and here's some Emily icons....yeah I kinda went overboared with the Emily icons this weekend. lol. But I was bored and talk csi was down for almost all day. lol.
OMG, speedmonkey, saya_ray and speed_cochrane - so many new icons! I love them all, especially - like the others - your "Smile"-one, Gene! Makes me laugh every time I see it :lol: ! And now we know, why we always have to brush our teeth, speedmonkey So funny! Keep on posting new icons, want more!
Aww I love the Speed one and the Calleigh ones. Oh hell I loved all of them. lol. Since was really bored this weekend and csi files was being a knob I made a zillion icons. So, I'll post my link to my photobucket. I"m not sure if it'll work or not. But I'll try. And if it doesn't then I'll just post all of my icons.
Well poop on a stick! *sighs and tried to remain composure* Alright I'll just post all of them then. But I'm warning you you'll have ALOT of links to look at lol.