CSI: Miami Icons #6 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Wow everyone's icons from the challenge = awesomeness!

Kat - Do I even have to say how much I love your icons?! :D

Linda - Amazing job I love the Tripp one but the Natalia ones are amazing too!! :) Lovely colouring! :)

Nat - :eek: I LOVE, love, love that Natalia icon the colouring is awesome and the b/w with orange effect works really well :D I love the cropping on all the icon! :D

dongpeiyen1000 - I love your Ryan icons they're soooooooooo amazing!! My fav is the first one!! That effect is sooo awesome!! Fantastic work!! :)

Geni - I love your Nat icon!! The colouring sooo fantastic!! :) Thanks for your comment I appreciate it!!

Luf100 - Amazing icons!!! I love the middle one!! That effect one of my favourites!! Nice job!! I also love the other icons you post!! :)

Missee - Amazing icons! I love the last one!! I love when people do icons that just focus on eyes and the b/w with orange has an amazing effect!! :D Nice job!!! :)

Okay mine from the challenge!! (snaggable as always):


Enjoy!!! :)
My two from the orange challenge:


I've snagged quite a few and now I can put names on them.
Wow! What fabulous icons! :eek:

Yoshi, I love your "squick" one! It just fits his expression so well!

Shazza, ditto your third one! I just want to stare at him...

Fieldmouse, your Calleigh one is so imaginative! I love everythign about it - the colour and the cropping and the shapes... It's so simple and so perfect!

dongpeiyen, I love your Ryan ones. I like the mix of colours on #3. Are the pics on #1 different ones or the same one repeated?

speedcochrane, yours are just beautiful! I love the colouring you used. It gives me something to aim for! :D

nattybatty, #2 - it says everything! Perfect cropping!

macslovlyangl, yours are so vibrant! They really stand out!

kat, I love the way you do 140x icons! The lighting is lovely and I like the little coloured flares. Do you use textures to get those effects?

I posted some icons on my journal today - mostly Ryan, but a few of the other Miami men too, plus some other stuff.


Thanks for all the compliments on my very orange icons:lol::)

Natty: great job on your icons, I really like your third one. The color is very nice.

Geni: Great job all three of yours, I love the third one of Eric best.

luf100: Great coloring and clearness on your icons, love the Calleigh one

fieldmouse: Your icons are great, I like the second Ryan one, it's great.

Sophia: Those are all wonderful, great job. I really like Ryan #1 and the Natalia one, simply lovely.

Yoshi: Good job, your Ryan "Squick" one made me laugh

AliGtr: Great job on your icons. The coloring is nice

DP1000: Great job on yours, your #2 and #3 are great

Okay hope I got everyone:)
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Thanks for all the nice comments everyone!
Ali - I do use a lot of light textures in my icons! I am addicted to them.

Everyone's icons from the challenge were great. I always love seeing them as they come in to my mailbox!

here are some more Ryan ones requested by Sara.


Kat: Love all of your Ryan icons. I love 6 and 7 on your second post. ^_^

horatio_love: I looked at your LJ, love all of them. Awesome colouring. I never noticed how Eric, Calleigh and Ryan were all wearing pink in that episode before. :p

GNRF: Nice RaVe icon, I like how it fades at the end of the chain.

MacsLovlyAngl: I love them. I really like the Frank and second Nat ones.

nattybatty55: Very purdy. I think I like the Natalia one the best. The black and white against her shirt and the spot of orange looks really nice.

speed_cochrane: I love them! They're so different looking, it's really good colouring. I like the effect on the Natalia one.

dongpeiyen1000: That first one definitely deserved first place. It's really nice. The other two are awesome as well.

FieldMouse: I love the text on the first, and the Calleigh one deserved most creative! That was an awesome idea, using the glasses.

shazza: Awesome as always. I love the first Ryan one.

Yoshi: Love those two. The text matches Ryan's face in both of them well. :lol:

AliGtr: I love those three! The light on the second one looks really cool, and the text on the Frank one is awesome.

Kat again: Posted before I saw your last post. :lol: Those are all awesome! Funny too. Looove the 3rd, 5th, and 6th. :drool:

*phew* Thanks for all the comments to me, guys!
GNRF: Nice RaVe icon, I like how it fades at the end of the chain.

It fades at the end? Haha, I didn't even notice that. I got the frame from some picture program I downloaded a while back. I'm gonna do an Eden one like it as soon as I find a nice screencap of the two of them together. Cause I have the screencap of Eric lifting up that little girl. :lol:
Thank you everyone for your compliments! :D

AliGtr, the caps on my first icon are actually different, continuous ones. I couldn't decide which to use so I just fitted them into the same icon. :p
Thanks for all the nice comment! :D

AliGtr: I will leave a comment at your LJ later!! :)

Mine from the 1v1's:

GNRF: Nice RaVe icon, I like how it fades at the end of the chain.

It fades at the end? Haha, I didn't even notice that. I got the frame from some picture program I downloaded a while back. I'm gonna do an Eden one like it as soon as I find a nice screencap of the two of them together. Cause I have the screencap of Eric lifting up that little girl. :lol:

:lol: I dunno why I noticed it, but I like it! Can't wait to see the Eden one.

shazza: Ooh, I love those. Especially the first one. I like the texture on the other (if you used one, it looks like it).

I've got some. I like them quite a bit.


http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc172/Caitie-1992/My Icons/rwnnotext.jpg
http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc172/Caitie-1992/My Icons/fhgbvf.jpg
http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc172/Caitie-1992/My Icons/frank.jpg
Been a while since i visited here, too many to comment on but great work everybody! :thumbsup:

Luf100 nice work! That Horatio one reminds me of The Matrix it looks cool!
Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! Great work Sophia and luf100!

Here are a few more Sara asked me to do.

Really nice Ryan icons. I love the second and third one, there's like some "surreal" effect to it, like I'm looking at a painting.
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