Thanks for the nice comments Sara and Liffy! Great icons Sara! That prine charming one is so cute!
LOVE the secret agent one Liffy! You know I just posted a new icon challenge in another *cough* thread! *leaves before she gets in trouble*
Cool icons Sara, I'm going over to the LJ after this to I'll leave a comment there!
Nice Icons Liffy
None from me, I'll be away for the rest of week, I'm still here cause I just wanna see if I can get in a few entries for a certain challenge ^*coughs*...I hope to talk to ya'll next week and bring with me some icons!
Thanks Sophia! Enjoy! I will try to have the rest of your requests done by the time you return. I hope your week goes ok. Hope for another PM from you before you leave! LOL
Oh my word Liffy, I love both of your updates... I'm so tempted to change my icon again... :lol: Well done, I love the 'Agent Nicky Stokes' one... Heck, I love them all!!