CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

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A: Giant Sparkler
B: Cherry Bomb (an old school prank!)

New phrases for Thursday, July 5th:

Alexx Woods said "The other day, I had to deal with one of the most mangled corpses I'd ever seen." (Audeince: HOW MANGLED WAS IT?!?!?) "It was so mangled, that her ______________(s) were now next to her feet!"

Jim Brass said "The reason why I didn't transfer to LAPD was because too many of their CSI's are only doing the job until their _________________________ careers take off!"
Sorry this is coming late again today--I was grading finals and doing final averages for the students I teach at the college last night rather late!

New phrases for Friday, July 6:

Warrick said "The other day we found a guy that died from a forced choking on Cheetos. The cops are now looking for _________________ as a person of interest!"

Ecklie said "I didn't realize just how creepy Hodges could be until recently." (Audience: HOW CREEPY IS HE?!?!?!) "The other day, I found him in my __________________ waiting for me!"
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