CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Well, Jagger is in...trouble. I suppose that Scott's previous experience in this matter makes any difference- it seems that Jagger's hell bent on destroying his life. Knowing Scotty, he's not going to let that happen. I hope that Jagger gets some help and soon.

Fredrick- Continuous hiliarity:guffaw: . Such a high roller mentality in such a menial job. He's too big for his own shoes, and that's what makes it endearing. I believe, that under all that fake swagger, Fredrick is awesome. It's that fake swagger that makes it though. He's so hilarious but the funniest thing, he believes his ka- ka.

Tom and Anni... Sweet as ever. Tom is the epitome of a husband. Taking care of Tayla and Anni as she gets through her sickness. So awesome. Now, is Anni contagious, cause if so, the roles are gonnna be reversed soon:D

Scott and Lori- You've found superman's kryptonite, and it's called business attire. In seconds flat, he was on Lori all because of a business suit and a briefcase, LOL. If that's all it takes, time for a serious wardrobe refurbishment! I believe it's SO worth it * eyes horny Scott*. SO worth it...

Awesome update!
Thanks for the review!

:lol: About Frederick.

***MINOR SPOILERS BELOW*** If you don't want any inkling of what may happen during the finale, skip this chapter and the next one completely. :p Truth be told, there are a lot of exaggerated, satirized bits (it's RT, afterall) but there are a couple hints to the real ones so beware.


Miami Lab

Donahinkle: *steps off elevator, looks around*

Katie: *walks over* Can I help you?

Donahinkle: Ah, Pam. So good to see you. I need you to help me with these briefcases.

Katie: *lifts brow* My name is Kathryn White.

Donahinkle: City Hall is fast these days. Place this briefcase in the evidence locker.

Katie: Is it evidence?

Donahinkle: No.

Katie: Then I can't do that.

Donahinkle: My trillions of dollars pay for this lab. Do what I say.

Katie: You own the lab?

Donahinkle: Of course, dear. Horatio and I are married and we have 3, incredibly freckled children.

Katie: I don't think Horatio's ever mentioned more than Kyle.

Donahinkle: No no, that was just a plot device. Horatio's not any more human so we ditched it. Just call it a literary abortion.

Katie: *nods slowly*

Donahinkle: Take this to the evidence locker and I'll install this one in Trace.

Katie: Okay. *takes briefcase*

Trace Lab

Donahinkle: *opening cupboards*

Speed: *walks in, stops* Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my lab?

Donahinkle: *spins around* Who are you?

Speed: Tim Speedle. I work here.

Donahinkle: *scratches eyebrow* I don't remember you. Are you the ballistics guy?

Speed: Trace analyst.

Donahinkle: I recognize your face but I can't seem to place it...

Speed: I've been here forever.

Donahinkle: No, that's not true. Were you fired?

Speed: No.

Donahinkle: Stabbed?

Speed: *lifts brow*

Donahinkle: *snaps fingers* YES! I killed you! You shouldn't be here, go outside.

Speed: I'm calling security. *picks up telephone*

Donahinkle: NO! *runs around table, starts slapping Speed's chest* You should be dead!

Speed: I think you're mistaken.

Donahinkle: I came up with the idea myself. My mommy and daddy tell me I have AWESOME ideas.

Calleigh: *walks in* Hey Tim, have you s-

Donahinkle: What are you doing here? I have you on the schedule for a fire today.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: I don't know how she keeps getting in.

Donahinkle: *grabs Calleigh* Get away from Speed or you'll die along with him. The man you want to be with is Eric. He causes spontaneous pregnancy.

Calleigh: But I don't want to get pregnant.

Donahinkle: Hm. *places hands on hips* Looks like it's time for a re-write. How do you feel about botox?

Calleigh: *frowns*

Donahinkle: Clearly you haven't tried it yet.

Calleigh: You need to leave, Miss...

Donahinkle: Supreme Overlord.

Calleigh: I see. *looks at Speed* Did she escape from lockup?

Speed: She probably escaped from the hospital.

Donahinkle: Oooh, my second favourite place besides this one. *walks away*

Calleigh: I'm confused.

Speed: *looks over table* What's with the box?

Calleigh: *walks around table* ...This wasn't here this morning. *picks up box*

Speed: Careful, it might be dangerous.

Calleigh: Danger is all part of the job.

Speed: Exactly, which is why I like the lab. No danger. Put it down and call Horatio.

Calleigh: It's ticking.

Speed: *lifts eyes*

Calleigh: *looks at Speed*

Layout room

Tom: *looks into microscope*

Donahinkle: *walks over* I need your hands, Cardoza.

Tom: My name is Grey.

Donahinkle: Oh, like Gandalf?

Tom: *tilts head* I'm scared to wonder what that makes Katie.

Donahinkle: Smile, I want to see those dimples I chiseled into your face.

Tom: *steps back* Do you have a visitor's pass?

Donahinkle: Do you?

Tom: I don't need one.

Donahinkle: Put this box under the table.

Tom: What is it?

Donahinkle: Nothing important. I'm setting up for the finale.

Tom: *lifts brow* Finale?

Donahinkle: It's going to be bigger and better this year. I've spared no expense.

Tom: Uh huh, well take your little finale outside because this is a place of business.

Donahinkle: How would you like an illegitimate child next season?

Tom: *lifts brow*

Donahinkle: Horatio shouldn't have all the fun.

Tom: I have children.

Donahinkle: *frowns* Which one wrote that into the story! Was it male or was it heavily intoxicated?!

Tom: Why don't I have someone give you some bus tickets.

Donahinkle: Damnit, it was the new guys. The writers' room always smells like burnt lawn clippings. One of them brought brownies to the finale party last year and I swear, I can't remember what the first 6 episodes of the next season were about.

Tom: Maybe you should review them.

Donahinkle: Review episodes that have already aired? A year ago? HA! The fans are just going to have to forget about them after they've aired because I certainly have.

Tom: Then what's the point of writing for television?

Donahinkle: Money and male strippers.

Tom: *nods slowly*

Donahinkle: THAT'S what my show needs! Closet male strippers! Walter Simmons, you will have your character development.

Tom: Why don't you just make him a cross-dressing stripper?

Donahinkle: *blinks* Cardoza, you are a brilliant man. How would you like to write and direct an episode?

Tom: Writing's not my thing.

Donahinkle: That's okay, you don't have to be good. You don't even have to understand the basic grammatical concept of the English language. *GASP* I know who would be perfect for the job! You wouldn't happen to know where Eric Delko is, would you?

Tom: Uh, I think he's in the garage processing a vehicle.

Donahinkle: Excellent. Cardoza, you're alright. *walks away*

Tom: *looks back at table*

CSI Garage

Delko: *clicks on flashlight*

Donahinkle: HEY!

Delko: AH! *drops flashlight*

Donahinkle: I need you for a second.

Delko: *stands* Who are you?

Donahinkle: I'm Anna, I own the lab.

Delko: Okay.

Donahinkle: You're going to get Calleigh pregnant.

Delko: I am? Wait, did she say something?

Donahinkle: Oh yeah, she's all preggered up. But the kicker is, they're twins and one of them isn't yours.

Delko: ...This is some sort of practical joke. Damnit, Tom.

Donahinkle: Cardoza is a very good guess. A little predictable, don't you think? I think I'll choose that Speed guy I killed off in season two.

Delko: Three.

Donahinkle: Whatever. Nobody pays attention to that stuff. Meet me upstairs and help me get some of Speed's sperm so I can freeze it. *walks away*

Delko: What? *walks around car* What are we freezing?

Trace Lab

Donahinkle: Strip, Speedle.

Speed: Excuse me?

Donahinkle: I need a sample of your junk juice.

Speed: *stares at Donahinkle* Why.

Donahinkle: To impregnate Calleigh.

Calleigh: *lifts head* What?

Donahinkle: Shush, you're not allowed to know this until next season.

Calleigh: Stop the nonsense. What's this box for and why is it ticking?

Donahinkle: That's my finale. Don't touch that. *slaps Calleigh's hand*

Calleigh: Ow.

Donahinkle: *looks at Speed* Do your thing. If you need some inspiration, I'll get naked.

Speed: Uh, I think I've impregnated enough people for the time being.

Donahinkle: Does that mean you won't give me a few thousand of your little soldiers?

Speed: *frowns* That is correct.

Donahinkle: I figured as much. You probably shoot just as many blanks at home as you do at work anyhow. *walks away*

Calleigh: *rubs hand*

Speed: I don't like her.

Calleigh: You don't like anyone.

Speed: I like Scott.

Calleigh: 'Like' and 'love with a twisted passion' are two different things, Tim. *walks away*

Speed: *lifts brow*


Natalia: *picks up pipet*

Donahinkle: *walks in* You, elusive girl.

Natalia: *lifts eyes*

Donahinkle: You're going to be mute next season.

Natalia: ...But I'm already deaf.

Donahinkle: I see incontinence in your future.

Natalia: *blinks*

Donahinkle: Put this box under your desk. *places briefcase onto table*

Natalia: What is it?

Donahinkle: A present for...the GCMS.

Natalia: There's no GCMS in this room.

Donahinkle: Bitch bitch bitch, it's all you people ever do. *walks away*


Horatio: *drinks coffee*

Donahinkle: *walks in, stops*

Horatio: ...Hi. Who are you

Donahinkle: OH MY H! *bows* I didn't know you'd be here! Please accept my sincerest apologizes.

Horatio: Um, you can stand up.

Donahinkle: Your majesty, it would be disrespectful to look you in the eyes. I might turn to stone.

Horatio: I can assure you, you won't.

Donahinkle: I've set the traps. Everything's set, my love.

Horatio: What? What traps?

Alarms start to blare

Donahinkle: SUCCESS! *jumps up* Wait...the alarms are going off? Why? I specifically wrote this place to NEVER do what's supposed to happen in reality.

Last edited:
Complete. And utter. HILARITY! OMG...I couldn't stop laughing. Certianly hands down, the best yet:guffaw: I love it when Donhinkle comes around- she always makes things so...interesting:D From one end of the insanity spectrum to the next, she's got every bit of it covered...

LOL, I love how she kept calling Tom Jesse and Katie Pam... So awesome!

Great update!
Thanks for the review. :D


Miami Lab, trace lab

Calleigh: *giggling*

Speed: What's wrong with you?

Calleigh: The gas. It must be laughing gas.

Speed: *looks around, waves at smoke* It's not affecting me.

Calleigh: *giggling*

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Tom: *walks in, laughing*

Speed: Not you too.

Tom: *places hand on chest* Ah, yeah, I think she got me too. Jesus, we should arrest her or something right? *snorts, laughs*

Calleigh: *laughs*

Speed: *frowns* Knock it off, this is serious. *slaps Tom in the back of the head*

Tom: Ow. *starts to laugh*

Speed: *angry sigh*


Donahinkle: What? *plasters face against window* Why are they laughing? They should be falling unconscious! It was supposed to be methylisocyanate!

Horatio: You dosed my CSIs with a toxic gas?

Donahinkle: *throws arms up in the air* The guy must've given me the wrong batch. This is what I get for trusting a psychotic dentist from Coral Gables.

Horatio: Are they going to be okay?

Donahinkle: Yeah, they'll be fine. Some of 'em might want to perform a few root canals while they have the chance. Nuts, another one foiled.

Horatio: May I ask why you're trying to kill them?

Donahinkle: I just want to make the finale exciting. Fans expect too much nowadays.

Horatio: Okay, I understand that. Except this isn't a television show, this is real life and those are my people.

Donahinkle: No. This is all my creation. I made you.

Horatio: *places hand on Donahinkle's shoulder* You didn't make any of this.

Donahinkle: BUT I DID!

Horatio: No. I think you need some help. Professional help.

Donahinkle: *frowns* You'll see, I made this. You'll ALL see! *stomps away*

Horatio: *sigh*

Trace lab

Katie: *walks in, giggling*

Speed: Why am I immune?

Calleigh: Maybe it's the power of suggestion. *snorts* You don't want to be giggly, therefore you are not.

Tom: *laughing*

Katie: *places hand on Tom's chest, smiling* This is the best day at work EVER.

Tom: *wraps arms around Katie* RAWR! *lifts Katie*

Katie: *giggling*

Tom: *smiling*

Speed: Would you put her down? Calleigh, stop stroking the microscope.

Katie: Tom's pretty. *pokes Tom's nose*

Tom: *smiling* Katie almost looks presentable today.

Katie: *giggles*

Speed: *grabs Katie's arm* Get over here. Sit.

Katie: *sits*

Calleigh: *blinking* Wow, the walls are so educational today. Can you hear them?

Speed: No. *looks at Tom* Go find Horatio.

Tom: *wraps arm around Speed's shoulder* You know what I like about you? You get me all the best chicks.

Speed: *frowns*

Tom: You're awesome.

Speed: Thanks.

Katie: Tim, I want a divorce. *bursts into laughter*

Tom: *laughing*

Calleigh: *laughing*

Speed: *rubs eyes*

Katie: *jumps onto table* I gotta find me a good man like Tom. *grabs Tom by the shirt* How are you and Anni doin'?

Tom: *smiles* We're doin' great.

Katie: Damn.

Tom: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *frowning*

Tom: *walks away*

Speed: Calleigh, go home.

Calleigh: *stands* Okie dokie.

Speed: Take a bus.

Calleigh: The Magic School Bus?

Speed: City bus, Cal.

Calleigh: Oh. *walks away*

Katie: *lies on table* The ceiling is so bright from here.

Speed: You're really that unhappy with me.

Katie: Ya huh.

Speed: *lowers head* I don't know what you want from me.

Katie: *sits up* Can we talk about this when the gas goes away? You're ruining my buzz.

Speed: I'd like to know what I can do to help...this.

Katie: Move out.

Speed: *lifts brow* Move out of my home.

Katie: Yep. *claps hands* He's a smart one, he is.

Speed: ...You can't pay for the place by yourself.

Katie: Well then I guess you're going to have to support me. For once.

Speed: *stares at Katie*

Katie: Call it punitive damages.

Speed: *staring blankly*

Katie: *jumps off table, walks away*

Speed: *sits in chair*

Condo, 7pm

Speed: *places suitcase onto bed*

Katie: *walks over, leans against wall*

Speed: *looks down at suitcase*

Katie: You gonna pack or just stand there? *takes bite from apple*

Speed: *sits on bed*

Katie: Go on. Chop chop.

Speed: *lifts eyes* We could still have a chance.

Katie: No. Being with you is just too much of a reminder that I spent our whole relationship as a weak excuse for a woman. I used to like myself.

Speed: Katie, I've made mistakes but-

Katie: I could have been somebody but I dropped it all to get involved with you and I ended up losing everything. I can't ignore it anymore. I can't just pretend we're okay.

Speed: So none of the good counts.

Katie: What you call 'good', I consider the intermission.

Speed: *sigh*

Katie: I have to do what's right for me and you need to accept it.

Speed: ...If that's what'll make you happy...I'll go.

Katie: Good. Get out. *walks away*

Good. I wasn't wrong. See, I thought that it was the late hour that had me mistaken about the conclusion of this- but it isn't. Katie's being harsh- first of all, SHE'S responsible for the choices that she's made. True, he was horrible to her, but he's since turned around and he's tried to do right by her. I believe that there is a better way , but we'll just see how Katie pans out of this... So now ends my rant * huff*

LOL...Donhinkle really needs some help. I wouldn't doubt it if she found herself in a padded room ...It would be an improvement.

Awesome update

ps Katie can suck it right now...lol * sorry, but I'm not on board with her little hissy fit*
Thanks for the review! :D


Miami, motel, 7pm, 2 weeks later

Speed: *staring at minibar*

Knock on door is heard

Speed: *stands, walks over to door, opens it*

Anni: *lifts eyes* Hey. *smiles* Heard you were bunking here for a little while.

Speed: Do I want to know whose side you're on?

Anni: I'm on Brook's side. She happens to like you better than Katie.

Speed: *smirks* Come on in.

Anni: *steps in, looks around* It's not a mess, that's a good sign.

Speed: What were you expecting?

Anni: Well, you haven't been speaking much at work.

Speed: That's because I had a lot to get done.

Anni: *sits on bed* You looking for a new place?

Speed: Maybe.

Anni: Tim, you shouldn't be supporting her. You don't owe her anything.

Speed: Don't I? I ruined her life.

Anni: You contributed to some of the damage but her life is her responsibility. She's playing games with you. She's doing the same thing Lori did when she got back from Colombia.

Speed: Are you saying I shouldn't feel guilty for hurting her? That I shouldn't pay for what I did?

Anni: *shrugs* That's between you and your maker. Katie's not a judge and jury.

Speed: *sits*

Anni: If she wanted payback, she should have left you and made a new life for herself. That's the best kind of vengeance there is. Instead, she's making you suffer and she's getting off on it.

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: Does that sound like a victim to you?

Speed: *lowers eyes*

Anni: She's taking you for a ride.

Speed: Maybe I deserve it.

Anni: Why? Because she gives you a sad face and stomps her feet?

Speed: I hope you're not condoning what I did.

Anni: Of course not. But there's a reason they call it 'the past'.

Speed: *nods*

Anni: Next case I get, how about you and I work it? Might take your mind off things.

Speed: Sounds like a plan.

Anni: *leans over, kisses Speed's cheek* Get some rest and don't beat yourself up too much. *stands*

Speed: Right.

Gables Estates, house, kitchen, 8pm

Scott: And then you want to cut up some pineapple f-...Lori, are you listening?

Lori: *fiddling with watch* Something about apples.

Scott: *takes Lori's hand* I'm trying to help you put together your own fruit salad so that you aren't completely dependant on someone else. But if you don't want my help, I have other things to do.

Lori: I do but this is so boring. Can we make the alcoholic drinks now?

Scott: No.

Lori: Damn.

Scott: Now, some fruits go well together and some don't. You don't want too much citrus so a balance is key.

Lori: Can't I just put in one fruit and be done with it?

Scott: ...It's not a fruit salad if you only put in one fruit.

Lori: I only like cherries.

Scott: You're just going to eat a bowl of cherries.

Lori: Yeah.

Scott: With alcohol.

Lori: *smiles* Huh...that sounds awesome.

Scott: *chops fruit* You're going to have pineapple.

Lori: No. *grabs Scott's arm* I don't want it.

Scott: Why?

Lori: ...I don't know. I just don't like pineapple.

Scott: *nods* We'll put in something else. Peaches?

Lori: *smiles* I like peaches.

Scott: Excellent. *grabs peaches*

Lori: Do we need lettuce?

Scott: *lifts brow* Why?

Lori: It's a salad, right?

Scott: *starts to laugh*

Lori: *frowns*

Scott: *smiling* You're adorable.

Lori: What's so damned funny?

Scott: We don't use lettuce for this dish, my dear.

Lori: That's it, I'm making drinks. *walks away*

Scott: *grabs Lori, twirls her back*

Lori: AH!

Scott: You don't want to dance first?

Lori: Uh, no. Besides, there's no music.

Scott: I could sing off-tune, if you'd like.

Lori: *smirks* No, I wouldn't. Not unless you want to give an encore of Moulin Rouge.

Scott: *blinks*

Lori: *winks*

Scott: *smiles, twirls Lori*

Lori: *pulls Scott*

Outside, street, inside car

Tom: *staring out window, lights cigarette*

Voice: Go.

Tom: *looks into rearview mirror* What do you plan on doing?

Voice: *rests gun on seat* Get me the little girl.

Tom: Why? Because his life turned out better than yours so you're going to kill his daughter?

Voice: I'm going to kill you for what you did. Scott's child is...a replacement.

Tom: Well if you're going to kill me anyway, I refuse to help you.

Voice: Alright. Your wife and your children are going to live out the rest of their days knowing you committed suicide. I guess you just couldn't handle domestic life, how typical.

Tom: A gunshot isn't the way I'd choose.

Voice: Who said I was going to shoot you? I've got heroin back here.

Tom: *staring at house*

Voice: I know you, Tom. Your head is bigger than your heart; there's no way you're going to sacrifice yourself if it meant your family would think less of you. You don't want them to be right about you.

Tom: I'm not a coward.

Voice: Yes you are. You're always going to let someone else take the fall. You've done it before, just to save your own hide.

Tom: I couldn't stop it.

Voice: Yes you could but you didn't even TRY!

Tom: *closes eyes*

Voice: They can always have more children. I CAN'T. *leans closer* And you know what that's like. You wish she was yours. They don't deserve her.

Tom: You're wrong. About everything.

Voice: I'm going to get what I want and you're going to get it for me.

Tom: *frowns* No.

Voice: I gave you a choice, now you have none. *lifts syringe from bag* Do you know what this is?

Tom: Heroin.

Voice: No. This is a little something the good people at Pegasus Pharmaceuticals came up with a couple years ago. It's highly controversial and our firm has been representing them during their latest legal problems.

Tom: So?

Voice: *jabs needle into Tom's neck*

Tom: AH!

Voice: No more games, Carter. You're my bitch now.

WHAT THE OO.... Like I need more stress??? What.... Everything else is... meaningless. What the hell is going on???? (I know the extra question marks don't lend much creedence, but still...) Who the hell is that??? *Sigh* Tom can get himself into the most mess...

Awesome, now I'm anxious to know what happens next... Which is bad considering I'm not good with nerves at the moment,...Shutting up now...

Awesome update
Thanks for the review! :D

Mwaha. :devil:


Back of van, side of the road, 2am

Tom: *rolls over*

Steph: *shakes Tom* Tommy, wake up!

Tom: *groans*

Steph: *pushes Tom* Tommy, where are we?

Amy: *opens van doors, lifts gun* Get over here. Now.

Steph: *looks at Amy* Not without Tommy.

Amy: Brave little girl. You'll do nicely. *cocks gun* Get out of the van or I'll shoot him.

Steph: *crawls out of van*

Amy: *takes Steph's arm* Your mommy and daddy don't want you anymore. That's why you're with me now. Tom was told to take you here.

Steph: *looks into van* Tommy doesn't look good.

Amy: Your parents are bad people who can't take care of you. I can.

Steph: *looks at Amy* Why?

Amy: They're...on drugs.

Steph: Oh. *lowers head* Daddy said that wouldn't happen again.

Amy: Interesting. Let's go.

Steph: Wait! What about Tommy? Is he my new daddy?

Amy: *lifts brow* ...*smiles* Sure. I guess he's attractive enough. *leans into van, grabs Tom by the collar*

Tom: *blinks slowly*

Amy: We can all *yanks Tom down from van* be a family.

Middle of field, inside small house

Amy: *places bowl onto table* My family has owned land here for generations. Someday, this place can be yours.

Steph: *sits at table*

Tom: *slams head against table*

Steph: How come Tommy's so sleepy?

Amy: He worked a long shift. *smiles* I had to practically push him to get you.

Steph: How come he didn't have one of those papers?

Amy: What paper?

Steph: Whenever the police come to the house, they have blue papers. Then I get taken to Grama and Grampa's house.

Amy: He forgot them in the van.

Steph: Oh.

Amy: Eat your potatoes.

Steph: *looks at bowl* ...There's nothin' here.

Amy: What are you talking about? I slaved over the stove for you, these are your potatoes. Eat them up, little munchkin or you won't be big and strong.

Steph: ...I don't like it here. It's drippy. Can I go home now?

Amy: *shoves bowl closer* Eat the potatoes. Unless you want a spanking.

Steph: ...*picks up spoon*

Amy: *smiles* That's my girl.

Steph: *starts to cry*

Amy: What are you crying for?

Steph: *sniffs* I wanna go home.

Amy: NO. This is your home now! *grabs Steph by the arm* EAT!

Steph: *cries harder*

Tom: *opens eyes*

Steph: *crying*

Tom: *slides hand over, takes Steph's hand*

Steph: *looks at Tom*

Tom: Shhhh. *closes eyes*

Steph: *sniffs*

Amy: *pulls out chair, sits* Finish eating.

Steph: *sigh*

Living room, 4am

Steph: *staring out window*

Amy: *walks over, sits* What's on the TV? *smiles* Some nice cartoons?

Steph: The TV's not on.

Amy: *looks at television* It's Blue's Clues.

Steph: *frowns* You're a nutty lady. I wanna go home.

Amy: What did you just call me?

Steph: *lowers eyes* ...Nothin'.

Amy: *smiles* I like your little slippers. Are those puppies?

Steph: Kitties.

Amy: They're very cute.

Steph: Where's Tommy?

Amy: Upstairs watching the football game. We must not disturb him.

Steph: ...Tommy doesn't like football. *smiles* He watches cars.


Steph: *smile fades*

Amy: *sigh* I'm sorry, Sammy, I didn't mean to snap.

Steph: Lady, my name is Stephanie Elizabeth Finch.

Amy: Your name is Sammy Walker.

Steph: No.


Steph: ...Okay.

Amy: *smiles* Better.

Gables Estates, house, 10am

Lori: *places bowl on table* Steph! Get your butt down here!

Scott: *pours coffee* She doesn't usually sleep in this long.

Lori: I swear, I'm going to kick her little ass. STEPH! *walks away*

Scott: *shakes head*

Upstairs, bedroom

Lori: *walks in, stops* ...Steph? *turns around* Steph! *runs over to closet, opens it* ...Steph! *turns around* STEPH! *runs over to window, grabs it* SCOTT!

Scott: *runs over* What's going on?

Lori: I can't find her! *runs out* STEPH!

Scott: *turns around*


Lori: STEPH!

Scott: Maybe she uh...maybe she's playing in the backyard?

Lori: No, she knows she's not supposed to go out without letting us know. Her...her window's open, sh-

Scott: You think she fell out?

Lori: *grabs hair* Oh my God I can't believe you're actually this STUPID! SOMEONE TOOK HER!

Scott: *frowns* Who?


Scott: *takes Lori's arms* Okay, calm down. W-

Lori: My baby's probably half way to Colombia by now and you're telling me to calm down.

Scott: You can't think like that. We should call the police and stay positive.

Lori: *runs hand through hair* How could someone have taken her? *paces back and forth* We should have heard something, why didn't she scream? What if he killed her before she could get the chance? *looks at Scott* Did you see any blood!

Scott: I'm sure she's okay, Lori. Y-


Scott: Right. *runs*

Lori: *leans against wall*

Miami Lab, hallway

Speed: *walking*

Anni: *walks out of room* Hey, have you seen Tom around? He didn't come home last night, I thought maybe he worked a double.

Speed: I don't know where he is, I have to go.

Anni: *follows* What's wrong?

Speed: Lori can't find Steph anywhere, she thinks she was abducted.

Anni: What? When did this happen?

Speed: Calleigh and Eric are heading over there now, I'm going to see if they need anything.

Anni: I'll come with.

Middle of field, small house

Amy: *steps into bedroom*

Tom: *lifts head* Let me out of here, you bitch.

Amy: Tsk tsk, that's no way to treat your newlywed.

Tom: Where's Steph?

Amy: Asleep.

Tom: I want to see her. And what the hell did you do to me?

Amy: I told you in the van. It's a new drug.

Tom: That makes people do whatever you want?

Amy: *frowns* You weren't helping me willingly.

Tom: That's because you're insane. I want to see her. NOW.

Amy: I'll take her to you. Can't risk you knockin' me over the noggin', can I. *walks away*

Tom: *glaring*

5 minutes later

Amy: *tosses Steph onto bed*

Tom: *stands, yanks chain* Steph! ...What did you do? She's barely breathing.

Amy: Cold medicine. She didn't want to settle down.

Tom: *looks at Amy* ...You gave her the heroin.

Amy: Just a smidge.


Amy: Settle down or I'll give you the rest.

Tom: Let us go. Let me take her. She needs a hospital, Amy. You don't want her to die, do you?

Amy: You killed mine.

Tom: I was told I tried to help her. It was an armed gunman who killed her.

Amy: You don't remember?

Tom: No. I was shot too, I was in a coma for a week. I don't remember any of it.

Amy: You're lying.

Tom: If you want to kill somebody, start with me. Don't take it out on a child.

Amy: I'VE LOST EVERYTHING! My husband died! My Sammy died! I HAVE NOTHING! What makes you think I give a DAMN about some KID!

Tom: I am sorry that you've had to endure all that pain, but... *looks at Steph* it wasn't her fault. It wasn't anyone's fault.

Amy: *grabs Tom by the throat, shoves him into wall*

Tom: Ugh!

Amy: You're wrong. It was somebody's fault. If I hadn't met you, my Sammy would still be here. *pulls knife from jeans*

Gables Estates, house, bedroom

Calleigh: No sign of a struggle.

Delko: Got some prints on the ledge here. They're partials but we should be able to get a match.

Speed: *steps under tape* Get anything?

Calleigh: Tim, you should be downstairs.

Speed: I'm not touching, just looking.

Calleigh: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *folds lifters*

Speed: You have prints.

Delko: Partials.

Speed: Any blood?

Calleigh: None. I don't think she struggled with her abductor.

Speed: Maybe he incapacitated her before that was an option.

Calleigh: It's possible.

Delko: We also have to consider the posibility that she knew her attacker.

Calleigh: Maybe someone from the park or school, a teacher? Um...family friend?

Speed: *blinks* Holy crap.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: Excuse me. *walks away*

Living room

Anni: *places hand on Scott's knee*

Scott: *staring at floor*

Lori: *wipes eyes*

Speed: *walks over* How long exactly has Tom been gone?

Anni: Since yesterday. I just assumed he worked a double, why?

Speed: It's probable that Steph knew her abductor.

Anni: *frowns, stands* You think Tom did this? Are you serious?

Lori: *lifts head*

Speed: He's the only other person unaccounted for. Seems a little more than coincidence.

Anni: That's ridiculous. He loves Steph, why w-...

Speed: *stares at Anni*

Anni: No. He's not like that.

Speed: We can't rule anything out.

Anni: I'll call him right now, we'll settle this. *pulls out phone, dials* I'm sure he's just letting off steam at the bar or went for a drive. Maybe something came up and he had to head to a crime scene. *places phone up to ear*

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *lies head on Scott's shoulder*

Scott: *wraps arm around Lori*

Anni: He's not picking up. He always picks up.

Speed: Wait a second, do you hear that?

Anni: What?

Speed: *walks away*

Outside, street

Speed: *kneels, picks up cellphone*

Anni: *runs over* That's Tom's.

Speed: He was here last night.

Anni: *places hand on forehead* Oh my God.

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I''m going to keep it as positive as I can, because ...well, simply this is havoc on my nerves. It only takes one fall for an addict to take before he does the swan dive, and this is the type of fall that could very well do it for Tom. Not only has he abducted Stephie ( killing any future dealings with Scott and Lori) but he now has to deal with the fact that lunatic Amy has dosed the little girl with heroin.

*sigh* there's just not much more for me to say... Other than you've definetly done the job. I am sufficently riddled with anxiety...

Excellent writing, however :)
Thanks for the review! :D


Middle of field, inside house

Tom: *grabs Amy's arm*

Amy: *pushing knife*

Tom: Steph! Wake up!

Amy: *twisting knife*

Tom: Ugh! *shoves Amy*

Amy: *falls onto floor*

Tom: *yanks at wall* Come on!

Amy: *crawls over to knife*

Gables Estates, street

Delko: Got some soil in the tire tracks.

Calleigh: Think you can get a geographical profile?

Delko: *stands* Maybe at the lab, but we don't have time for that. I'll have to run the sample here and see if I can get some base elements to give us an idea where to start. *walks over to Hummer*

Calleigh: *follows*

Delko: *places sample into machine*

Calleigh: Do you really think Tom could do something like this?

Delko: I don't know. But judging by the amount of times I've seen someone change their true colors on a whim, anything's possible.

Calleigh: ...I won't run the partials if you don't.

Delko: Deal.

Computer beeps

Delko: *looks at screen* These compounds are consistent with Florida soil.

Calleigh: We need more than that, Eric.

Delko: *double clicks mouse*

Computer beeps

Delko: Here's something.

Calleigh: What is that?

Delko: Looks like a combination of urine and fecal matter. Probably alligator. They secrete urine and feces through the cloacae. It's actually more similar to bird droppings than anything.

Calleigh: Well, alligators are a dime a dozen in Miami.

Delko: Got something else here. Jet fuel.

Calleigh: *lifts brow* Jet fuel and alligator droppings, mixed with soil. *blinks* There's an air field just outside Kendall on the Tamiami trail.

Delko: Are you sure?

Calleigh: Yes, we did a fly-by last week during another investigation. We should start there.

Delko: I'll take it. Tread space tells us the vehicle we're looking for has a large axel, most likely from a truck or van.

Calleigh: *pulls out phone, walks away*

Middle of field, inside small house

Amy: *spin around, slashes at Tom*

Tom: AH! *holds arm* STEPH!

Amy: *gets to knees*

Tom: *kicks Amy in the face*

Amy: *falls backwards*

Tom: *rips chain from wall*

Amy: *holding face*

Tom: *picks up Steph, runs*

Amy: *grabs chain, yanks Tom backwards*

Tom: ACK! *falls back*

Amy: *picks up knife, swings it*

Tom: *sits up*

Amy: *slams knife into floor*

Tom: *stands, runs*

Amy: *pulls at knife*

Outside, back of house

Tom: *trips, falls into mud* Damnit. *wraps chain around arm* Come on, Steph. Wake up! *shakes Steph*


Calleigh: *grabs binoculars* I don't see anything yet.

Delko: We're almost near the airport.

Speed: Wait, that house. Do we know who lives there?

Calleigh: It's been there for years, I don't think anybody lives there.

Speed: Perfect place to take a child, don't you think? Stop here.

Delko: We don't know for sure.

Speed: We won't unless we check!

Behind house

Tom: *pushing on Steph's chest* Steph, can you hear me? Please open your eyes!

Sirens are heard

Tom: *looks back* Thank God.

Amy: *runs down steps* TOM!

Tom: *looks at Amy*

Amy: *lifts gun*

Calleigh: *pulls trigger*


Amy falls over, dead

Calleigh: *points gun at Tom* Get back!

Speed: *runs over, lifts gun*

Tom: *lifts hands*

Speed: *looks at Steph*

Calleigh: There's blood on her clothes.

Tom: She needs help! You have to take her!

Speed: Get on the ground!

Tom: Please help her.

Speed: *walks over, shoves Tom into mud* Get on the ground. *kneels on Tom's back*

Calleigh: *runs over to Steph, grabs her*

Ambulance rolls into lot

Speed: *cuffs Tom*

Tom: Amy gave her heroin. She thought Steph was her new daughter, she was going to kill us.

Speed: *yanks Tom up* You're a sick son-of-a-bitch, you know that?

Tom: What?

Speed: Abducting her from her own bedroom, that's low, even for you.

Tom: No, I-

Speed: Save it for the judge. *drags Tom*

Hospital room, 2pm

Lori: *places hand on Steph's cheek*

Scott: Doctors say she'll be okay. She was getting just enough oxygen.

Lori: She gave my little girl heroin.

Scott: *sits* I know.

Lori: ...Why would Tom let that happen? There has to be some explanation.

Scott: Maybe we don't know him as well as we think.

Lori: *looks at Scott* He didn't do this alone. That psycho, Amy was with him. She must have convinced him somehow. Maybe she put a gun to his head.

Scott: All the way up the side of our house?

Lori: *sighs, looks at Steph*

Scott: *wraps arm around Lori*

Miami PD, interrogation room

Tom: *looks out window*

Calleigh: Your prints were on the window.

Tom: I don't remember taking her.

Calleigh: The evidence does.

Tom: *looks at Calleigh* That's great, what did my drug test say?

Delko: It came back normal. Which is more than I can say for Steph's.

Tom: Look, I didn't drug her and I didn't hurt her. Amy drugged me with some...experimental medicine or narcotic or something. I think I remember her saying it was from a pharmaceutical company.

Delko: It's interesting that you remember that much.

Tom: The night was a bit of a blur.

Delko: How about this? *throws picture onto table* Blood on her clothes. We're still running it but I bet it comes back to her.

Tom: No. That's my blood, I bled on her. *lifts arm* Amy cut me with the knife.

Calleigh: *looks at Eric*

Delko: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: SART kit came back negative.

Tom: Thank you. I didn't touch her.

Delko: *looks at Tom* So just let me get all of this straight. You were drugged by a magical substance we can't detect in a standard test, to kidnap a child and some lunatic gave her heroin.

Tom: Exactly.

Delko: You're a heroin addict, Tom.

Tom: I didn't drug her! *slams fist against table* I TRIED TO HELP HER!

Delko: Convenient that we can't verify your story, being that the suspect is dead and the victim is unconscious.

Tom: Print the syringe. Look at the evidence; I was chained to the wall, why would I chain myself to the wall unless I was a victim too?

Delko: Could be to throw suspicion off yourself. Or maybe you and Amy had a kinky night after your little kidnapping stunt.

Tom: What's my motive? What could I possibly gain by doing any of this?

Calleigh: He's right, Eric. He wouldn't stand to gain anything.

Delko: Sit tight. *walks away*

Tom: *rubs eyes*

Calleigh: *sits* Tom, if we can't verify this...pharmaceutical story, you could go away for a long time. Is there anything else you remember about it?

Tom: What's the point? You've already sentenced me yourself.

Calleigh: A lot of people are angry and I'd be lying if I said I completely believed your story but all I want is the truth. Think.

Tom: *sigh* ...I was in her van, I remember her gun on the seat...she was talking about replacing her child...

Calleigh: And you refused to help her?

Tom: I'm pretty sure I did. I certainly didn't want to hurt Steph or end up in cuffs.

Calleigh: ...How did you end up in the van, in the first place?

Tom: I uh...I think I was working a double last night. *snaps fingers* Yeah, I was just about to call it a night. I left to grab my jacket from my locker because it was raining.

Calleigh: Then what happened?

Tom: There was a gun in my face. I was outside, almost at my car.

Calleigh: Your car's still in the parkinglot.

Tom: She made me drive to Scott's house. *rubs back of head* ...There's still an indent from where the muzzle of the gun was pressed against my skull.

Calleigh: Okay, you get to Scott's place and then what happened?

Tom: *shakes head* I don't...I...*closes eyes* ...Scott and Lori were...dancing.

Calleigh: Dancing?

Tom: Yeah. But I don't remember anything after that. I woke up inside an old house, I was at the table.

Calleigh: Back up...you mentioned a pharmaceutical company, right? Amy was a lawyer.

Tom: You think she represented the same pharmaceutical company that produced the mind-altering drug?

Calleigh: It's worth checking into. *stands* I'll be back. *walks away*

Tom: *leans into chair* ...*runs hand through hair*

None of this looks great for Tom. Matter of fact, it all looks circumstantial on his part at best. The one true thing they are looking for is evidence, and so far, it's pointing to him. Sad...so very sad. And even if he is exonnerated, I do believe that he's just become the town pirah...except to Stephie, if she can remember anything. And we haven't even gotten to how Anni's coping..

ONE thing worked out,... AMY'S DEAD! How very awesome:D Good, she can no longer hurt anyone! Bc she can really suck it for dosing Stephie with heroin.

I can only hope when the smoke clears, Tom will be able to have a normal life. I'm hoping that Anni is responsible enough to think it through before judging him...

Awesome update:)
Thanks for the review! :)


Crime lab, office

Stetler: He's on suspension until further notice.

Horatio: I understand.

Stetler: Your CSI had better get himself a good lawyer, Lieutenant.

Horatio: Once my team sorts through the evidence, that might not be necessary.

Stetler: The DA might want to pursue this case anyway, despite what the lab says. Kidnapping a young child, no matter how out of it he was is still against the law.

Horatio: Not if he was under duress.

Stetler: I'm not so sure he was. What he was talkin' about, that's science fiction. He's spinning a tale, Horatio. In my book, you've got a heroin addict cop, kidnapping a 7-year old and giving that child heroin.

Horatio: All of his drug tests over the past 5 years have come back clean. I can prove he wasn't the one to administer the drug.

Stetler: How?

Horatio: Science, Rick. It's called science. Something we've found to be a little more reliable than IAB's opinion. *walks away*

Stetler: *looks back*

A/V Lab

Horatio: *steps inside* The pharmaceutical company.

Calleigh: *staring at screen* Amy Walker's firm has been representing a company called Pegasus Pharmaceuticals over the past year and a half. Court records show they were sued for unlawful administration of a dangerous chemical and failure to report their findings to the FDA. The drug Isoproletal was deemed unsafe for public usage.

Horatio: Tell me about the drug.

Calleigh: At first glance, it looks like a hyped up version of a truth serum. It influences higher brain function and can make a subject more compliant.

Horatio: Can that apply to making someone kidnap a child?

Calleigh: *clicks mouse*

Horatio: *looks at screen*

Calleigh: Bellevue hospital reported a patient who jumped off their roof 6 months ago. Toxicology showed traces of Isoproletal in her system. The hospital claims they don't use it on patients and they have no idea how she got it.

Horatio: *nods*

Calleigh: Two more deaths in Manhattan 3 months ago showed the same drug. One of them jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge and another stabbed himself in the neck at a deli on 5th avenue.

Horatio: If we're going to connect this to Amy, we need to find a connection between these people besides the Isoproletal. Get Natalia on victimology. Have her contact the NYPD for their casefiles.

Calleigh: *nods*

Interrogation room

Anni: *steps in, shuts door*

Tom: *looks at Anni*

Anni: Hey.

Tom: I didn't-

Anni: We'll figure it all out, Tom. *walks over to chair, sits* I want to know how you're doing.

Tom: How do you think I'm doing? I kidnapped Steph, I didn't help her when I should have and now I'm going to prison.

Anni: You're not going to prison. *grabs Tom's hand* You didn't have much control over what happened and you did try to help her.

Tom: It doesn't matter. There's too much against me.

Anni: Horatio's going to clear you.

Tom: *shakes head*

Anni: You have to trust us.

Tom: Then I hope Speed isn't working the case.

Anni: He isn't.

Tom: ...I'm going to have to start over. Everyone thinks I'm a monster...Steph's going to think I'm a monster.

Anni: I don't think she will. And I don't. I know you're telling the truth.

Tom: You're about the only one.

Anni: *wraps arms around Tom*

Tom: *sigh*

Everyone's got their work cut out for them. It's going to be a hard sell if they can't connect Amy to this. But, me being the ever optimist (Starting today), I think there's light at the end of the tunnel. I'm sure things are going to be sore between Lori and Tom, and well, Steph probably will be a bit traumatized, but I think things are going to work. It's encouraging that Anni's sticking by him, which I didn't doubt for one second :D. I just want to see this cleared up.

*Um...where's Speed?*

Awesome update:D
Thanks for the review! :D Hee.


Layout room, next day

Calleigh: *walks in* You paged me?

Natalia: *lifts head* Yeah, I got some information on those suicides you wanted me to look into.

Calleigh: Great. *steps forward* What do you have?

Natalia: The first victim, Connie Francis, jumped from Bellevue. Then Gary Petersen from the Brooklyn Bridge a few months later.

Calleigh: Right and the last one was a deli owner on 5th avenue.

Natalia: Pedro Vasquez. All three of them were involved in legal problems. Connie was going to trial for an assault on a police officer following a manic episode, Gary was allegedly embezzeling from a brokerage firm in Brooklyn and Pedro had just filed for bankruptcy after losing his deli in a mob deal.

Calleigh: Let me guess, they all hired Amy's firm.

Natalia: Yep. She worked closely with them for several weeks. I'm sure they were all very distraught and thought they could trust their lawyer to help them out of a bad situation.

Calleigh: She certainly appears to have done so. Horatio just ran the prints on a syringe found in the van, it belongs to Amy. Ryan ran the residue from inside the syringe and it came back as a match to Tom's drug test.

Natalia: I bet if we compare that against Connie Francis' tox report, it'll point to the Isoproletal.

Calleigh: Tom was telling the truth. Amy was able to influence those people into killing themselves so she could test her drug. The NYPD wouldn't have investigated the suicides.

Natalia: We just cleared him.

Calleigh: Him, yes. But not the pharmaceutical company. The DA might want to build a bigger case with what we've found.

Natalia: *nods* I'll forward our evidence.

Calleigh: Thanks. *walks away*

Men's room

Tom: *buttons cuffs*

Speed: *walks in*

Tom: *lifts eyes*

Speed: *steps over to sink* I heard you were cleared.

Tom: *turns on tap*

Speed: ...Wanted to apologize.

Tom: How big of you.

Speed: I was wrong.

Tom: Again.

Speed: Look, just because you're right, doesn't mean you can throw around that attitude. Just take the apology like a man.

Tom: Why? *turns to Speed* You cuffed me, threw me into the back of a police car, insulted me and embarrassed me in front of everyone. I don't have to do shit for you.

Speed: What was I supposed to think?

Tom: Innocent until proven guilty. Or how about objectivity. How about removing yourself from the case so I could have a chance in Hell.

Speed: You would have reacted the same way.

Tom: No. I know what it's like to be on both sides and I think everyone deserves a chance instead of a lynch mob. *walks away*

Speed: *looks back*

Gables Estates, house

Anni: *sips tea* ...Steph's still at the hospital?

Lori: Yeah, observation.

Anni: *staring into den* Sounds great.

Lori: *looks at Anni*

Scott: *slamming fists into punching bag*

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Anni: *sigh* When'd he start uh...y'know, that stuff?

Lori: Couple weeks ago. It's supposed to vent anger or something.

Anni: I like angry. *smiles*

Lori: Um, shouldn't you be with your husband?

Anni: Who?

Lori: *frowns* Thomas.

Anni: *blinks* Right. *laughs* Wasn't uh, paying attention.

Dominick: *runs in* MOMMA!

Lori: What?

Dominick: Where's Stephie?

Lori: Still at the hospital.

Dominick: *frowns, stomps feet* STEPHIE COME HOME!

Lori: *picks up Dominick* She'll be home soon.

Dominick: *shakes head* Now.

Anni: He misses his sister. *smiles* How cute.

Dominick: *lies head on Lori's chest*

Lori: *pats Dominick on the head*

Scott: *walks over* I'm going to hit the showers, I'll be back in 15.

Lori: Sure.

Scott: *looks at Anni* Hey, I didn't know you were here. *wipes forehead* How's Tom doing?

Anni: I'm sure he's lean.

Scott: *lifts brow*

Anni: Fine. I'm sure he's fine.

Scott: Let him know I said hi. *walks away*

Anni: *tilts head*

Lori: *clears throat*

Anni: I should really get to the PD.

Lori: Yes.

Anni: See you later. *walks away*

Lori: *rolls eyes*

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YES! Finally, Tom's cleared:D As I knew he would be. Tom's not one to go about kidnapping kids- especially one he loves as much as Stephie. It's just not him. Even though Speed apologized, I just think that things will be strained between them for a while.

:guffaw: Anni and Lori...well, mainly Anni. She's still got a torch for Scotty- well, his body mainly, but who can blame her , right? I'd be drooling all over him too. Sweaty and exerted....Yum...

Awesome update:D