Thanks for the reviews. 
Gables Estates, house, master bedroom
Lori: *steps into bathroom, opens cupboard*
Tom: *walks over* I'm confused.
Lori: With what? *grabs toilet paper*
Tom: At which point hypothetical or otherwise would I ever be good enough for you?
Lori: *looks at Tom* I thought we weren't friends anymore.
Tom: Okay, consider this. We're the last people on Earth and we have to repopulate the planet.
Lori: *smirks* Tom, if you keep dwelling on what will never be, your head will explode.
Tom: I don't want to be with you, I'm just frustrated that you think I'm not good enough.
Lori: *turns around* You have Anni, I have Scott. What's the problem?
Tom: *grabs hair* You're not getting it. It's the principle of the idea. Why would you not want to be with me even if we were the last people on the planet?
Lori: I wouldn't want to ruin the friendship we have.
Tom: ...We had an intimate relationship before we ever had a friendship.
Lori: Exactly. And if I could go back and do it all again, I'd rather have the friendship.
Tom: *stares at Lori*
Lori: You and Anni were right. We were too close and I'm not even sure a friendship is worth it at this point.
Tom: Wow. You have an amazing talent for ripping people's hearts through their chests.
Lori: Tom, you were the one who texted me.
Tom: Yes, because I wanted to patch things up with my wife, not because I never wanted to see you again! You really think we could avoid each other forever?
Lori: No.
Tom: We needed space from each other so we could get our priorities figured out. But that doesn't mean I stopped caring about you. Jesus, Lori.
Lori: And I'm supposed to read your mind?
Tom: Are my feelings for you not obvious enough?
Lori: *stares at Tom* ...That depends what you mean by that.
Tom: *steps forward, kisses Lori*
Lori: *closes eyes*
Tom: *places hand on Lori's cheek*
Lori: *grabs Tom's chest* ...*pushes Tom* Stop it.
Tom: *stares at Lori*
Lori: We need to get on the same page here.
Tom: I agree.
Lori: I don't want to be on your page.
Tom: You certainly seemed to a minute ago.
Lori: *crosses arms* You're an idiot.
Tom: Sometimes you just have to do what feels right.
Lori: No you don't. You're supposed to do what is right. I let this go on too long and you set me straight. Don't be a hypocrite.
Tom: I already told you, I don't want to be with you.
Lori: Then what was the kiss for?
Tom: ...It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Lori: *frowns*
Tom: Think of it as a parting gift.
Lori: Some gift.
Tom: What, it wasn't good enough?
Lori: ...Wasn't long enough.
Tom: *tilts head* Excuse me?
Lori: *wraps arms around Tom's neck, kisses him*
Tom: *smirks*
Outside of bathroom
Scott: *staring at wall* ...*walks away*
Dominick: *pushes Tayla into pool*
Tayla: *screams*
Scott: *runs over* Hey! *jumps into pool*
Dominick: *lifts head*
Scott: *grabs Tayla*
Tayla: *coughs*
Scott: *places Tayla onto pool deck*
Tayla: *shivers*
Scott: *jumps up*
Dominick: *runs*
Scott: *grabs Dominick by the neck* Sit down.
Dominick: *sits*
Scott: *grabs towel from chair, wraps Tayla* What the hell did you think you were doing?
Dominick: *shrugs*
Anni: *runs over* What happened?
Tayla: *lifts arms, crying*
Anni: *picks up Tayla*
Tayla: *crying* Dommy *sniffs* pushed me.
Scott: *grabs Dominick by the collar, smacks him in the rear*
Dominick: *screams, starts to cry*
Scott: Get inside the house. Now.
Dominick: *holds butt, runs away*
Anni: *wipes Tayla's cheek*
Scott: I'm sorry. I thought Tom was watching them.
Anni: Where is he?
Scott: I have a few theories. *steps closer* Is she okay?
Anni: Yeah.
Tayla: *coughs*
Scott: I'll be right back.
House, kitchen
Lori: *opens fridge, grabs milk* ...*shuts fridge*
Scott: Dominick's not returning to the party.
Lori: *looks at Scott* Why?
Scott: I sent him to his room for pushing Tayla into the pool.
Lori: *sigh* Dom.
Scott: Now, if you've finished making out with Tom, Steph's ready for you to cut the cake.
Lori: *blinks*
Scott: *crosses arms*
Lori: ...Okay I can explain.
Scott: You love Tom.
Lori: No. I love making out with Tom.
Scott: How comforting.
Lori: Like you haven't been making eyes at Anni.
Scott: I've been taking care of kids and getting food out there, I haven't had time to 'make eyes' at anyone.
Lori: Okay, I have an idea. Wait here. *runs*
Scott: *sigh*
Upstairs, master bedroom
Lori: *drags Anni into bedroom* Scott, get up here!
Scott: *steps in* What's going on?
Lori: Okay.
Tom: *sits on bed*
Anni: *slaps Tom in the back of the head*
Tom: Ow.
Lori: Since Tom and I were stupid, you two get to be stupid.
Scott: I don't know what that means.
Lori: *opens closet* 7 minutes in Heaven.
Scott: *frowns* Excuse me?
Lori: Come on, haven't you ever played?
Scott: No.
Lori: Anni, have you?
Anni: I think once when I was 15. *looks at Tom* What about you, Casanova?
Tom: *lowers head*
Lori: You and Scott get to make out.
Scott: No.
Anni: Wait, let the girl talk.
Scott: *looks at Anni* This is childish. I'm not condoning it.
Lori: *pushes Scott into closet* Just do it. *shoves Anni into closet, shuts doors*
Tom: *shakes head*
Lori: Why are you giving me that look?
Tom: Try not to be too happy.
Inside closet
Scott: *crosses arms*
Anni: I'm not very happy about what they did either but haven't you ever wanted payback?
Scott: No.
Anni: Lori treats you like garbage, Scott. She clearly doesn't care about your relationship.
Scott: Oh she cares about it. But only when Tom isn't in the room.
Anni: Then it appears we have the same problem. Aside from kicking his ass when I get home, I want to show him right now what he has to lose.
Scott: *slides down wall, sits* We're just going to have to sit here for the next 7 minutes.
Anni: *sits*
4 minutes later
Anni: You have some nice ties.
Scott: Thank you.
Anni: *grabs bottle from shelf* Is this your cologne?
Scott: One of them.
Anni: *sniffs* Oooh. Fruity.
Scott: Lori thinks it's 'too' fruity.
Anni: *shrugs* I like it. A lot of times I find men's cologne to be too spicy and musty. This is refreshing.
Scott: *nods*
Anni: *sigh* Would it be so bad to have one kiss?
Scott: *looks at Anni* Yes.
Anni: How about a peck on the cheek. I don't want to seem lame. I mean, I'm playing 7 minutes in Heaven with the former CEO of the number 1 investment firm on the planet and we're sitting here sniffing cologne?
Scott: *smirks*
Anni: *crawls over* One peck. That's all I ask.
Scott: One.
Anni: *grabs Scott, kisses him*
Scott: *furrows brows*
Anni: *leans back, smiles*
Scott: That wasn't a peck on the cheek.
Anni: *smiling* You're blushing.
Scott: Anni...
Anni: *wipes Scott's lip* See? Lightening didn't strike you down.
Scott: *sigh*
Anni: *lies head on Scott's shoulder* You consider Lori 'the one'.
Scott: I do.
Anni: *takes Scott's hand* Then she must be really different with you than everyone else.
Scott: She's a wonderful mother and a caring person.
Anni: It's important to you that your wife is a good mother.
Scott: Yes. *looks at Anni* That's the foundation of a family.
Anni: What about a good father?
Scott: ...I haven't known very many of those. *scoffs* Except Tom.
Anni: *lifts eyes*
Scott: I respect him, I really do. He is a good man and I hope you two work out.
Anni: If he was as good a husband as he is a father...we wouldn't have a problem.
Lori: *opens closet* I hear a lot of talking but I don't hear a lot of making out.
Scott: *stands* We're finished.
Lori: Why?
Scott: Because we're not 12.
Anni: *steps out*
Tom: Why do you smell like cologne?
Anni: *looks at Scott* I'm taking this. *grabs bottle, walks away*
Tom: *walks away*
Lori: *slaps Scott*
Scott: What was that for?
Lori: Now I feel guilty.
Scott: You should.
Lori: ...You're not going to make me write an essay, are you?
Scott: *frowns*
Gables Estates, house, master bedroom
Lori: *steps into bathroom, opens cupboard*
Tom: *walks over* I'm confused.
Lori: With what? *grabs toilet paper*
Tom: At which point hypothetical or otherwise would I ever be good enough for you?
Lori: *looks at Tom* I thought we weren't friends anymore.
Tom: Okay, consider this. We're the last people on Earth and we have to repopulate the planet.
Lori: *smirks* Tom, if you keep dwelling on what will never be, your head will explode.
Tom: I don't want to be with you, I'm just frustrated that you think I'm not good enough.
Lori: *turns around* You have Anni, I have Scott. What's the problem?
Tom: *grabs hair* You're not getting it. It's the principle of the idea. Why would you not want to be with me even if we were the last people on the planet?
Lori: I wouldn't want to ruin the friendship we have.
Tom: ...We had an intimate relationship before we ever had a friendship.
Lori: Exactly. And if I could go back and do it all again, I'd rather have the friendship.
Tom: *stares at Lori*
Lori: You and Anni were right. We were too close and I'm not even sure a friendship is worth it at this point.
Tom: Wow. You have an amazing talent for ripping people's hearts through their chests.
Lori: Tom, you were the one who texted me.
Tom: Yes, because I wanted to patch things up with my wife, not because I never wanted to see you again! You really think we could avoid each other forever?
Lori: No.
Tom: We needed space from each other so we could get our priorities figured out. But that doesn't mean I stopped caring about you. Jesus, Lori.
Lori: And I'm supposed to read your mind?
Tom: Are my feelings for you not obvious enough?
Lori: *stares at Tom* ...That depends what you mean by that.
Tom: *steps forward, kisses Lori*
Lori: *closes eyes*
Tom: *places hand on Lori's cheek*
Lori: *grabs Tom's chest* ...*pushes Tom* Stop it.
Tom: *stares at Lori*
Lori: We need to get on the same page here.
Tom: I agree.
Lori: I don't want to be on your page.
Tom: You certainly seemed to a minute ago.
Lori: *crosses arms* You're an idiot.
Tom: Sometimes you just have to do what feels right.
Lori: No you don't. You're supposed to do what is right. I let this go on too long and you set me straight. Don't be a hypocrite.
Tom: I already told you, I don't want to be with you.
Lori: Then what was the kiss for?
Tom: ...It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Lori: *frowns*
Tom: Think of it as a parting gift.
Lori: Some gift.
Tom: What, it wasn't good enough?
Lori: ...Wasn't long enough.
Tom: *tilts head* Excuse me?
Lori: *wraps arms around Tom's neck, kisses him*
Tom: *smirks*
Outside of bathroom
Scott: *staring at wall* ...*walks away*
Dominick: *pushes Tayla into pool*
Tayla: *screams*
Scott: *runs over* Hey! *jumps into pool*
Dominick: *lifts head*
Scott: *grabs Tayla*
Tayla: *coughs*
Scott: *places Tayla onto pool deck*
Tayla: *shivers*
Scott: *jumps up*
Dominick: *runs*
Scott: *grabs Dominick by the neck* Sit down.
Dominick: *sits*
Scott: *grabs towel from chair, wraps Tayla* What the hell did you think you were doing?
Dominick: *shrugs*
Anni: *runs over* What happened?
Tayla: *lifts arms, crying*
Anni: *picks up Tayla*
Tayla: *crying* Dommy *sniffs* pushed me.
Scott: *grabs Dominick by the collar, smacks him in the rear*
Dominick: *screams, starts to cry*
Scott: Get inside the house. Now.
Dominick: *holds butt, runs away*
Anni: *wipes Tayla's cheek*
Scott: I'm sorry. I thought Tom was watching them.
Anni: Where is he?
Scott: I have a few theories. *steps closer* Is she okay?
Anni: Yeah.
Tayla: *coughs*
Scott: I'll be right back.
House, kitchen
Lori: *opens fridge, grabs milk* ...*shuts fridge*
Scott: Dominick's not returning to the party.
Lori: *looks at Scott* Why?
Scott: I sent him to his room for pushing Tayla into the pool.
Lori: *sigh* Dom.
Scott: Now, if you've finished making out with Tom, Steph's ready for you to cut the cake.
Lori: *blinks*
Scott: *crosses arms*
Lori: ...Okay I can explain.
Scott: You love Tom.
Lori: No. I love making out with Tom.
Scott: How comforting.
Lori: Like you haven't been making eyes at Anni.
Scott: I've been taking care of kids and getting food out there, I haven't had time to 'make eyes' at anyone.
Lori: Okay, I have an idea. Wait here. *runs*
Scott: *sigh*
Upstairs, master bedroom
Lori: *drags Anni into bedroom* Scott, get up here!
Scott: *steps in* What's going on?
Lori: Okay.
Tom: *sits on bed*
Anni: *slaps Tom in the back of the head*
Tom: Ow.
Lori: Since Tom and I were stupid, you two get to be stupid.
Scott: I don't know what that means.
Lori: *opens closet* 7 minutes in Heaven.
Scott: *frowns* Excuse me?
Lori: Come on, haven't you ever played?
Scott: No.
Lori: Anni, have you?
Anni: I think once when I was 15. *looks at Tom* What about you, Casanova?
Tom: *lowers head*
Lori: You and Scott get to make out.
Scott: No.
Anni: Wait, let the girl talk.
Scott: *looks at Anni* This is childish. I'm not condoning it.
Lori: *pushes Scott into closet* Just do it. *shoves Anni into closet, shuts doors*
Tom: *shakes head*
Lori: Why are you giving me that look?
Tom: Try not to be too happy.
Inside closet
Scott: *crosses arms*
Anni: I'm not very happy about what they did either but haven't you ever wanted payback?
Scott: No.
Anni: Lori treats you like garbage, Scott. She clearly doesn't care about your relationship.
Scott: Oh she cares about it. But only when Tom isn't in the room.
Anni: Then it appears we have the same problem. Aside from kicking his ass when I get home, I want to show him right now what he has to lose.
Scott: *slides down wall, sits* We're just going to have to sit here for the next 7 minutes.
Anni: *sits*
4 minutes later
Anni: You have some nice ties.
Scott: Thank you.
Anni: *grabs bottle from shelf* Is this your cologne?
Scott: One of them.
Anni: *sniffs* Oooh. Fruity.
Scott: Lori thinks it's 'too' fruity.
Anni: *shrugs* I like it. A lot of times I find men's cologne to be too spicy and musty. This is refreshing.
Scott: *nods*
Anni: *sigh* Would it be so bad to have one kiss?
Scott: *looks at Anni* Yes.
Anni: How about a peck on the cheek. I don't want to seem lame. I mean, I'm playing 7 minutes in Heaven with the former CEO of the number 1 investment firm on the planet and we're sitting here sniffing cologne?
Scott: *smirks*
Anni: *crawls over* One peck. That's all I ask.
Scott: One.
Anni: *grabs Scott, kisses him*
Scott: *furrows brows*
Anni: *leans back, smiles*
Scott: That wasn't a peck on the cheek.
Anni: *smiling* You're blushing.
Scott: Anni...
Anni: *wipes Scott's lip* See? Lightening didn't strike you down.
Scott: *sigh*
Anni: *lies head on Scott's shoulder* You consider Lori 'the one'.
Scott: I do.
Anni: *takes Scott's hand* Then she must be really different with you than everyone else.
Scott: She's a wonderful mother and a caring person.
Anni: It's important to you that your wife is a good mother.
Scott: Yes. *looks at Anni* That's the foundation of a family.
Anni: What about a good father?
Scott: ...I haven't known very many of those. *scoffs* Except Tom.
Anni: *lifts eyes*
Scott: I respect him, I really do. He is a good man and I hope you two work out.
Anni: If he was as good a husband as he is a father...we wouldn't have a problem.
Lori: *opens closet* I hear a lot of talking but I don't hear a lot of making out.
Scott: *stands* We're finished.
Lori: Why?
Scott: Because we're not 12.
Anni: *steps out*
Tom: Why do you smell like cologne?
Anni: *looks at Scott* I'm taking this. *grabs bottle, walks away*
Tom: *walks away*
Lori: *slaps Scott*
Scott: What was that for?
Lori: Now I feel guilty.
Scott: You should.
Lori: ...You're not going to make me write an essay, are you?
Scott: *frowns*