CSI Jokes and humor thread

Part 1
Part 2

I'll have to get the properties part when I get home so y'all can still find it after today. I just can't copy-past easily on this computer :(
Someup there mentioned the CSI: Topeka card, my mother sent me one for Halloween that was CSI: Transalvania...
It had a mummy on it and it said something like "I think he was scared stiff". I really don't remember exactly.
Something stupid like that anyway...
MacsGirlMel said:


I'll have to get the properties part when I get home so y'all can still find it after today. I just can't copy-past easily on this computer :(

Oh man, if anyone here watches the tv show called "The wrong coast" basically it makes fun of TV shows and movies that have already been made and they create their own spinoffs and sequels to write reviews for and anyway, that CSI Latte one made me think of a thing made up by the Wrong Coast called "SWATAWATATA".
When I remember what it all stands for, I'll let you know, but I know its like "SWAT" and then something about the ability to appraise antiques. Whatever. Thanks anyway great mini-comic =)
Part 2

Part 3

Your best bet is probably to keep checking each day until the arc ends, so I don't clog the thread with posting every single part. And the previous parts are in the archives at teh bottom of the screen as well.
*bump* I thought I'd bump this to keep it on the first page, so that if anybody has anything humorous to share, they have a place to do so.

Faylinn said:
Alright, we'll use this thread for posting CSI-related cartoons, comics, etc. Anything humorous that relates to CSI that you see on the internet (and which you are allowed to link to according to the board rules ;)) can go here.
i get that the video is unavailable. did the clip use actual csi clips? if it did it may be taken down for copyright issues. that could be the problem

also please keep in mind that this board only allows postings of csi clips if they come from the cbs youtube account.
I wish I could get up to...I think it's Brookfield but it oculd be Lincoln Park zoo...Or maybe not I don't remember but somewhere around here, there's a place that has an animal show and there's a pig parg called PSI: Pig Scene Investigation lol
It worked for me, and I have to say - THAT WAS ONE OF :DTHE FUNNIEST THINGS I'VE SEEN ALL DAY!

There was another sketch like this on 'Dead Ringers' (UK people will know what I'm on about!) with John Culshaw as Grissom, if I can find it I will post! It was featured on another show about CSI with lots of celebs doing the Horatio sunnies impression! It was v.funny! :D
could someone who can see it please describe what it is? for whatever reason i am one that cant see it but i need to know what it is exactly so i know whether it is allowed or not :lol: