CSI Jokes and humor thread

^Well, if it is what I think it is, it's about the Schrödinger theory about quantumphysics that he explained with the story of the cat, right?

Oh, and Cyanide and Happiness =
Schrödinger's cat! Hahaha--I totally remember that Big Bang ep--it's one of my absolute favorite episodes so far ^__^

Oh and Cyanide & Happiness = love :D
Hm, I thought it was from an episode of CSI where the neighbour had this thing that killed ground squirrels, but it also killed the neighbours cat. Wasn't the cats name Schrödinger? Or am I pulling this out of nowhere? :lol:
No, you're right, it was in the episode "The Theory of Everything". :)

"The elderly couple killed by breathing cyanide gas had a cat named Shrodinger. This is an allusion to the 'Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment,' an explanation developed by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger to show the problems associated with the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. The Schrödinger's Cat paradox showed that, according to the Copenhagen interpretation, a cat sealed in an air-tight box with a Geiger counter and a flask of hydrocyanic acid would be both dead and alive at the same time, until the box was opened and the cat observed."