CSI : Miami Icons #4 - Showcase, Links, and Requests

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Hrockz my favorite is the one with H and the Hummer. What episode and scene is that from? :)

Great job everyone, mitzi I love your animated icon, it looks like it took four hours...amazing. :eek: :D
Need4Speed - ok so I have never attempted an animation before...this was definitely a challenge. So this is my poor attempt for you!

I am amazed I figured it out at all.
I was wondering if someone could make me an icon using this picture of Ryan Any words, extras, whatever work. Thanks a lot if you can, if not thats ok, just asking. :D
great icons everyone, im hoping to do some more sonn now all my challenge ones are in, kit4na i love the speed one especially, then again i love speed lol
ThroughALens said:
I was wondering if someone could make me an icon using this picture of Ryan Any words, extras, whatever work. Thanks a lot if you can, if not thats ok, just asking. :D

Here is one I alrady had done with no words....
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