was suspiciously unavailable for comment. But that still leaves us the third corner of the triangle to figure out.

So yeah... We know now, that it's gonna me Eric/Calleigh/Jake, right? We thought so before, but that makes it clear now (Even if the MiamiHerald couldn't figure it out *lmao*)

The whole article is HERE!
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Thanks Leela! Interesting. I'm glad H is not involved in a love triangle. :rolleyes: Some Eric/Jake angst could be fun to watch (if that's where we're heading).

Here's to hoping that this turns out to be as good as it sounds. ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Ohhh...thankies Leela! That sounds very interesting. And I really hope the writers don't ruin the whole thing. A lot of fans would be very disapointed.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

No one gets fired in the season finale....Ryan gets fired in the ep Burned but comes back to the lab in the ep Kill Switch which is the second to last ep of the season.

The season finale is called Born to Kill.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

ya know im just not sure what to think of the whole e/c love triangle thing.for 1 thing they always hype up spoilers for it to turn out to be different. remember the mole? only to find out that there was a "bad" mole that was monica west. & eric dying & then hes not dead. the triangle thing, they called eric/nat/ryan a triangle & it was only 1 date. & im still lost w/ adams response in his interview about his deal w/ nat would have an impact on how its played out. so no offense really, i just think we might be in for a big suprise. their not going to be that quik to give it all away.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Adam talked about Natalia because Natalia is the one who realizes there's something between Eric and Calleigh. She asks Eric about it. She's not involved in the storyline, it says that she's just looking for good gossip.

A triangle is bad enough without getting other characters involved. My guess is they'll all react to it from a professional standpoint, except maybe Alexx, who's like a mommy to all of them. But to make other characters jealous/emotionally involved would be overkill. Like Miller said, they don't want to turn the show into Grey's Anatomy.

Also, he said that the storyline will start this week and will go into next season. With news of the triangle, my guess is Calleigh and Eric will start to fall for each other, but Jake will be around. Eventually I guess she'll have to choose between the two. But Miller confirmed they're dragging this storyline into season 6. Whether Eric and Calleigh get together or not, it'll most likely happen next year.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

i think that Season 5 has been kind of like a roller
coaster because they have had good episodes but then they
go down to bad episodes and back to good
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

I have a spoiler question. I think it's already been said but I haven't been online for quite a while and I wasn't really reading this thread..*shame on me*

So..I just ask and hope you'll be so kind and answer it. :)

Do we already know who shall be fired? Is there anybody that gets fire or is everything 'okay'?

Excuse me this not-so-great question but in my german csi forum they're still not knowing..so I thought I could ask here..as the US gets informations earlier than we do. ^^
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

According to earlier spoilers, Ryan Wolfe is to be fired, however all looks good and he should be back. :)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Thanks speed_cochrane.

I think I read this somewhere earlier but I wasn't sure.
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