CSI Icons #5: Showcase, Links and Requests

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Thanks Sara but I think I should have cropped that second differently, got in too much of the car lol and not enough of Eric! :lol:
Thanks Liffy and its Sophia
Shaz = Sophia. Gots it :D (I'm new, can you tell? :eek: )

Anyways, I've got three Cath icons to share:


Enjoy :)
Those Cath icons are really kewl, Liffy. :D See I'm learning names too.

I really like the cropping of the third one, adds a nice dimension to the icon.
HAHA no worries Liffy but I love your icons - like Sara said the crop on third one is kewl! neato!(<--is that even a word :eek:)
Thanks! Err...*runs to find name* Sara :D (Is that even right I wonder....) :eek:

I'm learning names...hooray for moi :D

shazza_018 said:
neato!(<--is that even a word :eek:)
It is in my book, Soph :)
Wicked icon Sara :thumbsup: Loved that episode. Reminds me of a banner i made like that a while ago i think...*goes off to look for it*
^Thank you :)

I really need to start learning (or taking notice) of everyone's names... :eek:
:lol: That's ok. I'm Steph. :D I really love the new Cath icons you made, she looks gorgeous in them, well done. :D

Sophia and Sara, I love your Greg/Eric ones as well... He is such a cutie. :D
Thanks Dan and Steph! :)

Ok I must have been stashing icons in the wrong places because I just found another one. :eek: :lol:


Perhaps it's time to do some PB clean up!
Oh my, Sara, you've been busy!! I love that one aswell. He looks so cute in that pic, and the colouring and cropping is great. :D Well done!! :D
^^Ahhh cool icon! its great that your finding all these icons in your PB and sharing 'em when you can't actual make any atm! :D
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