CSI Match Game S5: Get ready to __________ the stars!!!

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A.lol high school teacher is funny. I think I'm also gonna go with psychiatrist.
B.Yeah, also going with Mac's b-day party.

*adds to the RIP Charles sentiments*
New phrases for Wednesday, May 30th:

Horatio Caine said "While I was in Rio, I helped... a local detective... check a Carioca Dancer's outfit... during Carnivale... for _____________(s)!"

Grissom said "Just as we arrested the real Miniature Crime Scene Killer, I found another miniature crime scene that featured _________ acting out a *certain scene* from American Pie. I found that disturbing, but not surprising."
A: ...having too much fabric.
B: ...Hodges (I pick on Ecklie too much. Giving him the day off.)
Before posting todays phrases, I should have explained something: Carioca dancers in Brazil's Carnivale are dressed somewhat like Showgirls in Vegas--little spangled bikinis with Tonga (thong) bottoms and large feathers off the back and on their head. Not much material on them so searching them for concealed weapons wouldn't take any longer than the searcher wanted it to! ;)

New phrases for Thursday, May 31st:

Frank Tripp said "Ryan Wolfe thinks he's so funny playing practical jokes on me. I keep on getting mailings from The __________________ Club that I didn't solicit!"

Peyton Driscoll said "Dating a Yank is not always easy. The other day I wondered if Mac fancied a shag, but he thought I was talking about ____________, not... ahem... coupling activities."
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