CSI Icons #3 - Showcase, Links, and Requests.

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Hello :) Is there where we make requests??
If so.. could someone please make me a GSR banner :D ?

By the way... love all the stuff in here. It's great! Spesh all the Sara stuff ;-)
Aww, thanks so much guys :)

:lol: :lol: Dardelie, that second one is making me laugh :p I love GSR, don't get me wrong but :lol: :p

x_lea_x said:
Hello :) Is there where we make requests??
If so.. could someone please make me a GSR banner :D ?

I have some I made recently, actually :) If you like either of them feel free to use them! I'll post them in the Signature Banner thread.
MiaCharlize said:
WOW, Erica, those are gorgeous! Love the Cath-giggle icons and the one of Hodges. Snagged those. ;)
LOL thanks Mia. AND YOU LIKE TEH HODGES! :lol: He so rocked in that scene. :D

Duh Fra, it's no competition and I love your icons. They're excellent, especially the Cath ones. But you already know I'd say that. LMAO. <3
Beautiful Icons everyone!

Here are some of mine!

[87] Various CSI


Rest on my LiveJournal

Comment, comment, comment! xo
Hey guys...can someone help me? I would like to make an avvie out of this picture, but its kind of dark and I was wondering if there is a way to brighten the picture. Also I would like to crop it to where it's just catherine in the pic.
Waiting, when pics are too dark for me I like to play around with the brightness/contrast settings. If that doesn't work, try changing the levels and curves of the pic (not sure what program you're using but I'm pretty sure Paintshop and Photoshop are pretty similar :)). I also like to change colors around to make it look brighter and more colorful, so try adding lighter coloring layers. I like using light pinks, it really helps bring out the light in the pic.

ETA: Some Cath icons! I was inspired ;)

allstar12 said:
Great icons, vegas. :D

Now, hop to your NY batch :p

ROFL. Wasn't I just telling you on AIM that I was working on them? But I have to stop, because I'm heading out for dinner. :p

Tomorrow is another day though. :p
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