CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!!!

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Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A: ...sunscreen (It is Miami, after all.)
B: ...better at showing emotions
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

New phrases for Tuesday, Feb. 6th--A Valentine's edition, thanks to Dynamo1:

Weird Adam Novak sent Catherine Willows (a) ________ for Valentines Day.

Danny sent Lindsay some candy valentine hearts with ________ printed on them.
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A: Living Mouse
B: I love you.. :D
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A.Weeds(instead of flowers? lol)
B.Come home soon?
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A. expired coupons from McDonald's
B. you're okay, i guess or it's not me. it's you. (Actual candy heart sayings, all-lowercase. I found them amusing. :lol:)
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A-A live mouse in a beer bottle

B-A live mouse in a beer bottle

(I just watched "Strange Brew" with Bob & Doug McKenzie, eh? It's all I could think of--but hey, they can take the bottle back to the brewery and get a free pack of 2-4!!!)
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A: [multicard]...a real human heart, all bloody and slimy[/multicard]
B: ...New York <3 Montana
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

a. a cow heart (yes, he's weird :eek: )
b. COWS on the chocolates
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A. His client's heart
B. Pictures of wheat fields.
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A) a kiss (Cute-thats what my friend is getting)

B) "Marry me?"
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

New phrases for Wednesday, Feb. 7th:

For Valentine's day, Horatio was given a ____________ by Clavo Cruz!

Sara Sidle said "Grissom needs to work on his romantic skills. A heart shaped box full of _______________(s) is NOT ROMANTIC!!!
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