CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!!!

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Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A. Prank. The real mine was a WHOLE four centimetres away.

B. Drunk.
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

New phrases for Thursday, Jan 25th:

Brass said "I think that I was abducted by aliens from outer space. I had a weird dream, and when I woke up, I found a small computer chip lodged in my _____________!"

Danny Messer said "Boy, I sure was surprised when I found out Quentin the drag queen had dated ______________!"

Keep it PG13, but funny folks.
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

a. my head :eek:
b. FLACK -- (reaching on this one)
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!


B-Sid Hammerback

Keep posting folks--I just wanted to put mine in now!
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

A: ...flip-type cellphone/communicator (fascinating)
B: ...Rosie O'Donnell (highly illogical)
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

New phrases for Friday, January 26th:

Nick said "Reverse Forensics my @$$! That Keppler was just trying to __________ with Catherine!"

Tonight on CSI: Seattle, a local medical intern ends up getting a _____________ shoved down his throat because he refused to date the woman who was his attending! Meanwhile, his coworkers wax neurotic on their love lives to the CSI team, making the CSI team wish those coworkers would end up in the morgue!"

Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

1. Sing. *cough* IN THE SHOWER *cough*

2. Guitar. It was the first thing I saw when I looked to my right. =]
Re: CSI Match Game S4: So Easy a Caveman can __________ it!

a. date (the definative answer)
b. strawberry [taken from CSI NY]
CSI: Seattle love it :lol:
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