CSI: Miami Icons #6 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Thanks for all the comments everyone! :D

Awesome icons in here, wow I need to visit more often!
Recolouring is one of my favourite tricks too. :D
I have absolutely, no idea how to recolour! :lol: I should look up a tut.

I didn't use a tut or anything. All I did was duplicate the original pic, desaturate it to make it b/w and then use the brush tool, picked a color and lowered the opacity. I had to try it a couple of different times to get it light enough. :lol:
Recolouring is one of my favourite tricks too. :D
I have absolutely, no idea how to recolour! :lol: I should look up a tut.

I didn't use a tut or anything. All I did was duplicate the original pic, desaturate it to make it b/w and then use the brush tool, picked a color and lowered the opacity. I had to try it a couple of different times to get it light enough. :lol:

You can also duplicate the original layer, set to Screen at around 30-50% (depending on the picture), and then desaturate the new layer. Create a new layer on top of that, set the blending mode to "Hue", and paint the colour over the area you wish to change. If the area you want to change is very dark, you can also try setting the colouring layer to "Multiply", at a lower opacity.
Thank you Kristine! Also thanks GNRF and fatalze for the tips. I might try those.

Orla: Haha, Ryan does that. ;) Thanks! And I love your icons. :D The one under the link is my favourite.
FFF, Luf100 and Orla_Dark, this is too much hotness for me :drool: Specially if they are so well done :D Great job everyone!! Love the coloring of all of them :D
H_Miami_fan great icons & the textures are wow!!! :eek: Love all of them.
GregNickRyanFan great experiment :lol: Love the first one!
Florry86, thank you and i like your Ryan icon (PS i have the same problem when i do Ryan icons :lol:)
Oh it's good that I'm not the only one who has to clean up her pc after some Ryan's icons :lol:.
Great icons & I just adore your colouring :thumbsup:

FallenForFlack love the second one!!! I love how you have improved :eek: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v73/lennongurl/Icons/speed100.jpg
luf100 :lol: the one about the button is just so true :drool:. Great icons!!!
OLE I'm pretty sure you did a great present to Orla, but gosh I can't see them :(
Can someone make a few EDeN ones with the lyrics from Taylor Swifts "Crazier" for me please! It go like this: "You lift my feet off the ground, you spin me around, you make me crazier, crazier, it's like I'm fallin and I, I'm lost in your eyes, you make me crazier, crazier." Thanx! And I dont care what pictures are used! Just good ones!
My #2 Batch :D

Subject - Calleigh Duquesne [CSI:Miami]
Batch - Batch #2 [015-040]
Themes - A Dreamer’s Dream, Wicked, Misery, Love, Fire, Ice, Glory, Full Of Regret, Green, Blue, Forgotten, Hush, Why, Beautiful, Hope, Desire, I've been Bad, Companionship, From Now On, Mine, Trouble On Paradise, My Drog, Water...
Addictional Notes:
1. Comments make me smile like this :D
2.If use snag it, please let me know and credit.
3. Don't claim as your own.


Rest here
Mariana, I already made a comment on your LJ, but I wanted to say here that your Calleigh icons always rock. :D You have improved so much so quickly, it's kinda blowing me away.

OLE, I am seriously jealous of luf100's b-day gift! Those are lovely!
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