Thanks for the reviews, gals! 
Behind restaurant, rental car, 12:30am
Lori: *smiles* Want to head back yet?
Scott: *places hand on Lori's cheek* Do you realize how illegal this is?
Lori: Ah come on. *kisses Scott* You and I have broken a lot more laws between us.
Scott: That's not funny.
Lori: *smiling* Am I more fun than Anni?
Scott: It's not a competition, Lori.
Lori: Like hell it isn't. To grab your attention for more than 10 minutes, she had to have been just as great as me or better.
Scott: *smirks* You sure think highly of yourself.
Lori: I have to. I'm a successful businesswoman.
Scott: Are you.
Lori: Well, not officially but I'm optimistic.
Scott: I like the way you think.
Lori: What can I say, you've inspired me.
Scott: We really need to head back.
Lori: Yeah. *sits up, buttons up shirt*
Scott: *climbs into driver's seat*
Lori: *crawls into seat*
Scott: *turns key*
Lori: *lies back against seat* When's the last time you used?
Scott: *looks at Lori*
Lori: Just curious.
Scott: *looks back out window, turns wheel* The day I spent the night in the psych ward.
Lori: And you've been completely clean since then.
Scott: Yeah.
Lori: No relapses.
Scott: *shakes head* Why?
Lori: I don't believe you, that's why.
Scott: I'm telling the truth.
Lori: You can understand why that doesn't convince me.
Scott: Absolutely.
Lori: Then tell me about before we met. What were you involved in then?
Scott: Uh, I did a lot of partying with co-workers. Too much partying, in fact. I did my first hit of coke at a strip club in Manhattan.
Lori: *nods*
Scott: And for a while, I didn't feel like a failure. I thought I could rule the world.
Lori: It was just a social thing?
Scott: Yeah, at first.
Lori: So what happened that got you to Miami?
Scott: During all the binging, I was working at a small company on the upper east side. There were about 20 of us on the floor, all cubicles and coffee machines. That kind of environment. I uh...I got a little out of hand with the drugs. Aggressive.
Lori: *nods*
Scott: I freaked out.
Lori: *lifts brow* Define 'freaked out'.
Scott: I broke all the windows. I couldn't control myself, I just snapped.
Lori: And they sent you to rehab.
Scott: Right. I told my parents I was taking a vacation and begged my boss not to tell them what really happened.
Lori: How long were you there before I got there?
Scott: 18 months.
Lori: *blinks* Wow. No wonder you were completely different.
Scott: I turned my life around. And last year, it started all over again.
Lori: A lot happened after we met. I mean, you were in a restaurant explosion, a serious car accident, a plane crash, you had a bomb strapped to your waist, you got caught in a bank robbery and subsequently tortured for months, Steph got poisoned and went into a coma, and I put enough strain on our relationship through my countless acts of stupidity to cause anyone to go nuts. Your whole life has been nothing but bad luck, one event after another.
Scott: It doesn't excuse my behaviour.
Lori: Everything you've gone through, it's been chipping away at your sanity. Most people haven't been through half the things you've experienced. Now, I'm not saying I condone what you've done but I do understand how you got there.
Scott: *sigh*
Lori: I've gotten high for a lot less.
Scott: Lori, I don't want you to diminish what you've been through.
Lori: I don't. My problems are my own. But I came home addicted and didn't know how to change, and thought you had no other way out besides killing yourself. There's a big difference there, at least to me. *lowers eyes* Being in your head is a lot more scary to me than anything I've ever gone through. That's the truth.
Scott: *looks at Lori*
Lori: The fact that you can still get up in the morning and want to be sober is amazing to me. You're a lot stronger than you think.
Scott: I thought you were angry with me about all that.
Lori: I was. Extremely angry. forgave me so...
Scott: You don't have to forgive me.
Lori: Yes I do. You're the father of my children. I'm stuck with you forever.
Scott: *smirks*
Lori: That and I kinda want to.
Scott: *nods*
Lori: *takes Scott's hand*
Resort, industrial kitchen
Speed: *opens fridge*
Katie: *walks over* What did I tell you? No midnight snacks.
Speed: All I had to eat was asparagus. I'm hungry.
Katie: Mind over matter.
Speed: *turns around* You don't want me to die.
Katie: Exactly.
Speed: Then let me eat or I will.
Katie: *gasp* Are you threatening suicide?
Speed: *waves hand, walks away*
Katie: *follows* Why do New Yorkers keep expecting to die early?
Speed: I'm not expecting anything.
Katie: You should really bond with Scott.
Speed: I don't need to bond with him.
Katie: Yes you do. OH! *snaps fingers* You should take him motorcycle shopping.
Speed: Didn't we already do that before? Scott doesn't like bikes. He likes cars.
Katie: Take him car shopping.
Speed: Guys don't call it 'shopping'.
Katie: Then what do you call it?
Speed: "Out for a couple of beers".
Katie: *smiles* How cute. Ooh there's an auto show in a couple of days. Take him there.
Speed: ...Can't I take Tom?
Katie: What's wrong with Scott?
Speed: What isn't wrong with Scott?
Katie: Oh come on, you like him.
Speed: Sure I like him but he's just...he's not...he's
Katie: *looks at Speed*
Speed: The guy can't let loose for five minutes. At least Tom belches in public.
Katie: *stops walking* Your relationship with Scott was hurt by his mistakes. It would be good for you both to get to know one another again. Wait, you're not still mad that he knocked up your daughter, are you?
Speed: *lifts brow* I was never mad about that.
Katie: Oh. OH, it was Tom you were mad at.
Speed: *frowns* Tom got Lori pregnant?
Katie: *stares blankly* ...Not recently.
Speed: I really hope you're kidding.
Katie: It was a long time ago and it died before it even became a concern, HEY want some cake?
Speed: *stares at Katie*
Katie: Okay, let me get this straight. You're okay if a New Yorker knocks up your daughter but you don't like guys from Texas or Jersey.
Speed: I don't understand why you think I have some New York bias. I haven't even lived there for 30 years. Scott could have been from the Moon for all I care; he's a good guy.
Katie: Yeah, if the Moon had the Statue of Liberty on it.
Speed: *shakes head* You're hopeless. *walks away*
Tom: *walks out from room, shuts door* What the hell's wrong with you?
Katie: *looks at Tom* I'm insulting his people.
Tom: *looks down hallway* Alcoholics?
Katie: *grabs Tom's arm* I have a proposition for you. Take Speed and Scott to the auto show on the weekend.
Tom: Why?
Katie: Because you're all going to bond as men.
Tom: As opposed to bonding as women.
Katie: Exactly.
Tom: Damn, I'll be sure to leave my heels at home then.
Katie: *smiles* I'm so excited for you. Now you're not to come home until Scott starts enthusing about something manly.
Tom: It can't be other men, right?
Katie: *slaps Tom's arm*
Tom: Ow.
Katie: Before you take off, I wanted to ask you a personal question.
Tom: Alright.
Katie: Let's say Tayla's 18 and she gets pregnant.
Tom: That'll be the end of Tayla.
Katie: And the father's from Jersey.
Tom: Him too.
Katie: ...New York?
Tom: Wait a second. You aren't trying to set my daughter up with some guy already, are you? Because she's 2.
Katie: No. I said she was 18, remember?
Tom: She's not going to get pregnant at 18.
Katie: How do you know?
Tom: I'm going to lock her in her room until she's 30.
Katie: Then how will she meet guys?
Tom: She's not allowed to date until I'm dead.
Katie: Yikes, try not to tell her that at 14 because you might find yourself on the highway with your brakes locking up.
Tom: *lifts brow* I own a Chevy.
Katie: So you don't want her seeing someone from New York?
Tom: Why are your options only limited to the east coast?
Katie: Fine, China.
Tom: That's even further east.
Tom: *stares at Katie*
Katie: *wipes hair from face* You pick, then. What kind of man will Tayla have to marry?
Tom: Assuming I don't go forward with my lockdown plan...someone who is the least like I was at that age.
Katie: Yeah right, look who Lori married.
Tom: Scott's nothing like Speed.
Katie: Okay, fine, who she fooled around w-
Tom: *lifts fingers* DON'T!
Katie: *blinks*
Tom: Finish that sentence.
Katie: *smiles*
Tom: *walks away*
Katie: HA.
Behind restaurant, rental car, 12:30am
Lori: *smiles* Want to head back yet?
Scott: *places hand on Lori's cheek* Do you realize how illegal this is?
Lori: Ah come on. *kisses Scott* You and I have broken a lot more laws between us.
Scott: That's not funny.
Lori: *smiling* Am I more fun than Anni?
Scott: It's not a competition, Lori.
Lori: Like hell it isn't. To grab your attention for more than 10 minutes, she had to have been just as great as me or better.
Scott: *smirks* You sure think highly of yourself.
Lori: I have to. I'm a successful businesswoman.
Scott: Are you.
Lori: Well, not officially but I'm optimistic.
Scott: I like the way you think.
Lori: What can I say, you've inspired me.
Scott: We really need to head back.
Lori: Yeah. *sits up, buttons up shirt*
Scott: *climbs into driver's seat*
Lori: *crawls into seat*
Scott: *turns key*
Lori: *lies back against seat* When's the last time you used?
Scott: *looks at Lori*
Lori: Just curious.
Scott: *looks back out window, turns wheel* The day I spent the night in the psych ward.
Lori: And you've been completely clean since then.
Scott: Yeah.
Lori: No relapses.
Scott: *shakes head* Why?
Lori: I don't believe you, that's why.
Scott: I'm telling the truth.
Lori: You can understand why that doesn't convince me.
Scott: Absolutely.
Lori: Then tell me about before we met. What were you involved in then?
Scott: Uh, I did a lot of partying with co-workers. Too much partying, in fact. I did my first hit of coke at a strip club in Manhattan.
Lori: *nods*
Scott: And for a while, I didn't feel like a failure. I thought I could rule the world.
Lori: It was just a social thing?
Scott: Yeah, at first.
Lori: So what happened that got you to Miami?
Scott: During all the binging, I was working at a small company on the upper east side. There were about 20 of us on the floor, all cubicles and coffee machines. That kind of environment. I uh...I got a little out of hand with the drugs. Aggressive.
Lori: *nods*
Scott: I freaked out.
Lori: *lifts brow* Define 'freaked out'.
Scott: I broke all the windows. I couldn't control myself, I just snapped.
Lori: And they sent you to rehab.
Scott: Right. I told my parents I was taking a vacation and begged my boss not to tell them what really happened.
Lori: How long were you there before I got there?
Scott: 18 months.
Lori: *blinks* Wow. No wonder you were completely different.
Scott: I turned my life around. And last year, it started all over again.
Lori: A lot happened after we met. I mean, you were in a restaurant explosion, a serious car accident, a plane crash, you had a bomb strapped to your waist, you got caught in a bank robbery and subsequently tortured for months, Steph got poisoned and went into a coma, and I put enough strain on our relationship through my countless acts of stupidity to cause anyone to go nuts. Your whole life has been nothing but bad luck, one event after another.
Scott: It doesn't excuse my behaviour.
Lori: Everything you've gone through, it's been chipping away at your sanity. Most people haven't been through half the things you've experienced. Now, I'm not saying I condone what you've done but I do understand how you got there.
Scott: *sigh*
Lori: I've gotten high for a lot less.
Scott: Lori, I don't want you to diminish what you've been through.
Lori: I don't. My problems are my own. But I came home addicted and didn't know how to change, and thought you had no other way out besides killing yourself. There's a big difference there, at least to me. *lowers eyes* Being in your head is a lot more scary to me than anything I've ever gone through. That's the truth.
Scott: *looks at Lori*
Lori: The fact that you can still get up in the morning and want to be sober is amazing to me. You're a lot stronger than you think.
Scott: I thought you were angry with me about all that.
Lori: I was. Extremely angry. forgave me so...
Scott: You don't have to forgive me.
Lori: Yes I do. You're the father of my children. I'm stuck with you forever.
Scott: *smirks*
Lori: That and I kinda want to.
Scott: *nods*
Lori: *takes Scott's hand*
Resort, industrial kitchen
Speed: *opens fridge*
Katie: *walks over* What did I tell you? No midnight snacks.
Speed: All I had to eat was asparagus. I'm hungry.
Katie: Mind over matter.
Speed: *turns around* You don't want me to die.
Katie: Exactly.
Speed: Then let me eat or I will.
Katie: *gasp* Are you threatening suicide?
Speed: *waves hand, walks away*
Katie: *follows* Why do New Yorkers keep expecting to die early?
Speed: I'm not expecting anything.
Katie: You should really bond with Scott.
Speed: I don't need to bond with him.
Katie: Yes you do. OH! *snaps fingers* You should take him motorcycle shopping.
Speed: Didn't we already do that before? Scott doesn't like bikes. He likes cars.
Katie: Take him car shopping.
Speed: Guys don't call it 'shopping'.
Katie: Then what do you call it?
Speed: "Out for a couple of beers".
Katie: *smiles* How cute. Ooh there's an auto show in a couple of days. Take him there.
Speed: ...Can't I take Tom?
Katie: What's wrong with Scott?
Speed: What isn't wrong with Scott?
Katie: Oh come on, you like him.
Speed: Sure I like him but he's just...he's not...he's
Katie: *looks at Speed*
Speed: The guy can't let loose for five minutes. At least Tom belches in public.
Katie: *stops walking* Your relationship with Scott was hurt by his mistakes. It would be good for you both to get to know one another again. Wait, you're not still mad that he knocked up your daughter, are you?
Speed: *lifts brow* I was never mad about that.
Katie: Oh. OH, it was Tom you were mad at.
Speed: *frowns* Tom got Lori pregnant?
Katie: *stares blankly* ...Not recently.
Speed: I really hope you're kidding.
Katie: It was a long time ago and it died before it even became a concern, HEY want some cake?
Speed: *stares at Katie*
Katie: Okay, let me get this straight. You're okay if a New Yorker knocks up your daughter but you don't like guys from Texas or Jersey.
Speed: I don't understand why you think I have some New York bias. I haven't even lived there for 30 years. Scott could have been from the Moon for all I care; he's a good guy.
Katie: Yeah, if the Moon had the Statue of Liberty on it.
Speed: *shakes head* You're hopeless. *walks away*
Tom: *walks out from room, shuts door* What the hell's wrong with you?
Katie: *looks at Tom* I'm insulting his people.
Tom: *looks down hallway* Alcoholics?
Katie: *grabs Tom's arm* I have a proposition for you. Take Speed and Scott to the auto show on the weekend.
Tom: Why?
Katie: Because you're all going to bond as men.
Tom: As opposed to bonding as women.
Katie: Exactly.
Tom: Damn, I'll be sure to leave my heels at home then.
Katie: *smiles* I'm so excited for you. Now you're not to come home until Scott starts enthusing about something manly.
Tom: It can't be other men, right?
Katie: *slaps Tom's arm*
Tom: Ow.
Katie: Before you take off, I wanted to ask you a personal question.
Tom: Alright.
Katie: Let's say Tayla's 18 and she gets pregnant.
Tom: That'll be the end of Tayla.
Katie: And the father's from Jersey.
Tom: Him too.
Katie: ...New York?
Tom: Wait a second. You aren't trying to set my daughter up with some guy already, are you? Because she's 2.
Katie: No. I said she was 18, remember?
Tom: She's not going to get pregnant at 18.
Katie: How do you know?
Tom: I'm going to lock her in her room until she's 30.
Katie: Then how will she meet guys?
Tom: She's not allowed to date until I'm dead.
Katie: Yikes, try not to tell her that at 14 because you might find yourself on the highway with your brakes locking up.
Tom: *lifts brow* I own a Chevy.
Katie: So you don't want her seeing someone from New York?
Tom: Why are your options only limited to the east coast?
Katie: Fine, China.
Tom: That's even further east.
Tom: *stares at Katie*
Katie: *wipes hair from face* You pick, then. What kind of man will Tayla have to marry?
Tom: Assuming I don't go forward with my lockdown plan...someone who is the least like I was at that age.
Katie: Yeah right, look who Lori married.
Tom: Scott's nothing like Speed.
Katie: Okay, fine, who she fooled around w-
Tom: *lifts fingers* DON'T!
Katie: *blinks*
Tom: Finish that sentence.
Katie: *smiles*
Tom: *walks away*
Katie: HA.