CSI : Miami Icons #5 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Oooh so much Ryan *drools*

Kat-I am in love with your Valera icon a few posts back, and the transparent Ryan one is brilliant.

wolfesgamergirl-I really like how you use brushed, you make them fit the icons really well. My favourite has tobe the black and white one though.

katelynn- set 1 is my favourite, they are so bright and I really love no.9. I really like your latest one too :)

There's no icons from me at the moment, I'm struggling to even find time to make some challenege icons, but my exams are over this week so I'll have loads of spare time :D

LeAnne :cool:
Thank you CalleighD :) Much appreciated.

I do realize with mine they do go over the 20K limit, but if any of you want to use them for this forum and you dont know how to compress them or anything
(usually just converting it to .png or .gif) let me know and I can do it for you --even if they aren't my icons.
Because sometimes even make them a .png or a .gif won't work... so just incase :)

I'm working on some mire icons as we speak... can't wait to see some more from everyone
Here are a few from me today!

and just a regular icon with that picture
ILuvJonathanTogo- You icons are awesome :)

So I got fed up of revising, who cares about 165 million year old rocks anyway... hehe. So here's some Natalia, because she's seriously underepresented in icons...






LeAnne x
Thanks for the kind words CalleighD and very nice icons!

ILJT - great icons as well!!

Here is one from me today.

Kat - awesome new ryan icon :)
i love it!

I made some more put im just waiting for enough to post in a journal.

CalleighD - awesome natalia icons.. they are really awesome!!! i love how colourful and bright they are! and its so true she isnt in a lot of icons!
Kat- Thats a really good icon, I love how the bit on the side just blends in with icon. I can never get my brushes/textures to do that properly. And thank you :)

CalleighD - awesome natalia icons.. they are really awesome!!! i love how colourful and bright they are! and its so true she isnt in a lot of icons!

Thanks katelynn :) I can;t wait to see you icons. I've never made any Natalia fanart before, I never realised how easy it was to find good caps of her, hehe nearly everyones a good one.
Those are really good icons, i agree with CalleighD they are soft and i love the colourization of them.... if that even makes sense.

Here are a couple of my icons.




The other 10 icons are at my Live Journal

of course they are of ryan :)

If anyone knows how to fix the table I put all the icons in to bring them all together, that would be awesome, HTML doesn't want to work with me today!!!
Enjoy :) For one of them, with the two small pictures i decided i would try a tutorial for once.
thank you cathwillows.
AH i know! I love lighting. sometimes im like ah im sick of textures so then i do this massive load of lighting icons, until i find something new. like i'm about to post a new LJ entry of ones using the same effects. sometimes its hard coming up with something new.

I love your banner as well, i looooooove the colours in it! and the brush and font.




The other 13 icons are at my Live Journal
You know what katelynn I am seriously in love with your icons, they are all so effortlessly brilliant, and they never lok overcrowded, unlike some of mine hehe. My favourites from the first set you posted today have to be 1 and 2. One is really cool, is that the one you used the tutorial for?
I really like 8 and 15 from the second lot too.

I bow down to your talent :D

I've got a few more today, just because I love these two...






LeAnne x
CalleighD said:
You know what katelynn I am seriously in love with your icons, they are all so effortlessly brilliant, and they never lok overcrowded, unlike some of mine hehe. My favourites from the first set you posted today have to be 1 and 2. One is really cool, is that the one you used the tutorial for?
I really like 8 and 15 from the second lot too.

I bow down to your talent :D

I take it from your last post your name is LeAnne?
Hopefully im not wrong haha i would feel like such a fool!

THank you for your kind words. I appreciate it a lot. Trust me, you're amazing at making icons as well! Some of mine don't turn out well, or they are just lame and seem repetitive. Yours are always fresh and very bright, colourful and the contrast is just right!
I loooove the fonts you use too!

From the latest icons you've posted, I really love the first Natalia one, as well as the "cal" one and the "nat3" one!
Brilliant, keep up the good work!!!

And yes, from the first set that I posted earlier (the first one), the #1 icon is from a tutorial i thought i would try to do something different! :)
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