CSI: Miami Icons #2 - Showcase, Links & Requests

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foo poozle, it's a CaRWash one! *is happy* :D But I'm still loving another of your CaRWash ones (gee, that wasn't obvious was it? :rolleyes: *looks left*)

Anyway, I like them all. Great icons everyone!
thanks Dutchie!
and yeah go ahead and use whatever you wish _Calleigh_ :)

awesome icons Krinkle04, i love the geeks rock one!
oh and i hope you don't mind that i friended you ^_^
My very first own icons here:


the others:

1 2 3 4 5 6
Bluecurl, they're very nice, but please remember you can only post 3 images on here, the rest should be posted as links. ;) For your first icons they look great!
Dutchie said:
Bluecurl, they're very nice, but please remember you can only post 3 images on here, the rest should be posted as links. ;) For your first icons they look great!

changed it already! and uh: tnx :lol:
Ohhhh Ashley look at all the pretty icons. You always do a wonderful job. keep up the great work.

Everyone else you guys are awesome. Hope to see more soon.

I should have more up later since now I'll have free time with Christmas Break.
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