CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

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New phrases for Friday, August 10th:

Anthony Zuiker said "This Viacomm CBS affiliation is getting out of hand. In Fall 2007, they're going to have _____________ sing Baba O'Reilly instead of The Who in the opening Credits for CSI: NY. Sinise is NOT AMUSED!!!"

Lady Heather said "I've received some weird requests in my line of work, but Weird Willie's was REALLY WEIRD." (Audience: HOW WEIRD WAS IT?!?!?) "Instead of.... ahem... using a feather, he wanted to use a _______________!"
A: William Hung (from American Idol) (And you thought I was going to say Fran Drescher. I'll give her a break this time.)
B: porcupine quill
A: Patrick Star
B: Pneumatic Drill :eek:

New phrases for Monday, August 13th:

Grissom said "The other day I think I may have discovered a new species of ______________ that was nested in what is left of Ecklie's hair!"

Erik Delko said "Dumb Donald is SOOOOO DUMB!" (Audience: HOW DUMB IS HE?!??!) "He's so dumb that he invited Natalia Boa Vista to his place for dinner and a movie and rented ______________________, which made her beat him up!!!"
A: bacteria

B: [multicard] How to Go Out on a Date in Queens that starred Rob Estes who just happens to look like her ex-husband [/multicard]
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