CSI:Miami S4 in Asia


Police Officer
It's coming! It's coming!
I thought I'd make a thread here, since there was one in NY and no one made any here yet.
It's coming! It's coming!
I'm getting excited about s4...since I just have read anything and everything about it in the internet( just looking at screencaps...)....I just wonder why it does not have any buzzsite in axn website..while CSI and CSI:Ny has...
Maybe AXN thinks that not many people are interested in Miami...but statistics may beg to differ.
Thanks for opening this thread, I feel a bit less 'lonely' :lol: I mean, most people already talking about S5 and a bit frustrating that I haven't even seen a glimpse of S4 and having no idea what they're talking about (well but I'm sort of trying to stay away from being spoiled ;)).

It's next Wednesday isn't it? August 2nd? I'm so excited!!! I really miss Ryan :D
Yup wed...aug 2..and I'll be missing it since the tv in the dormitory has no cable...duh...I'll have to wait till sunday to watch the replay...
Now that LV S6 is over.. I wonder if Miami's going to replace LV's air time... or Miami keeps its air time after LV and give the LV's air time to other show. Or would they replay other season of LV (keeping the CSI Supreme Sunday LV-Miami-NY)?

Hmm that sounds confusing :lol: hope you get what I mean...
It's still the same on Sundays, but the switching only happens on Wednesdays.

Here's my take on From the Grave:
The beginning : Marisol was mentioned! As an old woman named Arisol. Interesting, isn't it? I liked the fact that TPTB decided to push some colors into the usually orange-themed Miami. Notice the funeral? Green, brown, white and black.
Horatio's first confession was so unlike him. Usually he sounds so full of confidence he sounds arrogant, but this time we get to see the H that is vulnerable to the sins he commited. Now THAT'S interesting.
One Q: Why did H say "Welcome back," to Delko?
Before Delko was processing Arisol's house, you could see the beautiful skyline of Miami. Then you hear some very familiar music. Hmmm. Were TPTB trying to migrate NY buildings and Vegas-esque music to Miami? I sure do hope not, but it may be a good change.
Awww....and look at Ryans' puppy dog face when he told Erica off...Poor baby.
The song that was playing at the end, I thought it was a little un-apt. Then I heard the whole thing and I thought, wow, this is one bloody good episode. An hour passed by so fast!
When I heard there was a green light for H, I thought, oh crud, CSI:MIAMI4 is soo going to be Mala Noche/Miami's mafia-oriented. Telenovela, anyone?
Can't wait for the next episode!

Oh, and there's already a buzzsite for CSI:Miami! There's even black and white wallpapers, I'm so going to get that!

Full review at my blog:at my profile.
Yep it's a great episode! I've just rewatched it again (CSI: Supreme Sunday... Sundays just got better ;)).

Ooh Ryan mad at Erica... he's sexy when he's mad :lol: Erica even said something about "Don't get all bitchy on me Ryan!" I was like, 'Bitchy-Ryan!! That makes it official!' :lol:

Love how they show the vurnerable side of H... it's so interesting to see that even him is a normal human being with strength and weaknesses...

I don't know about "Welcome Back" though... but I took it they're all just got back from holiday or something... cuz when Calleigh walked into the lab she commented on the new decor. So maybe they were on vacation and when they got back the lab's been upgraded.

Love Ryan's comment, "New mafia, my ass!" :lol:
Oh yeah, the labs upgrade! The interior was really pretty but do those kind of labs exist in real life?

And yeah, Ryan is SO DARN sexy when he's mad. Poor baby.
love the new place yeah...it was nice...still need to watch it again tomorrow morning...so there will be no distractions....I love the part when Horatio went to the church and confess...
'Father, I...have to go' :lol:

Horatio is so dramatic it's funny. But I think that episode is like an hour of action movie, and that's just what Miami is. It doesn't take itself seriously, and that's why it's fun.

I love Calleigh's hair! Somehow, no matter what I do, my hair never turn out like that, hmph.
Calleigh looks like she spends all of her salary on her hair...lol.

Blood in the Water
This is a very nice episode. It had a crappy beginning-the parents were really fake for fake parents.
The problem that Laura, the mom, had with Luke, the son, was similar to Bree's problem with Andrew (Desperate Housewives), only that one was about bongs and the other was about gays.
Is it just me, or is this episode centered around the color green?The green buoy, Calleigh's bright blouse, Laura Gannon's green top and Tia's green halter.
The ending of this episode really tugs at your mind string. One obviously can see that everyone needs a family. And no on needs one most than Horatio Caine. He was obviously trying to hide that fact, his only weakness from everyone he sees.
I liked the song at the ending. His poor sorrowful face relfected how much he wants his brother's family close to him, but he will be willing to settle for anything to feed off that want. *Hint, hint: It starts with an M and ends with death*