CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

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Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Recycling storylines really shouldn't surprise you. Sure if it was exactly the same or very similar it would be weird, but people do have similar problems sometimes. For instance, all the leading ladies have some kind of dad issue. Both Sara and Lindsay have a period of time where their pasts trouble them. I know there is another one....can't think of it right now. So yeah they can "re-do" some storylines. Though I would be ticked if Ryan was being black-mailed by a judge. Wait. That already happened to H.:p:
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Ok, so I have a theory. It's probably wrong but, you know, a girl can dream.

So this new spoiler about someone getting fired comes after we find out about Ryan getting in trouble for the gambling debt. I think this is a diversion.

Natalia has been a csi for less than a year, and in that year she has been in "training." I think that in an upcoming episode she is the primary at a scene, and when the evidence leads to a dead end, she fakes dna evidence. (She's a DNA analyst, it could happen.) Bring in Stalker Stetler to interview the team about Natalia, and SHE gets fired.

It's a theory, and it's probably way off, but it gives me hope.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

I can't really remember, but if they decide to fire someone, and then rehire them, isn't it like the episode when Delko gets busted for drugs? He gets fired but of course H saves him? I don't know if they would use the same storyline again.

I might be off on this, but I think that in CSI Las Vegas, there was a spoiler for like the 3rd season or something that said "one of csi's own will die" in the season finale..and it turned out to be a cop. Now maybe when Ausiello means "member of the team" he means..any reoccuring character?
Like...Jake? Maybe?
I totally agree. That could happen, but for some reason I have a feeling it's Ryan. Unless like someone said, it's a diversion. Right at the time when Ryan gets in trouble, there's a spoiler someone is getting fired. Maybe Jake messes up a case or something and gets fired.

Oh and one more thing. :p I agree with what everyone is saying about it not being a big deal, or not happening at all. With the whole mole thing, everyone was told the person who was the mole was getting fired. So everyone is freaking out thinking it's one of the main characters and they're getting fired. But then it turns out to be a lab tech and they don't even get fired! They get premoted to a CSI. :eek:
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

aww but i dont want jake to die hes till got a thing for calleih i think lol
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Ok guys got new spoilers on Episode 523 "Kill Switch"
so from what I can gether Ryan is no longer working at the lab....if he was fired or not I don't know. He is doing freelance reporting for a local news station as a forensic expert on the news.
The case is confusing to say the least but from I can gather a man named Jason Kiley who own a cigar boat and smuggles cocaine from Cuba for a local dealer named Tony Rosetti. Jason ends up dead b/c he has been stealing from Rosetti on each trip to Cuba.
Rosetti asks Jason's brother Paul to handle the situation, ie kill him. Paul botches it up so Rosetti has to take care of it himself.
It does look like Ryan comes back to the lab at the end of the ep....how he does I don't know. He simply tells viewers that he is leaving the new channel and going back to the lab.

The spoilers for this ep were all over the place and as I read them more and get a better idea...I will post them :lol:
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Thanks for the spoilers. But what does Ryan mean when he says he's leaving the 'new channel'? I'm so lost, too. :lol: Ohh wait, Ryan is doing the reporting? So he wasn't in the lab cause he got fired or because he was doing the reporting? :lol: *sigh*
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

I don't know if he was fired in the previous ep or if he is the person who does get fired at all. In the ep he is working for a local television station as a forensic reporter. By the end of the ep he decides to leave the tv station and go back to the lab. How that is possible if he was fired...i don't know.

Hope that clears things up :D
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Maybe it's an another "Horatio's plan"......
I am fed up of the mole case in S4,but I will be glad Ryan may have two(?) eppys' storyline.
I hope it's not a bad storyline.The most important thing is that Ryan is still in the lab!!!^^
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

You know, the whole getting fired thing reminds me of what happened on New York with Aiden, and we all know how that ended. :rolleyes:

The way I see it, because it's hard to pin down a definite target for firing, everyone becomes equal targets. The writer’s are going with shock value more and more these days, so it will probably be someone we don’t expect. But since everyone is suspect… and now I’ve gone and confused myself. :lol: Anyways, what I’m saying is, don’t expect it to be one person because of character building or whatever; writers want to surprise you, they won’t make it obvious like that.

I think Ryan was acting as a forensic correspondent for the news channel, but that doesn’t mean he was fired. It just means he goes on the news and explains some forensic stuff to the media, which sort of makes sense considering he was a leak in seasons 3 and 4.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

He actually asks Calleigh not to blame him when she goes to the station to talk to him, for doing what he is doing b/c he claims he still needs to make a living. So I don't think he is on loan to the tv station.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

The reporting thing is another repeat and repeat case.The writers want to make Ryan always stick reporters or Tv news? Hope Erica will not appear again.(pray)

Though the whole story is still very confusing,I have the feeling Ryan's side maybe a keypoint about the whole storyy.

BTW,I really want to see Alexx and Valera more,not Natalia.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

I watch Miami strically for the storylines . . . and Calleigh and Natalia, but these storylines are just confusing. Hopefully they will clear up a little better when the episodes air.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Oh when I read that Ryan was not working at the lab I got scared. He's such a great CSI, he spots things all the time, he's strong, he's smart, and he's great with suspects...he is flawless...except for all the mistakes TPTB keep giving him :mad:...
But he comes back, so that's okay. Thanks for the spoilers, my breathing sped up there lol.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

Futon Critic updated:



Ed Begley, Jr. ("St. Elsewhere") Returns as Supervisor O'Shay

"Bloodline" -- Horatio suspects that the County Supervisor and the owners of a nearby Native American Casino may be involved when a murder victim is found scalped, on CSI: MIAMI, Monday, April 9 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Ed Begley, Jr. returns as Supervisor O'Shay.


Horatio Caine: David Caruso
Calleigh Duquesne: Emily Procter
Eric Delko: Adam Rodriguez
Alexx Woods: Khandi Alexander
Ryan Wolfe: Jonathan Togo
Det. Frank Tripp: Rex Linn
Natalia Boa Vista: Eva La Rue


Scott O'Shay: Ed Begley, Jr.
Leo Donwell: Josh Zuckerman
Anna Sivarro: Paula Garces


Jesse Stark: Matthew Morrison
Steve Gryson: Corey Reynolds
Louis Sullivan: Shawn Reaves
Ross Miller: Ryan Carnes
Reggie Veston: Jay Montalvo
Adrienne Veston: Tonantzin Carmelo
Doug Lansing: Roark Critchlow
Karl Bennett: Jeff Phillips
Agent Barris: Philip Lester

Written by: Marc Dube & John Haynes

Directed by: Carey Miller




"Rush" -- Horatio and the team investigate a movie star's death while he was in a celebrity rehab center and on the verge of exposing some damaging secrets, on CSI: MIAMI, Monday, April 16 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.


Horatio Caine: David Caruso
Calleigh Duquesne: Emily Procter
Eric Delko: Adam Rodriguez
Alexx Woods: Khandi Alexander
Ryan Wolfe: Jonathan Togo
Det. Frank Tripp: Rex Linn
Natalia Boa Vista: Eva La Rue


Dan Cooper: Brendan Fehr


Holly Reese: Alice Greczyn
Brody Lassiter: Nick Steele
Eddie Corbett: Adam LaVorgna
Peter Ashford: Phil Morris
Rod Vickers: Steve Bacic
Jerry Simmons: Myk Watford
Jolene Kitt: Samantha Streets
Director: Jennifer Sommerfield
Elvina: Ari Graynor
Newsman: John Burke
Newswoman #1: Tina Battaglia
Newswoman #2: Erica Shaffer
Counselor: Jo Anderson
Patient #1: Serria Tawan
Patient #2: Tomm Bauer
Patient #3: Jesse Caron

Written by: Ildy Modrovich & Krystal Houghton

Directed by: Sam Hill


No Valera <
Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut

No Valera :mad:, but Cooper. :D Wonder what it's for, as in the A/V lab.
Thanks, 'Rush' sounds remotely interesting, although it's just another celeb or movie star or someone rich and famous, and 'Bloodline' sounds better because it sounds more normal and like s2, IMO. Thanks midnight_tiptoes. :)
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