CSI Icons #4 - Showcase, Links and Requests

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^^I'll have a go...is there anything specific you want on it any text you want on it...let me know okay....

Glad Ya'll like the Greg Icon - Thanks for your kind words!!! :D :D :D

Another Nick Icon

cathwillows said:
And thanks Steph :D btw, we have the same name :lol:
Awww wow that's so cool!! :D And we have the same obsessions too. ;)

Shazza Fab Nicky icon, that is a gorgeous pic of him. <3
Yeah I agree, Nick with sunglasses is always hot! Good choice shazza
Which brings me to your banner Steph I so love it!!! Nick + my fav colour = <3 :D We're kind of soulmates I guess ;)
cathwillows said:
Yeah I agree, Nick with sunglasses is always hot! Good choice shazza
Which brings me to your banner Steph I so love it!!! Nick + my fav colour = <3 :D We're kind of soulmates I guess ;)

Hehe I think we are, I love Nicky, and Cath... and Gil. <3 :lol:

By the way, that is an awesome avie of Billy and Marg Adzix, I love those pics of them. <3
^^^Nice icon Kat!! Great Job!! :D

Here's one from me lol Kat knows the little story behind this one lol..but I'm too embarrassed to share lol...lets just say I made a stupid mistake :eek:

Lol Kat I know...

And like I said before I love my new icon!! Thank you for taking the time to make it I know you've had a pretty hectic week so I really appericate the fact that you took the time to make it! :D

Okay alittle different from me but hey what the heck! two Sandle ones and a Sara one...




:D :lol: taking a guess at the songs I was listening to while makin these lol...
Hi everyone! Ya'll are so great at this! I am wanting a banner for GSR. I'd like it to have the "pin me down" scene, the medivac scene , the proposal and the kiss.

Is that even possible?:eek:
Thanks to any takers! :D
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