Oh' that was a good episode, on so many levels !!
Have to agree with you both on the subject of LF's jokes !! I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or cringe ..It was the almost innocent way he delivered it that had me cracking up though, it was like something a little kid would say & then wonder why all the adults were laughing. The reactions of Nick & Catherine just added to fit of giggles i was in !!
-Was anyone else expecting Ray to start talking to the golf club cover in the teaser? I mean, I swear he was wearing it like a glove puppet...
^^ I thought it was a puppet at first, but then my knowledge of golf errrrm.. gear ? doesn't go much futher than you use a ball & a club. After they
almost explained what it was i was in hysterics at the way Ray kept turning it to look at him.. i was sure he was gonna put on a cartoon voice & name it Cuddles !!
Loved the scene between Nick & Sara, with the different types balls.. the '
really? you expect me to know what your talking about' looks Sara gave him were truely priceless !!
Talking of Sara, i get a tad over excitted when i see 'Jorja Fox' in the list of guest stars.. i know not everyone likes it that they brought her back for a few episodes, but i am a massive Sara fan, so.. *happy dance* !!
Oooh' which links in to Sara & Greg's convo about whether Sara and Grissom are actually married.. love how easy it still is for Sara to wind Greg up, you'd think he would have learnt by now..
Plus any mention of GSR = Very Happy Katie !!!
No Wendy in the episode though, which is pretty pants !!
Thought it was a bit odd that they were all investigating the same case.. it didn't seem to be that major to me, was waiting for another body to randomly turn up for the first half hour, but no complaints as it was a brilliant episode
Ahhh' role on next tuesday